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OIA Supports GUAM Department Of Corrections

Washington, D.C. (April 11, 2012)  - The Department of the Interior's Assistant Secretary for Insular Areas, Tony Babauta, has authorized $3.5 million in Compact Impact grant funding to support the Guam Department of Corrections' (DOC) efforts to offset the cost of providing inmate housing to Compact of Free Association (COFA) migrants.

"I am pleased to be assisting the Department of Corrections in supplementing their existing budget.   The Calvo Administration, as well as members of the Guam Legislature, have raised the challenges confronting the Department, given the facility's population of freely associated state citizens.  This issue was also reiterated by Congresswoman Bordallo during the Pacific Island Leaders Addressing Compact Impact (PILACI) meeting held last month, on Guam. I am grateful to Governor Calvo for working with me to prioritize available and limited Compact Impact funding to address the operational needs of Government of Guam departments most affected by migration from the Freely Associated States (FAS).   The PILACI meeting helped to underscore the difficulties of Guam and Hawaii to accommodate migrating FAS citizens and the joint efforts which need to be undertaken by FAS leaders, the affected U.S. jurisdictions, and the U.S. government to address this regional concern," said Babauta.

Funding will assist the DOC in defraying costs of providing inmate housing, medical treatment, daily meals and transportation to and from medical appointments and court hearings.