NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

September 28

PDSF Users Meeting 9/28/10

Attending: Eric and Jay from PDSF and users Ke Han, Joanna, Marjorie, Thomas, Shane.

Cluster status: Cluster has been pretty full last few weeks, mostly STAR and ALICE. There are a lot of astrogfs jobs pending but they have no share so they don't run.

Outages: NERSC-wide outage recently due to a security problem. PDSF outage this morning - logins were hanging. The memory problem was fixed but another kernel patch is needed.

Upcoming downtimes: Nothing scheduled but will do a rolling upgrade of the new patch. /project downtime tomorrow.

New hardware: End of fiscal year orders are done. Everything should be online in the next couple weeks.

SL302 retirement: Scheduled for the end of October.

Other Topics:

- Marjorie reports that she is working with the ATLAS grid people.

- Jeff reports a user had a slow job - probably due to some recent GPFS problems.

- Thomas asked about when /eliza11 would be retire. It (and /eliza12 and /eliza13) will be retired after the new storage is online.