Requests to Intervene

Seeking OSC Intervention at the MSPB

OSC has the authority to formally submit its views (“intervene”) in a matter pending before the Merit Systems Protection Board (“MSPB”), although in certain types of appeals, OSC must obtain the consent of the person appealing before intervening. OSC may choose to intervene in matters it deems highly significant to the proper functioning of the merit system, including cases under the Whistleblower Protection Act. If you would like OSC to consider a request to intervene, please send an email to <> with the subject line “Request to Intervene.” Please include: (1) The case name and docket number, if they’ve been assigned; (2) What, if any, action the MSPB has taken in the matter to date; (3) Whether any MSPB proceedings are scheduled and, if so, what they are about and when they will be held; and (4) Why you are seeking OSC’s intervention, including a description of any novel or important legal issue in the proceeding.