
Contact Senator Collins

Note: Fields marked with an * are required.

Senator Collins is always eager to hear from all of her neighbors in Maine. To e-mail the Senator, please use the form below. The e-mail form allows the Senator to respond to your concerns without becoming overwhelmed with spam. The U.S. Senate recommends this approach so Senators are able to respond to their constituents in a timely manner. This information will not be used to add your name to any calling or mailing lists. We apologize for any inconvenience this system may cause and appreciate your understanding.

If your issue is time-sensitive, or you need help with a federal agency, please call one of Senator Collins' state offices with your concerns so that she can respond as quickly as possible. 

During those times when the U.S. Senate is receiving particularly high volumes of mail, the Senate server can become overwhelmed and messages can be misdirected.

* If you have an invitation for the Senator, please fax your request to:
(202) 228-5818. All invitations for Senator Collins must be received in writing. For in-state requests, please put to the attention of Darci Greenacre. For DC requests, please put to the attention of Maria Plakoudas.

Because of the high volume of mail that Senator Collins receives, she regrets that she can only respond to Maine residents.

Thank you!

Would you like a response from Senator Collins?

(fewer than 10,000 characters)