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USFK Training

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Required Personnel Recovery Training

Personnel Recovery is part of the Warrior Ethos:  I will never leave a fallen comrade.  This concept begins by ensuring every leader, Soldier, DA civilian, and DA contractor is trained to survive isolating situations and trained in actions to recover those lost. 

All military, Emergency Essential DA Civilian personnel, and DA contractors accompanying the force assigned to Korea are required to complete the following training before departing CONUS:  Korean Theatre Personnel Recovery Indoctrination Brief, SERE 100 Level B Code of Conduct, and have entered their personal information into the Army Pre-OCONUS travel file (PRO File).  Certificates will be available after the completion of SERE 100 and the PRO File.

You will need an AKO account to complete the training.
You will also need to be able to upload two digital photos for the PRO File.


  • Korean Theatre Personnel Recovery Indoctrination
  • SERE 100 Level B, Code of Conduct
  • Pre-OCONUS travel file (PRO File |  PRO File Access Instruction)

SERE 100 Level B Training

To access SERE 100 Level B training conduct the following:

  1. Go to your AKO homepage
  2. Click on JKO to the right of your screen
  3. Click on “TAKE COURSE” under “JKO TOOLS”
  4. Click on “VIEW LIST OF COURSES YOU CAN TAKE” at the bottom
  5. Find SERE 100 toward the bottom
  6. Check the box next to SERE 100 Course
  7. Scroll to the bottom and click on “ENROLL”

Contact Us

Questions or concerns dealing with Personnel Recovery Training content should be directed to EUSA G3 AVN – Personnel Recovery at Commercial 1-82-0505-723-6286/ DSN 315-723-6286 or