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Publications & Products: Deaths in Custody Reporting Program
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Record 1 - 14 of 14 displayed.
Product Type Title (and Summary) Date Product Number
Publication HIV in Prisons, 2001-2010 Presents national trends in the rates of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and AIDS-related death rates among state and federal prison inmates from 2001 to 2010.
Part of the HIV in Prisons and Jails Series
9/13/2012 NCJ 238877
Data Table Prison and Jail Deaths in Custody, 2000-2009 - Statistical Tables Provides data on the number and causes of deaths that occurred in state prison or local jail custody.
12/14/2011 NCJ 236219
Data Table Arrest-Related Deaths, 2003-2009 - Statistical Tables Provides data on the circumstances of deaths that occur during, or shortly after, state or local law enforcement officers engage in an arrest or restraint process.
Part of the Arrest-Related Deaths Series
11/17/2011 NCJ 235385
Data Table Deaths in Custody Reporting Program, 2007 (Update) Contains a series of data tables describing recent trends in mortality in state prison, local jails, and during the process of arrest by state and local law enforcement officers.
Data Table Deaths in Custody: Local Jail Deaths, 2000-2007- Statistical tables This web page provides basic data on the number and characteristics of deaths reported each year by approximately 3,000 local jails nationwide, and provide both national data on the number and rate of jail deaths, by cause and over time, as well as specific data on the nation's 50 largest jail jurisdictions.
Data Table Deaths in Custody: State Prison Deaths, 2001-2007 - Statistical Tables These tables provide national data on both the number and rate of prison deaths, by cause and over time, as well as specific data on each state's prisons. Tables include basic data on the number and characteristics of deaths reported each year by all 50 state prison systems.
Press Release Mortality in Local Jails, 2000-2007 Describes the specific medical conditions causing deaths in local jails nationwide during the eight-year period, from 2000 to 2007.
Publication Mortality in Local Jails, 2000-2007 (Revised) Describes the specific medical conditions causing deaths in jails nationwide during an eight-year period.
7/7/2010 NCJ 222988
Publication HIV in Prisons, 2007-08 Presents yearend 2007 and 2008 data from the National Prisoner Statistics and the Deaths in Custody series.
Part of the HIV in Prisons and Jails Series
Data Table Deaths in Custody: State and Local Law Enforcement Arrest-Related Deaths, 2003-2006 - Statistical Tables This is an update to the Deaths in Custody Data tables page that provides State and local law enforcement arrest-related deaths for 2003-2006
Press Release Arrest-Related Deaths in the United States, 2003-2005 "States reported more than 2,000 arrest-related deaths from 2003 through 2005 -- Homicides by Officers Made Up More Than Half of Such Fatalities"
Part of the Arrest-Related Deaths Series
Publication Arrest-Related Deaths in the United States, 2003-2005 Presents the first findings from the law enforcement collection of the Deaths in Custody Reporting Program (DCRP), which is the largest resource of information ever collected on arrest-related deaths.
Part of the Arrest-Related Deaths Series
10/11/2007 NCJ 219534
Publication Medical Causes of Death in State Prisons, 2001-2004 Describes the specific medical conditions causing deaths in state prisons nationwide during a four-year period.
1/21/2007 NCJ 216340
Publication Suicide and Homicide in State Prisons and Local Jails Describes historical trends in State prison and local jail inmate mortality rates based on inmate death records submitted by local jails (for 2000-2002) and State prisons (for 2001-2002).
8/21/2005 NCJ 210036

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