Acting Secretary Blank Addresses Minority-Owned Businesses about the Importance of the American Jobs Act

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Acting Secretary Blank Addresses MED Week 2011

This morning Acting Secretary Rebecca Blank addressed the 29th Annual Minority Enterprise Development Week Conference about the importance of Congress passing the American Jobs Act. Dr. Blank emphasized that the American Jobs Act will help a private sector in need of a little boost. It will create jobs. It will prevent the layoffs of teachers and first responders. And it will rebuild the roads, railways and airports that form the very backbone of Commerce. 

She noted that the Obama Administration knows government can’t solve all the problems facing our country. What it can do is help lay a foundation for growth and create smart incentives for minority entrepreneurs and all American businesses to build something special on top of that foundation.

As part of this commitment to business and job growth, among the programs the administration has created are:

  • The Startup America Initiative, which connects established private sector mentors to innovative entrepreneurs;
  • The Small Business Jobs Act, which is providing billions of dollars in lending support and tax cuts for small businesses;
  • The $33 million Jobs and Innovation Accelerator Challenge to drive job growth through public-private partnerships in regions around the country, and we’re pleased to note that three MBDA centers were among the winners.
  • The National Export Initiative, which Commerce leads, is aimed at connecting small and medium sized enterprises with the 95 percent of the world’s consumer who live outside our border and doubling U.S. exports by 2015; and,
  • New aggressive steps by federal agencies, which are the nation’s largest purchaser of goods and services, to improve contracting with small businesses, including minority-owned firms.

The goal is simple. It is to improve the overall competitiveness of American business at home and abroad.

At MBDA, the Commerce Department and throughout the administration, everyone is doing everything they can to help minority businesses and all American businesses reach their full potential.

That's how to put more people to work. That’s how to help business grow. That’s how to ensure that American workers, American companies and American communities compete and win in the global economy.

The 2011 MED Week Conference is a great venue for minority-owned firms to access information, tools and resources to grow their businesses both domestically and internationally.

Among the many activities, MED Week featured a Business Matchmaking Expo and Pavilion that encompassed six events:

  1. Signature One-on-One Matchmaking Sessions
  2. MBE Connect - Prime to Sub One-on-One Meetings
  3. Interactive Pavilion
  4. Federal Opportunity Learning Sessions
  5. Power Learning Sessions
  6. B2B Expo


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