
Don’t miss the ACoI-Afghanistan working group at Fort Leavenworth, KS

  • When: 11JUL12 (0800-1700) to critical lessons. In support of a request from ISAF Joint Command (IJC) to AWG-Afghanistan to facilitate an Advisory Community of Interest (ACoI) for Afghanistan, we are extending back to CONUS.

Purpose is to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of Advisors to Coalition Forces in support of COMIJC Operational Priorities. Key tasks and functions include dissemination of information and increased understanding throughout diverse organizations.

To support the IJC directive for Afghanistan, ACoI-Afghanistan working group at Fort Leavenworth, KS 110800-1700JUL12 to capture critical lessons and apply them appropriately throughout the generating force. Organizations that provide advisory support at all levels are encouraged to participate.

A more detailed agenda and logistics information will be sent out in the future.

  • WHO: Advisory Community of Interest (ACoI)-Afghanistan: (JCISFA, JIEDDO/JET, AWG, CALL, AIwFC, FORCOM G3T, 162nd, CTCs, JIEDDO/JET, SOF, Interagency Elements, NATO, SFA-BCTs)
  • WHAT & WHY: Increase effectiveness and efficiency of Advisors to Coalition Forces(CF) share, receive, and action information in support of COMIJC Operational Priorities.
  • WHEN: 11JUL12 (0800-1700)
  • WHERE: Fort Leavenworth, KS (specifics TBD)

The Asymmetric Warfare Group POC for this working group is MAJ Jeff Brewster


Last Reviewed: August 8, 2012

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