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HUD   >   Program Offices   >   Sustainable Housing Communities   >   Environmental Justice Strategy
HUD's Environmental Justice Strategy
On September 30, 2011, HUD published for public comment a draft Environmental Justice Strategy for 2012 through 2015. HUD is committed to meeting the goals of Executive Order 12898, "Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations," which states that each federal agency, with the law as its guide, should make environmental justice part of its mission. In this regard, HUD has developed its Environmental Justice Strategy (EJ Strategy). HUD's EJ Strategy is a four-year plan to address environmental justice concerns and increase access to environmental benefits through HUD policies, programs, and activities.

The release of HUD's EJ Strategy is part of the latest step in a larger Administration-wide effort to ensure strong protection from environmental and health hazards for all. In August 2011, federal agencies signed the "Memorandum of Understanding on Environmental Justice and Executive Order 12898" (EJ MOU), which committed each agency to, among other things, finalizing an EJ strategy and releasing annual implementation reports. Links to the other federal EJ Strategies are available on the Environmental Justice Interagency Workgroup (IWG) webpage.

Now that its strategy is final, HUD will continue to work with the IWG and other federal partners to engage stakeholders through outreach, education, and stakeholder events and respond to public comments through its annual implementation reports.

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EPA Environmental Justice 20th Anniversary Video Series

To commemorate 20 years of working on environmental justice issues, our EJ IWG partners at the Environmental Protection Agency are releasing a series of videos to share lessons learned by community members and EJ advocates. Click below to view the first video in this series.

    Working Together for Environmental Justice.
