Bruce Fong

Associate Special Counsel for Investigation and Prosecution

Bruce Fong is the Associate Special Counsel for Investigation and Prosecution. He joined OSC’s prosecution division in 1983 after private practice and served as OSC’s Senior Trial Attorney from 1987-2009. Mr. Fong specializes in whistleblower retaliation and other prohibited personnel practices and has represented OSC before the Merit Systems Protection Board in numerous significant cases, including Special Counsel v. Costello, Special Counsel v. Russell, Special Counsel v. Hathaway, Hillen v. Department of the Army, Special Counsel v. Brown, Special Counsel v. Ross and Special Counsel v. Filiberti. Mr. Fong has been a frequent presenter at conferences and forums presenting on prohibited personnel practices and OSC’s enforcement program. His article, “Whistleblower Protection and the Office of Special Counsel: the Development of Reprisal Law in the 1980s,” is published at 40 Am.L.Rev. 1015 (1991). He is a past recipient of the S.F. Bay Area’s Federal Executive Board’s Federal Employee of the Year award for civil law enforcement. Mr. Fong received his J.D. from the University of California Law School (formerly Boalt Hall) and his A.B. from Brown University. He is a member of the State Bar of California and lives in Kensington, CA.