2010 Louisiana Water Quality Inventory: Integrated Report (305(b)/303(d))

State of Louisiana Water Quality Management Plan
Water Quality Inventory Integrated Report
Section 305(b) and Section 303(d) of Clean Water Act


The 2010 Louisiana Water Quality Inventory: Integrated Report (305(b)/303(d)) was approved with three subsegment revisions by EPA on March 22, 2012. The report is now considered final.

Full Text of 2010 Integrated Report  

Appendix A: 2010 Integrated Report of Water Quality in Louisiana

  • The preceding two files contain Louisiana's FINAL 2010 Integrated Report-Water Quality Assessments following EPA Region 6 final decision. 

Appendix B: 2010 Integrated Report of Water Quality in Louisiana - Addendum  

Appendix C: 2010 Integrated Report of Water Quality in Louisiana - Category 1 Addendum  

  • Appendix C contains water bodies and suspected causes of impairment that were formerly considered impaired in previous Integrated Reports. They are no longer considered to be impaired by Louisiana. More recent data or information was used to make this determination during the 2010 Integrated Report assessment process. Appendix C is used here as a tool to track changes to the Integrated Report over time.

Appendix D: Complete list of suspected causes of impairment

Appendix E: Complete list of suspected sources of impairment

Appendix F: Complete listing of Louisiana's Ambient Surface Water Quality Network Sites

Appendix G: Public Comments on the 2010 Integrated Report and LDEQ's Response to Comments   

  • Appendix G is a compilation of all comments received regarding the 2010 Integrated Report, along with LDEQ's response to those comments. Any changes made to the 2010 Integrated Report based on public comments are noted in the column entitled, Summary of LDEQ Responses.

Appendix H: Louisiana's 2010 Section 303(d) List  

  • Appendix H represents a subset of Louisiana's 2010 Integrated Report (IR) and includes only those water body impairment combinations (WICs) reported as Category 5. As has been noted in the body of the IR text, WICs in Category 5 of the IR assessments are the only WICs on Louisiana's 2010 303(d) List. This table was developed only as an aid to the public and does not constitute Louisiana's 303(d) List. Every effort was made to maintain consistency between Appendix A Category 5 WICs and Appendix H. However, in order to ensure the accuracy of the overall Integrated Report only those WICs in Appendix A, Category 5, constitute the official 2010 303(d) List.

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