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HUD   >   Program Offices   >   Fair Housing   >   Lending   >   Minority Homeownership Initiatives
Minority Homeownership Initiatives

HUD is an avid supporter of increased minority homeownership. The Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity carefully monitors the programs of other HUD offices, as well as the work of GSEs (government sponsored enterprises) to ensure that policies are being followed to progress toward an increase in numbers of minority homeowners. Policies and procedures are examined to be sure they do not discriminate or bring about a negative impact against minorities in pursuit of homeownership

Serving as the mission regulator for government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) in the secondary mortgage market, HUD continues to promote efforts to increase the number of minority and low to moderate-income families working to achieve homeownership Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two largest sources of housing finance in the United States, have been subject to a number of goals associated with mortgage lending to low income families. Read more about these goals.

Read more information on analysis and effects of these goals on low and moderate-income families.

Want to read more studies and information on HUD's involvement in influencing policy changes?

What we Know about Mortgage Lending Discrimination in America 1999