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President Obama Signs Trade Agreements and Trade Adjustment Assistance Into Law

10/21/2011 - 2:19pm
U.S.-South Korea Trade Agreement LogoU.S.-Colombia Trade Agreeement Logo
U.S.-Panama Trade AgreementTrade Adjustment Assistance

Every $1 billion in new exports of American goods supports more than 6,000 additional jobs here at home. Every billion dollars of services exports supports more than 4,500 jobs. The South Korea, Colombia, and Panama trade agreements will open markets for U.S. firms, increasing trade and exports. Increasing U.S. exports through these agreements will support additional jobs for American workers who produce Made-in-the-USA goods and services.

In addition, Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) provides training and support for American workers who are negatively affected by trade and is designed to help workers, firms, farmers and fishermen transition to alternative employment. The Administration is pleased that passage of the trade agreements with Korea, Colombia, and Panama were accompanied by a robust renewal of TAA consistent with the goals of the 2009 law that improved the scope and effectiveness of the program. This includes, for instance, covering Americans employed in the services sector in addition to U.S. manufacturing workers.

Find information related to the three trade agreements and Trade Adjustment Assistance below.


April 15, 2012
United States, Colombia Set Date for Entry into Force of U.S.-Colombia Trade Agreement

March 15, 2012
Jobs On The Way: U.S.-Korea Trade Agreement Enters Into Force

February 21, 2012
United States, Korea Set Date for Entry Into Force of U.S.-Korea Trade Agreement

February 18, 2012
Update on Implementation of the U.S.-Korea Trade Agreement

January 25, 2012
Update on Implementation of Trade Agreements with Korea, Colombia, and Panama

January 6, 2012
Update on Implementation of Trade Agreements with Korea, Colombia, and Panama

December 19, 2011
Update on Implementation of Trade Agreements with Korea, Colombia, and Panama

December 5, 2011
Update on Implementation of Free Trade Agreements with Korea, Colombia, and Panama

October 21, 2011:
Statement By U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk On Presidential Signature Of Trade Legislation

October 12, 2011:
Statement By U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk On Congressional Passage Of Trade Agreements, Trade Adjustment Assistance And Key Preference Programs

October 3, 2011
U.S Trade Representative Ron Kirk Calls for Swift Passage of Trade Agreements

August 3, 2011
Kirk Comment on Pending Trade Agreements, Trade Adjustment Assistance

July 7, 2011
USTR Kirk Comments Following Trade Markups In Senate Finance, House Ways and Means Committees

July 5, 2011
Statement from USTR Kirk Regarding Announcement of House Ways & Means Committee Markup

June 30, 2011
Ambassador Kirk Statement Regarding the Planned Informal Markup in The Senate Finance Committee

June 29, 2011
INFO: Links on Pending Trade Agreements, TAA, Preference Programs

June 28, 2011
U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk Welcomes Next Steps on Pending Trade Pacts, Trade Adjustment Assistance

June 30, 2011
Ambassador Kirk Statement Regarding the Planned Informal Markup in The Senate Finance Committee

July 5, 2011
Statement from USTR Kirk Regarding Announcement of House Ways & Means Committee Markup

July 7, 2011
USTR Kirk Comments Following Trade Markups In Senate Finance, House Ways and Means Committees


"The Truth about Trade Adjustment Assistance"

"A new era for U.S. trade policy"


March 15, 2011
Benefits for the United States from the U.S-Korea Trade Agreement

October 13, 2011
From Enactment To Entry Into Force: Next Steps On The Trade Agreements

October 3, 2011
The Pending Trade Agreements: More American Jobs, Faster Economic Recovery Through Exports


October 13, 2011:
Statements Regarding the Congressional Approval of the Korea, Colombia, and Panama Trade Agreements

October 4, 2011
Additional Statements Regarding the President’s Submission to Congress of the Korea, Colombia, and Panama Trade Agreements

October 3, 2011
Statements Regarding the President’s Submission to Congress of the South Korea, Colombia, and Panama Trade Agreements

June 29, 2011
Association Statements Regarding Movement on the Pending Trade Agreements, TAA


You can find a handy index of links to key information on the U.S.-Korea, U.S.-Colombia, and U.S.-Panama trade pacts, as well as on Trade Adjustment Assistance and trade preference programs here:

Links on pending trade agreements, TAA, preference programs


See how a trade agreement moves through Congress under Trade Promotion Authority below.

TPA Chart