Welcome to the IBRRC

The Justice Research and Statistics Association's Incident-Based Reporting Resource Center facilitates the use of state incident-based reporting (IBR) systems and the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) by crime analysts, researchers, and other justice professionals. The reports and analyses featured on this website demonstrate how incident-based data can be analyzed to address a wide variety of criminal justice policy questions and support evidence-based decision making.

In 2012, BJS announced its NCS-X initiative , which is designed to increase participation in NIBRS so that it will have the coverage to generate statistically-sound national estimates of crime known to law enforcement agencies. Through NCS-X, BJS will provide funding and technical assistance to selected local, state, and tribal law enforcement agencies and to state UCR programs to enable them to report NIBRS data.

IBRRC is supported by the Bureau of Justice Statistics.


FBI UCR Program to Transition to NIBRS by 2021
The Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Advisory Policy Board (APB) has recommended moving a NIBRS-only collection at the national level. On February 9, 2016, FBI Director James B. Comey approved the APB recommendation that “FBI UCR Program will transition to a NIBRS-only data collection by January 1, 2021.” Read more...

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BJS Funding Transition to Incident-Based Reporting Among Large Police Agencies
As part of its continuing support of the NCS-X initiative, BJS will be providing funding to support the transition to incident-based reporting (IBR) among agencies with 750 or more sworn officers that currently do not report IBR data to their state UCR Program or to the FBI’s NIBRS. A copy of the solicitation can be found here.

FBI Director James B. Comey Endorses NIBRS
FBI Director James B. Comey endorsed the use of NIBRS. In his address to National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives (NOBLE) Director Comey stated that he believes "NIBRS is the pathway to better data." Currently, 33 states are certified to report data via the NIBRS, and 16 of these states include agencies that report all of their crime statistics through the incident-based reports. Read more...

If you have data, syntax, documentation, or examples you'd like to contribute, please contact us.

Background and Status of Incident-Based
Reporting & NIBRS

What is Incident-Based Reporting?
What is NIBRS?
Advantages of Incident-Based Reporting Over Summary Reporting
Comparison of NIBRS and UCR Definitions
Smart NIBRS Decision-Making
Steps for Developing NIBRS
Status of NIBRS in the States
IBRRC Factsheet

Using IBR & NIBRS Data

Availability of IBR Data
Preparing Data for Analysis
Tips and Shortcuts for Working with NIBRS
Data Quality
Analyzing Incident-Based Data
Mapping Incident-Based Data

Reports & Projects

IBR Resource Center Reports Using State Data
State Projects
State Mapping Projects
IBR and NIBRS Annotated Bibliography and Mapping Resources
Links to Related Sites and References

State Profiles


Syntax & Sample Data

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