Federal grant sets the stage for healthier living in Minneapolis

A two-year federal grant to battle obesity and other chronic diseases through prevention is coming to an end in June, but the effects of the grant will help people in Minneapolis live healthier lives for years to come. Communities Putting Prevention to Work was a large-scale, two-year, federally funded program designed to increase physical activity and improve nutrition by making healthy options available and affordable in communities, at school and at work. Thanks to the grant funding, Minneapolis residents now have more options for healthy living, including:

The City chose to strategically target the grant dollars primarily into north Minneapolis because the area has disproportionately high rates of obesity, chronic diseases and poverty, and it has low levels of adequate physical activity and fruit and vegetable consumption.

Communities Putting Prevention to Work in Minneapolis was funded as part of the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act of 2009 by the Minneapolis Department of Health and Family Support through the Minnesota Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Published Jun 4, 2012