Press Release

House Rules Committee Reports First Modified Open Rule of 112th Congress

January 25, 2011

WASHINGTON, DC – The House Rules Committee has reported a modified open rule providing for consideration of H.R. 359, a bill to reduce Federal spending and the deficit by terminating taxpayer financing of presidential election campaigns and party conventions.  The rule is the first modified open rule to be considered in the House in nearly two years and according to Rules Committee Chairman David Dreier (R-CA), another step in the effort to conduct the people’s business in a more open and transparent way.

“The new Republican Majority pledged a more open and transparent process and we are already making good on that promise,” Dreier said.  “We are posting legislation online for at least three days and today, we are moving toward an open amendment process on the House floor.  The question of whether or not we will reduce Federal spending by eliminating public funding of presidential campaigns is a serious one.  Under this rule, all members will have the opportunity to be heard in the debate.  I look forward to a robust and free flowing debate on the House floor tomorrow.”

The modified open rule reported by the Rules Committee providing for consideration of H.R. 359 allows for one hour of general debate and allows any germane amendment pre-printed in the Congressional Record to be debated under the 5 minute rule for a period not to exceed five hours.