In The News

Aug 7, 2012

Stop the Tax Hike

The impact tax increases have on our economy is stunning. Now is NOT the time to raise taxes and grow government.

Apr 9, 2012

Congressman, Farmer & Family Man

It isn’t easy when a farmer takes on added responsibilities. But that is exactly what West Tennessee cotton, corn, soybean and wheat producer Stephen Fincher has done since 2010 when he was elected to Congress. Although it is a major commitment, Fincher is trying to represent his agricultural constituents in Washington while helping manage the family farming operation and spend time with his wife and three children. In this interview with Cotton Farming Editor Tommy Horton, Fincher discusses priorities for his family, Congress and the nation’s agricultural economy.

Jan 9, 2012

OCCHA Ag Center Gets a Financial Boost

Issues: Education

Students at Obion County Central High School have been provided a unique new Ag Learning Center courtesy of a federal/state/local partnership that came up with the $300,000 for the new facility. Congressman Stephen Fincher was one of a large group of officials who attended a formal check presentation ceremony Thursday afternoon at OCCHS. Bobby Goode, state director of the U.S. Depart-ment of Agriculture, and state Commissioner of Agriculture Julius Johnson were on hand to present two oversized checks totaling $200,000 that helped finance the construction of the $300,000 Ag Learning Center.

Sep 13, 2011 | The Commercial Appeal

Rep. Stephen Fincher introduces bills to block EPA rule, suspend capital gains taxes

U.S. Rep. Stephen Fincher introduced legislation Monday that would delay for 10 years an EPA rule to curb sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide pollution crossing state lines. The freshman Republican from West Tennessee also introduced a bill that would suspend collection of the capital gains tax for 10 years.

Aug 25, 2011 | Corn Commentary

Only Farmer in Congress Wants to Wait on Farm Bill

Issues: Immigration

Farmers have at least one friend in Congress these days in Representative Stephen Fincher (R-TN), who is sadly the only working farmer currently serving in the House. “We’re 7th generation cotton farmers from the Frog Jump community in West Tennessee and still actively farm,” Rep. Fincher told me in an interview at the Southern Peanut Growers Conference last week. “It’s an honor to serve in Washington and represent rural ag communities.”

Aug 25, 2011 | The Commercial Appeal

U.S. Rep. Stephen Fincher describes his fact-finding trip to Israel as educational and emotional

Describing his first trip to Israel as both an emotional and an educational experience, U.S. Rep. Stephen Fincher checked in by telephone Thursday night from the Sea of Galilee. Fincher and his wife, Lynn, have traveled all over the region since Monday and have met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Shimon Peres and senior Palestinian officials but not President Mahmoud Abbas, who had a scheduling conflict Wednesday and had to be in Lebanon, Fincher said.

Apr 19, 2011

Fincher: Tax day reminds us it is past time to cut government spending

Tomorrow is the deadline to pay your federal income tax. This day, more than any other, reminds us how we entrust our elected officials with our hard-earned money to responsibly provide for the defense, security and prosperity of our country. Unfortunately here in Washington, some politicians have used these tax dollars, along with endless amount of dollars borrowed from other nations, and entered into a reckless spending binge with no end in sight.

Feb 24, 2011 | The Jackson Sun

Fincher meets with constituents on farm bill

Issues: Immigration

U.S. Rep. Stephen Fincher, R-Frog Jump, met with Madison County residents this morning at the West Tennessee Agricultural Research and Education Center in Jackson to discuss a farm bill.

Feb 17, 2011 | The Hill

Hope Through Change

Issues: Immigration

Yesterday, my hope that America will turn this economic crisis around was renewed and reaffirmed.

Feb 14, 2011 | The Jackson Sun

Jackson State given $489K federal grant

Issues: Immigration

A $489,000 grant awarded to Jackson State Community College will use technology to bring college-level classes to small-town high schools.
