BJS: Bureau of Justice Statistics

Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)
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FAQs: Felony defendants

How many persons in the U.S. have ever been convicted of a felony?
This is a question the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) frequently receives and, unfortunately, ca...  Read More

How many persons are arrested or charged with felony crimes in the U.S.?
This is a question the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) frequently receives and unfortunately cann...  Read More

What is the probability of conviction for felony defendants?
Among felony defendants whose cases were adjudicated within the one-year tracking period (89% of cas...  Read More

What percentage of felony convictions were the result of a guilty plea?
Of the estimated 1,079,000 felons convicted in state courts in 2004, the vast majority (95%) of thos...  Read More

How many felony defendants are released from custody before their case is heard and how many of these fail to appear in court or are rearrested while in a release status?
An estimated 57% of felony defendants were released prior to the disposition of their case, ranging ...  Read More

What proportion of felony defendants are charged with violent or drug-related crimes?
Among felony cases filed in May 2004 in the nation’s 75 most populous counties, 23% involved a...  Read More

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