NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974


  Performance Evaluation Activites at NERSC

Download File: WongNERSCPerfEvalActivities.ppt | ppt | 195 KB

  Seaborg Code Scalability Project

Download File: Gerberusgscalingnew.ppt | ppt | 186 KB

  Green's function Monte Carlo Calculations of Light Nuclei

Download File: Piepertalk.pdf | pdf | 148 KB

  Lattice QCD in Extreme Environments

Download File: Sinclairnug.pdf | pdf | 113 KB

  Global Climate Simulations with the Parallel Climate Model

Download File: WashingtonNERSCtalkmay2003.ppt | ppt | 2.1 MB

  Microturbulence in Fusion Plasmas

Download File: Cohenxy-phi-1.mpg | mpg | 4.3 MB
Download File: | ppt | 2.1 MB

  p3D: Magnetic Reconnection via an Electromagnetic PIC Code (set 1 of 2, 3 Movies)

Download File: | avi | 2.8 MB
Download File: Swisdakezall.avi | avi | 4.6 MB
Download File: Swisdakjzall.avi | avi | 3.6 MB

[Set 1: Contains 3 movies.] p3D: Magnetic Reconnection via an Electromagnetic PIC Code

Report from DOE - SciDAC Update, Allocations Update, Applications Matrix

[presentation not available]

  The NUG Executive Board Elections Process

Download File: KendallNUGEX-Elections.ppt | ppt | 36 KB

  ERCAP Allocation Requests for FY 2004

Download File: VerdierNERSC.FY.2004.Allocations.ppt | ppt | 735 KB

  Blue Planet Proposal

Download File: KramerNERSC.Blue.Planet.ppt | ppt | 371 KB

  Adjustments to NERSC's 5-Year Plan

Download File: KramerNERSC.Center.Plans.ppt | ppt | 1.6 MB

  GUPFS Project Progress Report

Download File: GUPFSNUG03May.ppt | ppt | 3 MB

  New Seaborg Queue Configuration Results

Download File: TurnerQueueResults.ppt | ppt | 152 KB

  Evaluation of Checkpoint/Restart on the SP

Download File: SrinivasanNUG-cpr.ppt | ppt | 310 KB

  Grid and Portal Plans

Download File: ChanNUGTalk.ppt | ppt | 574 KB

  Visualization Plans

Download File: NUG-052903-Bethel.ppt | ppt | 547 KB

  Scaling: Techniques and Pitfalls

Download File: SkinnerNUG.2003.ANL.Scaling.ppt | ppt | 624 KB

  Understanding and Using Profiling Tools on Seaborg

Download File: Gerberprofiletoolsnug.ppt | ppt | 359 KB
Download File: Gerberprofiletoolsnug.pdf | pdf | 427 KB

  IBM Compiler Optimization Arguments

Download File: Stewartoptarg.may03.ppt | ppt | 133 KB

  Effective Memory Use

Download File: SkinnerNUG.2003.ANL.Memory.ppt | ppt | 308 KB

  Libraries and Their Performance

Download File: DeBoniNewestTraining03.ppt | ppt | 349 KB

  A Comparison of Performance Analysis Tools on the SP

Download File: cartertools.ppt | ppt | 1.6 MB
Download File: cartertools-2.pdf | pdf | 1.2 MB

  Hybrid MPI and OpenMP Programming on the SP

Download File: HeNUG2003yhe.ppt | ppt | 539 KB

  Visualization Capabilities at NERSC

Download File: Schwartzhypervel.mpg | mpg | 309 KB
Download File: Schwartzflame.mpg | mpg | 1.9 MB

  New Seaborg Queue Configuration Results

Download File: TurnerQueueResults.ppt | ppt | 152 KB

Results of Seaborg's new batch configuration will be presented, with an emphasis on large-scale parallel jobs and system throughput.

  p3D: Magnetic Reconnection via an Electromagnetic PIC Code (set 2 of 2, ppt)

Download File: Swisdakp3d.ppt | ppt | 1.1 MB

[Set 2 of 2, 1 ppt file] p3D: Magnetic Reconnection via an Electromagnetic PIC Code