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National Summary
State Profiles
State Summaries
Form Library
Links and Contacts
Available Data
Illinois' InfoNet

      The Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking Data Resource Center provides information on how data are collected and used in the states. Funded by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the purpose of the Center is to provide information to researchers, practitioners and members of the public interested in finding, using, or understanding domestic and sexual violence and stalking data. Please note that JRSA does not collect data, but is a resource for assisting you to find the information that you need.

Information is available by topic using the tabs above. You can access information on each category of offense, including an overview of state legislation and data sources, as well as national and state projects and reports. For more specific information on what's going on in the states, you can use the links at the left.

Available are:

  • National Summary - a comparison of all states on the type of system used and types of information collected
  • State Profiles - a state-by-state snapshot of activities and practices
  • State Summaries - a condensed description of the activities of state agencies
  • Projects - a list of the current projects related to domestic violence and sexual assault
  • Bibliography - a list of related reports
  • Forms - a library of the data collection forms used in the states
  • Links and Contacts - a list of national and state contacts
  • Available Data - links to data available to the public
  • Illinois' InfoNet - a description of the development, implementation and operation of Illinois' Web-based information system for victim service providers

More information about how to use the Center can be found above or by clicking About the Center. If you have questions, comments, or would like to submit information, please contact Lisa Wagner. For more information on the Justice Research and Statistics Association, please visit our home page.


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