Page Title: Introduction

What you can do on this page:

Take a Guided Tour of TreasuryDirect to see for yourself how simple it is to set up an account and to buy and manage securities online.

If you're ready to open an account, review the information you'll need to have on hand to complete the easy, three-step process:

The introductory page also provides an opportunity to review account "Terms and Conditions", and “Learn more about Security Features and Protecting Your Account.” Clicking either of these links will open an additional browser window.

Please use the buttons and links provided on each page when you're managing your Treasury securities. For security reasons, using your browser controls to navigate (including the back, forward, and refresh buttons) will end your session.

Need more flexibility to manage your securities portfolio?

Linked accounts offer solutions to manage your specific financial needs. Establish and access Minor accounts for your children (in individual accounts only) or Custom accounts for your specific goals. You can convert your paper Series EE and I Bonds to electronic versions and they can be managed in your Conersion Linked account. Holdings for each Linked account are kept separately from your Primary account and can be accessed only through your Primary account.

Note: TreasuryDirect does not provide paper savings bonds or paper account statements. If you want a paper copy of your account information, you should use the browser's toolbar to print the relevant pages in your account that show your holdings.

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