Stand Downs

Stand Downs are events that take place around the country that last one to three days and provide assistance to Veterans experiencing homelessness. Community partners come together to provide comprehensive services all in one place including housing referrals and shelter services, meals, clothing, health screenings, enrollment in mainstream benefit programs, and employment services. 

View the program website

Veterans are able to have one-stop access to a wide variety of services to help them regain stability. This program is funded as a part of the Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program and is supported both by Labor and the VA.  For a list of upcoming Stand Downs click here

Eligible Applicants:

State and local Workforce Investment Boards, Veterans’ Service Organizations, local government agencies, for-profit and non-profit organizations may apply for funding to put on Stand Down events. 

Eligible Beneficiaries:

Veterans experiencing homelessness are the beneficiaries of Stand Down events. 

Funding Mechanism:

Each year funding is allocated from the Homeless Veterans Reintegration Budget to applying service providers on a first-come first-served basis.