Court Information

Court Details
Court's NameUnited States Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit
Software VersionCM/ECF Appellate 4.2
ECF Go Live DateDecember 07, 2009
Maximum PDF File Size11000

Court Location
Court's Name United States Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit
Court's Address 600 S. Maestri Place, New Orleans, LA 70130
Court's Phone Number 877-232-1038 Hours: 8AM to 4PM, M-F
Court's Hours 8AM - 5PM, M-F
Court's Email Address

PACER Details
PACER's AddressPACER Service Center, PO Box 780549, San Antonio, TX 78278-0549
PACER's Phone Number800-676-6856 (or 210-301-6440 if you are in the San Antonio area)
PACER's Email