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Contingency Response Unit

colonel eugene leboeufWelcome to the Contingency Response Unit (CRU), 416th Theater Engineer Command, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. We are pleased to have this opportunity to introduce you to our unit, our mission, and our history.

We are a team of dedicated professional officers and NCOs who take great pride in providing global rapid response capability to the Engineer Regiment, USACE, and Combatant Commands in the form of operational and engineering command and control support – primarily for disaster relief missions and Overseas Contingency Operations.  With Readiness, Responsiveness, and Relevance as our guiding principles, our disciplined team of highly specialized and trained Soldiers is working diligently to fortify our nation’s security by strengthening our engineering capabilities in a high OPTEMPO environment.  Our pledge to the nation and our customers is to continue to be worthy of your trust and selection, and to provide support wherever and whenever we can.  To our Soldiers and their Families, we will strive to provide a safe and encouraging environment to best enable mission success and to help you achieve your military professional and personal goals.

To find out more about the CRU, its people, and the work we do to support Field Force Engineering, the Engineer Regiment, USACE, and Combatant Commands, please browse our web site. I would like to especially encourage all interested and qualified Soldiers who want to be a part of this exciting and dynamic organization to contact the CRU.  Thank you for visiting and we hope your stay with us will be interesting and informative!

Colonel Eugene J. LeBoeuf


The activation of the Contingency Response Unit opens a new chapter in the Army Reserve’s support to the Corps of Engineers.  For many years the Corps’ Divisions and Districts, both in the continental United States and overseas, relied solely on Individual Mobilization Augmentees to provide the primary staffing needed to support mobilization, war fighting and disaster relief missions. 

This activation provides USACE with a Reserve Element to perform theater analysis for USACE Divisional areas of operation and be prepared to augment the USACE Division Commander in a Theater of Operations during wartime or contingencies with primary staff capabilities in:

  • Management
  • Coordination
  • Prioritization of Operational Planning
  • Real Estate Services
  • Contracting
  • Engineering Design
  • Contract Construction

CRU Mission: Provide USACE Commanders with engineer battle staff capability in support of global military contingency operations. Plan and execute USACE Field Force Engineering (FFE) Missions in support of combatant command operations.

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