Technical Assistance for Student Assignment Plans

Current Section  Purpose
 Office of Elementary and Secondary Education Home

Program Office: Office of School Support and Technology Programs
CFDA Number: 84.004F
Program Name:Technical Assistance for Student Assignment Plans (TASAP)

Program Description

The TASAP program provides one-time competitive grants to local educational agencies (LEAs) to procure technical assistance in preparing, adopting, or modifying, and implementing student assignment plans to avoid racial isolation and resegregation in the Nation’s schools, and to facilitate student diversity, within the parameters of current law. LEAs use these grant funds to seek assistance and expertise from student assignment specialists, demographers, community relations specialists, facility and other planners, or curriculum specialists and others in comparable LEAs with relevant and successful experience, as well as specialists and consultants from academia, non-profit organizations, civil rights organizations, and the private sector.

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Last Modified: 07/21/2009