Open Government

The FLRA is committed to the Government's goals of transparency, participation, and collaboration for the American population.  Consistent with this commitment the FLRA has a Plain Language initiative which includes our Plain Language web page, which is found by going here.

Our Plan:


The FLRA will provide citizens with current information about the case filings and closings in the various components of the agency.  The FLRA will also provide updated information on the number of open and closed Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) cases.  In addition, the agency will provide current FLRA staffing information.  This data will be submitted by the FLRA to the project in an "open" format, and links will be provided to the data on this webpage.


The FLRA will continue to solicit advice from experts both inside and outside of government in the development or refinement of policies and procedures.  The FLRA has seen significant strides in its "engage the FLRA" project for incorporating the public's ideas into creative and proactive procedures.


The FLRA is committed to collaborating with the public and other government agencies and industry to find innovative ways to accomplish its mission.  The FLRA will continue to reach out to these parties in the same manner it did in the selection of the best open source web framework -- which resulted in the FLRA being the first to implement an agency-wide open source website.


Our Data-Sets: 


 Agency Cases XML

This dataset represents the pending case inventory and closed case output from our new case management system.  Currently these numbers include only cases of the Federal Service Impasses Panel (FSIP).  As the FLRA continues to develop its case management system, the case data of other FLRA components will be included.  The agency anticipates that all case filing and closed case data from the new case management system will be available by September 2010.

XML Agency Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Cases

The FLRA received and processed several FOIA cases in FY 2009.  This dataset represents the number of FOIA requests received and processed, and those that remained pending at the end of FY 2009.  In the future, this dataset will reflect current as well as historical data.

XML Agency Human Resource Data 

This data represents a current snapshot of employees working for the FLRA.


 Where can I learn more about the Open Government Directive?

 Press Release from the White House

Open Government: A Progress Report to the American People\

The Open Government Initiative