
Information on Accessibility (508 compliance)

  Our website includes several features designed to improve accessibility for users with disabilities.  Some of these features are described in this paragraph.  Images on the site contain 'alt tags,' which aid users who listen to the content of the site by using a screen reader, rather than reading the site. 

  Users can get information regarding the accessibility of Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) Files from the Access Adobe Website (Link & URL provided below) .

*.pdf Portable Document Format (.pdf) - this format creates a document that looks exactly like the original paper document.
Download the free viewer * 
Additional Adobe free tools are available to assist visually impaired users at
*.doc Word (.doc) - this is a common format for word processing documents.
Download the free viewer: 
*.ppt PowerPoint (.ppt) - this is a common format for presentation documents.
Download the free viewer:
*.xls Excel (.xls) - this is a common format for spreadsheet documents.
Download the free viewer:
*.ra Real Audio (.ra) - this is a common format for audio files on the Internet.
Download the free player:
(If you want the free player, click only on those links which advertise a FREE player download)
*.mov/ *.mp3 Quicktime (.mov or .mp3) - this is a common format for audio & video files on the Internet.
Download the free player:
*.asf *.wma *.wmv Windows Media ASF Viewer 9 Series - this is a common format for audio & video files on the Internet.
Download the free player:

*Presence of viewer does not constitute endorsement of one commercial product over another.
Note our disclaimer for external links below.

Web Accessibility Policies/Regulations

Department of Defense (DOD) Computer/Electronic Accommodations Program:

CAP's mission is to ensure people with disabilities have equal access to
the information environment and opportunities in the Department of Defense
and throughout the Federal Government

Federal Accessibility Initiative:  Section 508

1998 Amendment to Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act

Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. 794d), as amended by the FY 2001 Appropriation for Military
Construction (Public Law 106-246 -- July 13, 2000)

*Notice Regarding External Links:  Areas of this web page link to Web Information Systems
providing information and services under the control of other government organizations,
commercial firms, educational institutions, and private parties.  The appearance of these
hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Army of these websites or of the
information, products or services contained therein.  These links are offered as a convenience
and for informational purposes only.  For other than authorized activities such as military
exchanges and Morale, Welfare and Recreation sites, the U.S. Army does not exercise any
editorial control over their information and bears no responsibility for the accuracy of their content. 
External links are included here because they provide information on web site "accessibility" issues
and products not readily available elsewhere.  These links are provided consistent with the stated
purpose of this DoD Web site.


Last Reviewed: January 11, 2010

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