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Publications & Products: Indigent Defense Systems
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Record 1 - 10 of 10 displayed.
Product Type Title (and Summary) Date Product Number
Publication County-based and Local Public Defender Offices, 2007 Examines the provision of public defender services in the 27 states and the District of Columbia in which indigent defense services were funded and administered by counties or local jurisdictions in 2007.
9/16/2010 NCJ 231175
Publication State Public Defender Programs, 2007 Examines the provision of public defender services in the 22 states that had an entirely state-funded and state-administered indigent defense program in 2007.
9/16/2010 NCJ 228229
Data Table Public Defender Offices, 2007 - Statistical Tables (Revised) Examines offices that provide representation for indigent defendants through a salaried staff of full-time or part-time attorneys who are employed as direct government employees or through a public, nonprofit organization.
11/19/2009 NCJ 228538
Publication State-Funded Indigent Defense Services, 1999 Presents findings from data collected as part of the 1999 National Survey of Indigent Defense Systems in the 21 States where the State government provides virtually all of the funding for indigent defense services.
9/1/2001 NCJ 188464
Publication Defense Counsel in Criminal Cases Examines issues of legal representation for defendants in federal district court and large local jurisdictions, and inmates in local jails and federal and state prison.
11/29/2000 NCJ 179023
Publication Indigent Defense Services in Large Counties, 1999 Describes the methods by which criminal indigent defense is delivered in the Nation's 100 most populous counties.
11/29/2000 NCJ 184932
Press Release Indigent Defense Services in Large Counties, 1999 & Defense Counsel in Criminal Cases "Two of three felony defendants represented by publicly-financed counsel"
Publication Indigent Defense This report of presented selected findings drawn from various BJS surveys contains information related to the indigent defense for criminal defendants.
2/1/1996 NCJ 158909
Publication Performance Measures for the Criminal Justice System This compendium of Discussion Papers represents the work of the BJS-Princeton University Study Group on Criminal Justice Performance Measures.
10/1/1993 NCJ 143505
Publication Criminal Defense Systems - A National Survey A survey conducted in 1982 produced national baseline data on the types of public defense systems, their funding sources, their costs, and their caseloads.
8/1/1984 NCJ 94630

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