Office of Scientific and Technical Information
Science Accelerator
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The first set of images of the GPCR structure was produced at Argonne National Laboratory's (ANL) Advanced Photon Source (APS)

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Twenty years ago (1992), Nobel Medals were awarded to two DOE-associated researchers -- Georges Charpak (Physics) and Rudolph A. Marcus (Chemistry).

DOE spotlights UT’s world-class science programs, exceptional students and faculty, and partnerships with ORNL and NNSA.


Find Key DOE Resources and More

Research Documents/InformationDOE Research Documents/Information and more

Information Bridge – Find DOE R&D full-text documents and bibliographic citations.

DOE R&D Accomplishments – Find information about the outcomes of past DOE R&D.

DOepatents – Find patents resulting from DOE-sponsored research and development.

DOE Green Energy – Find DOE green energy-related documents and patents information.

E-print Network – Find e-prints in basic and applied sciences.

Energy Citations Database (ECD) – Find bibliographic records and full-text where available.

Adopt-A-Doc? is an on-demand service that provides individuals the option to sponsor the digitization of full-text DOE technical reports.

Science Conference Proceedings – Find select science and technology conference papers and proceedings.

ScienceCinema – Find scientific videos highlighting research and development sponsored by DOE and CERN.

Science Accelerator – Find R&D results, project descriptions, accomplishments, and more via a 1-stop search across R&D collections.

Scientific Research DataDOE Scientific Research Data
About Scientific Research Data – Learn about the Department of Energy data discovery tool, the DataCite initiative, and the OSTI Data ID Service.

DOE Data Explorer – Find scientific research data - such as computer simulations, numeric data files, figures and plots, interactive maps, multimedia, and scientific images - generated in the course of DOE-sponsored research in various science disciplines.
Scientific and Technical SoftwareDOE Scientific and Technical Software
Energy Science and Technology Software Center – Find DOE-funded scientific and technical software developed by the national laboratories, other facilities and DOE contractors.
Science Education ResourcesScience Education Resources
.EDUconnections – Learn about featured universities and community colleges with connections to DOE's scientific programs. See examples of universities and community colleges that are supporting and advancing scientific research and discovery. (beta version) – Find federal science agency science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education content.

ScienceLab – A portal listing numerous education resources within DOE and beyond
Science Information from U.S. AgenciesScience Information from U.S. Agencies – Find selected science information provided by U.S. Government agencies.
Science Information from Global SourcesScience Information from Global Databases – Find science from participating nations of every inhabited continent.

ETDEWEB – Register for access to worldwide energy technology discoveries.

International Nuclear Information System – Find International bibliographic records related to peaceful applications of nuclear science and technology.

From the Director

Have you seen Dark Energy lately? Through the Energy Department you can find out what matters … in [Dark Matter]

Architecture for Accelerating Scientific Discovery: Ensuring global access to DOE research results; bringing the world's research to DOE

Some links on this page may take you to non-federal websites. Their policies may differ from this site. Walter L. Warnick, Director