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U.S. Suppliers List
The U.S. Suppliers List* (USL) is managed through a cooperative agreement between the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) and the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA). New Media Solutions, Inc. hosts this service for FAS and NASDA.
The USL — a searchable database of more than 3,800 U.S. exporters and their products — helps facilitate contact between U.S. suppliers and potential foreign buyers. The database features more than 500 agricultural product categories under which companies can list their offerings.
The database is used by more than 80 USDA/FAS Overseas and Washington offices to help export agents, trading companies, importers and foreign buyers locate U.S. suppliers. It is also used to recruit U.S. exporters to participate in market development activities sponsored by USDA and federal export programs.
How to register on-line: Complete the on-line questionnaire*. Please make sure to include the SIC code and your company's Dunn & Bradstreet number. Your company will be added to the database within three business days.
Comments? Questions?
Contact the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service | Phone: (202) 690-3576 |
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