United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment
Home > Public Involvement > Conferences and Symposia > Regulatory Information Conference > 2012 Regulatory Information Conference Technical Session Evaluation

24th Annual Regulatory Information Conference March 13-15, 2012 Bethesda, MD

Technical Session Evaluation

Our goal is to make each RIC better than the last. Please help us achieve our goal by taking a moment to evaluate this session.

Please select the Technical Session below:


Please indicate your agreement with the following statements. Strongly
Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
The topic and content are relevant to industry needs and interests.
The session description accurately reflects the proposed content.
I learned new information, knowledge, or skills.
The program format is appropriate for subject matter.


Please indicate the quality of each presentation for this session, based on the descriptors listed in the table below. Speaker names can be found in the program under Technical Sessions Descriptions starting on page 8 and the Presenter Index on page 36.

5-Excellent, 4-Very Good, 3-Good, 2-Fair, 1-Poor
5-Excellent, 4-Very Good, 3-Good, 2-Fair, 1-Poor
5-Excellent, 4-Very Good, 3-Good, 2-Fair, 1-Poor
5-Excellent, 4-Very Good, 3-Good, 2-Fair, 1-Poor
5-Excellent, 4-Very Good, 3-Good, 2-Fair, 1-Poor
5-Excellent, 4-Very Good, 3-Good, 2-Fair, 1-Poor
5-Excellent, 4-Very Good, 3-Good, 2-Fair, 1-Poor
5-Excellent, 4-Very Good, 3-Good, 2-Fair, 1-Poor


Thank you for your feedback. We look forward to seeing you at future conferences!


Page Last Reviewed/Updated Monday, April 16, 2012