The Latest News from Washington


1.3 Percent Growth


Last week, the Commerce Department released a revised estimate of growth in the nation's gross domestic product (GDP). Originally, they had estimated a disappointing 1.7 percent growth rate in the second quarter. After further review, it turns out America's economy grew at only 1.3 percent — another sign that the so-called economic recovery the American people ought to see is not materializing.


At this point past the end of even a deep recession like the one we experienced, this anemic growth in our economy is unacceptable. It is clear that small and large businesses, those that might invest in, grow an enterprise, and create jobs are still wary of taking chances while there is so much uncertainty in our economy. Tremendous amounts of private capital is waiting on the sidelines because Washington is failing to address our nation's fiscal challenges in a responsible manner.


We truly face a fiscal cliff where indiscriminate cuts to our nation's national defense capabilities coupled with a massive tax increase on American families and small businesses will do great harm to our economy. House Republicans have put forth and passed a plan to reprioritize the spending cuts we need so we don't undermine our military. We have adopted a proposal to avoid a new year tax hike while putting in place a structure to achieve fundamental tax reform next year.


Families and job creators need more certainty. They need to know that Washington is going to get its fiscal house in order. And they need to know it sooner rather than later. We can avoid this fiscal cliff and get our nation on a path to stronger economic growth and jobs. It will require serious and thoughtful leadership.


A Visit to the Brookhaven Rotary


It was a real privilege to attend last week's meeting of the Brookhaven Rotary Club. As the youngest city in Georgia, Brookhaven will be joining a number of new cities that have sprung up across the Sixth District of Georgia. As always, I look forward to these opportunities to share with folks all across the district what I see as the great challenges facing the American people and those positive solutions we can and must pursue to get the nation back on the right track. Working together and with policies that empower individuals and families not Washington, we can see a brighter future for ourselves and most importantly for our children.