NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

File Systems

For a general description of the different file systems available on PDSF please see  Eliza File Systems and Other File Systems.  Below is a summary of how STAR uses the various systems:


The STAR software is installed on /common.  For 32sl44 it is under /common/star/star44 and for sl53 it is under /common/star/star53.  In both cases the software consists primarily of a STAR-specific ROOT installation on which releases of the STAR libraries are built as shown on the Local STAR Libraries page.

/eliza3, /eliza6, /eliza9, /eliza14, /eliza15, /eliza17

STAR has space on 6 elizas as shown in the table below.

File Systemstar space (TB)use
eliza3 39 production
eliza6 9 production
eliza9 39 production
eliza14 34 production, user space under /eliza14/star/pwg
eliza15 34 production
eliza17 61 production, user space under /eliza17/star/pwg


STAR has a quota of 4TB on /project/projectdirs/dayabay and it is used for miscellaneous purposes as well as hosting some webpages.