Research and Evaluation: FAQs Concerning Research Requests

1. What criteria will the review committee use to judge the proposal?

The review committee will be looking for the following criteria while reviewing the proposal. First, the study should be compatible with DoDEA policy and align with the benchmarks of the DoDEA Community Strategic Plan. Second, the hypothesis(es) of the study must be educationally important and serve to answer a pertinent issue in education. Evidence must be provided in the proposal about the theoretical and/or prior research upon which this hypothesis was developed, with linkages between the hypothesis(es) and the theoretical and/or prior research clearly shown. Third, the study must have an appropriate design, a well-defined sample, and valid and reliable instruments for data collection. Fourth, the timeline for data collection should not unduly affect instructional time. Finally, the study must have appropriate analyses and reporting techniques.

2. Who reviews the applications?

The applications for research are reviewed by a panel of DoDEA personnel (research committee) chosen to represent a broad base of subject matter experts. The committee ensures that research conducted in the DoDEA system complies with the DoDEA Community Strategic Plan and protects staff and students from unnecessary data collection. Studies that do not meet these criteria will be returned for revision.

3. What happens after the research committee reviews the application?

The research committee will make recommendations for acceptance or denial to the Chief, Research and Evaluation Branch. The Chief, Research and Evaluation, will verify or gain approval from the principal, district superintendent, and Area director. The Chief, Research and Evaluation Branch will then notify the requester of final approval or denial of the research.

Parental/student consent must be obtained where appropriate. One copy of the consent form must be kept on file in the student's permanent file at the school. No information, including but not limited to names, addresses, student ID, etc., about a student shall be released without the prior written consent of the parent.

The notification letter will state the conditions upon which approval is contingent or the reasons why the research proposal was denied.

4. What are the requirements of the researcher while the study is conducted?

Data collection should be scheduled well in advance of the timeline needed. Research must begin between October 1 and March 1, and completed by May 15. Consent from parents/students must be obtained, where appropriate. One copy of the parental permission slip will be filed in the students' permanent folder. All information obtained is held in the strictest of confidence, under the Privacy Act (5 USC 552a). Individuals conducting research studies in DoDEA schools/districts must abide by standards of professional conduct at all times. Failure to do so will be sufficient cause for termination of the research study.

5. What happens after the study?

The researcher must submit two copies of the final report when the research is complete as well as seek approval by the DoDEA Chief, Research and Evaluation Branch for submitting the research to publication. Studies on-going for more than one year must be updated with a progress report in the DoDEA Research and Evaluation Branch on the anniversary of the study's approval date.