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HUD   >   Program Offices   >   Chief Information Officer   >   Project Planning and Management
Project Planning and Management (PPM) Life Cycle

IMPORTANT NOTICE TO CURRENT IT PROJECTS: Effective April 2011, HUD policy established the Project Planning and Management (PPM) Life Cycle, which integrates tenets of the Project Management Institute and those of the System Development Life Cycle, for all IT projects. The PPM Life Cycle replaces HUD's previous System Development Methodology (SDM). Current IT contracts that require projects to follow the SDM will be addressed by the Government Technical Representatives (GTRs) on a case-by-case basis in order to determine how much, if any, of the work can be incorporated into the new PPM Life Cycle.

The Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD’s) Project Planning and Management (PPM) Life Cycle is the rigorous application of sound investment and project management principles and best practices. It provides the context for the HUD IT governance process and describes the interdependencies between its project management, investment management, and capital management components. 

PPM relies on clear and efficient solution specification, design, development, and implementation, and subjects projects to continuous review and approval processes. There are seven major phases of PPM:

Graphic of the PPM Framework showing Need/Concept; Definition; Design; Execution of Solution; Deployment; Operate and Maintain; and Decommission

As a major component of the HUD IT Management (ITM) Framework, PPM enables the effective integration of the project and its outputs with the HUD's enterprise architecture, IT security, IT acquisition management, and IT capital management processes.

An important objective of the PPM life cycle is to provide flexibility that allows tailoring of the methodology to suit the characteristics of a particular solution development effort. This moves HUD away from a "one-size fits all" approach to project planning and management.

Detailed procedures and artifacts (including templates, guidelines, and checklists) are available to guide you through each of the PPM Life Cycle Phases.