Job Corps

The Job Corps Program is designed as a holistic career development program for low-income young adults ages 16-24 to complete an education, learn marketable skills, and exit the program with meaningful employment. 

View the program website

The Department of Labor works with private contractors to run 124 JobCorps campuses around the country. Most campuses have dormitory-like settings where students live during their time in the program, providing for a safe, drug-free environment where they can gain skills and an education. Upon completion of the program, Job Corps participants have obtained a job that pays enough to maintain a stable living, a vital element for preventing homelessness. For low-income youth, hampered access to quality education and employment resources continues the cycle of poverty far into their future which can lead to homelessness. Stemming this problem with comprehensive career development for a large number of youths, Job Corps is designed to prevent and end homelessness for this population. The Veterans’ Employment and Training Service also recently announced a demonstration project to specifically serve young Veterans through Job Corps.

To find a Job Corps program near you, click here

Eligible Beneficiaries:

Low-income youth ages 16-24 are eligible to participate in a local Job Corps campus following successful screening and admission. 

Funding Mechanism:

Job Corps funding is bid on by contracting organizations directly from the Department of Labor for development of a Job Corps Campus, and receives annual funding following award of the contract.