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Publications & Products: State and federal prison facility characteristics
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Product Type Title (and Summary) Date Product Number
Publication Correctional Populations in the United States, 2010 Presents statistics on the number of offenders under the supervision of adult correctional authorities in the United States at yearend 2010.
Part of the Correctional Populations in the United States Series
12/15/2011 NCJ 236319
Publication Prisoners in 2009 (Revised) This annual report presents data on prisoners under jurisdiction of federal or state correctional authorities on December 31, 2009, collected from the National Prisoner Statistics series.
Part of the Prisoners Series
12/15/2011 NCJ 231675
Publication Prisoners in 2010 (Revised) Presents data on prisoners under the jurisdiction of federal and state correctional authorities on December 31, 2010, collected from the National Prisoner Statistics series.
Part of the Prisoners Series
12/15/2011 NCJ 236096
Data Table Prison Inmates at Midyear 2009 - Statistical Tables Presents data on prisoners under the jurisdiction of federal or state correctional authorities on June 30, 2009, collected from the National Prisoner Statistics series.
Part of the Prison and Jail Inmates at Midyear Series
6/23/2010 NCJ 230113
Publication Prisoners at Yearend 2009 - Advance Counts Presents data on prisoners under jurisdiction of federal or state correctional authorities on December 31, 2009, collected from the National Prisoner Statistics series
Part of the Prisoners Series
6/23/2010 NCJ 230189
Publication Prisoners in 2008 Presents data on prisoners under jurisdiction of federal or state correctional authorities on December 31, 2008, collected from the National Prisoner Statistics series.
Part of the Prisoners Series
12/8/2009 NCJ 228417
Data Table Prison Inmates at Midyear 2008 - Statistical Tables Presents data on prisoners under the jurisdiction of federal or state correctional authorities on June 30, 2008, collected from the National Prisoner Statistics series.
Part of the Prison and Jail Inmates at Midyear Series
3/31/2009 NCJ 225619
Press Release Prison Inmates at Midyear 2008 - Statistical Tables and Jail Inmates at Midyear - Statistical Tables Prison Inmates at Midyear 2008
3/31/2009 NCJ 123456
Publication Census of State and Federal Correctional Facilities, 2005 Presents selected findings from the Census of State and Federal Correctional Facilities, 2005. The report includes data on characteristics of facilities by type, size, security level, rated and design capacities, court orders, and use of private contractors.
Part of the Census of State and Federal Correctional Facilities Series
10/1/2008 NCJ 222182
Publication Sexual Victimization in State and Federal Prisons Reported by Inmates, 2007 Presents data from the National Inmate Survey, 2007, conducted in 146 State and Federal prisons between April and August 2007, with a sample of 23,398 inmates.
12/16/2007 NCJ 219414
Press Release Prison and Jail Inmates at Midyear 2006 "Largest increase in prison and jail inmate populations since midyear 2000 -- More than 2.24 million incarcerated as of June 30, 2006"
Press Release Prisoners in 2004 "The Nation's prison population continues its slow growth - Up 1.9 Percent Last Year"
Publication Suicide and Homicide in State Prisons and Local Jails Describes historical trends in State prison and local jail inmate mortality rates based on inmate death records submitted by local jails (for 2000-2002) and State prisons (for 2001-2002).
8/21/2005 NCJ 210036
Publication National Corrections Reporting Program, 2001 (CD-ROM) This National Corrections Reporting Program dataset contains admissions, releases and parole outcomes of persons in the Nation's prisons and parole systems.
1/1/2005 NCJ 206513
Press Release Prisoners in 2003 "U.S. prison population approaches 1.5 million"
Publication Hepatitis Testing and Treatment in State Prisons Presents facility policies related to hepatitis C testing and treatment and hepatitis B vaccinations, based on the 2000 Census of State and Federal Adult Correctional Facilities, which gathered data from 1,584 State institutions.
4/1/2004 NCJ 199173
Publication Census of State and Federal Correctional Facilities, 2000 Provides information on facilities, inmates, programs, and staff of State and Federal correctional facilities throughout the Nation, and of private correctional facilities housing State or Federal inmates.
Part of the Census of State and Federal Correctional Facilities Series
8/24/2003 NCJ 198272
Press Release Prisoners in 2002 "U.S. prison population rises 2.6 percent during 2002"
Press Release Prisoners in 2001 "State prison population drops in second half of 2001 -- Federal inmate growth continues"
Press Release Prisoners in 2000 "Nation's State prison population falls in second half of 2000 -- First such decline since 1972"
Press Release Mental Health Treatment in State Prisons, 2000 "Eighty-nine percent of state adult correctional facilities provide mental health services for prisoners"
Publication Mental Health Treatment in State Prisons, 2000 Reports on facility policies related to screening of inmates at intake, conducting psychiatric or psychological evaluations, and providing treatment (including 24-hour mental health care, therapy/counseling, and use of psychotropic medications) in State prisons.
7/15/2001 NCJ 188215
Press Release Prison and Jail Inmates at Midyear 2000 "Nation's State Prison population growth slows -- Lowest annual rate increase since 1971"
Press Release Prisoners in 1999 "The Nation's prison population growth rate slows"
Publication Substance Abuse and Treatment of State and Federal Prisoners, 1997 Presents data from the 1997 Survey of Inmates in Adult State and Federal Correctional Facilities concerning prisoners' use of alcohol and illegal drugs and the substance abuse treatment they received.
1/5/1999 NCJ 172871
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