Veteran Homelessness In Focus

One of the four goals of Opening Doors is to end homelessness among our nation’s Veterans by 2015, and in the past two years the country has made great strides. There are an array of programs and services available to Veterans who are at-risk of or experiencing homelessness. 


 In May 2012, USICH spoke with federal government partners and Veteran service providers on resources communities can use to help Veterans in need beyond the HUD-VASH Program. 

VA Programs to Prevent and End Homelessness: An Interview with Lisa Pape, Director of Homeless Programs for the Veterans Health Administration

A Veteran-Centric Approach & Right Sizing Interventions for Veterans in Need: Three Example Veteran Profiles

Pilot Program in MA Links Vulnerable Veterans to Housing and Services Quickly

Helping Female Veterans Find Stable Lives

The Path Forward

In November 2011, USICH spoke with federal government partners, service providers, policy leaders, and a Veteran to focus on the path forward toward the 2015 goal.

Ending Veterans Homelessness by 2015: A Note from Susan Angell, the Executive Director for Veterans Homeless Initiatives at the Department of Veterans Affairs

Programs to Increase Employment for Veterans from the Department of Labor

Ending Veteran Homelessness in New Orleans: the Importance of Partnerships and Shared Goals

100K Homes Housing Placement Boot Camp: a New Efficient Way to Decrease Time to Housing

Top 9 Things You Can Do Right Now from 100K Homes

Female Veterans: With Increased Risk, Specific Needs to Overcome Homelessness

Planning Successful Outcomes for Veterans: Measuring Impact in Cincinnati