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2011 North Dakota Century Code

WARNING!!! The North Dakota Century Code on this website may or may not contain currently applicable law. The database that provides the code information includes bills enacted in 2011, provisions of which may take effect on different effective dates. Thus, some sections of the code may be in effect and others may not have taken effect as of the date you use this site.

The Century Code system contains the Constitution of North Dakota and the North Dakota Century Code. The version of the Century Code on this system is derived from the bill drafting database used by the North Dakota Legislative Council. It may vary in some respects from that text of the code as contained in the published version available from LexisNexis. The Century Code includes all statutory changes made by the 62nd (2011) Legislative Assembly, which adjourned on Thursday, April 28, 2011.

The Century Code is the codification of all general and permanent law enacted since statehood. In very limited instances, the Century Code contains temporary laws. The numbering system for the Century Code is a three-part number, with each part separated by a hyphen. The first part refers to the title, the second to the chapter, and the third to the section. For example, Section 54-35-01 refers to the first section in Chapter 35 of Title 54. The decimal point system is used to designate sections that have been inserted between two consecutively numbered sections. The Century Code consists of 65 titles, generally arranged in alphabetical order.

The table of contents to this online version of the Century Code is derived from the listing of titles of the code. The list provides the title number and contents. Selecting the appropriate title will lead you to that title. Two frames will appear. The right-hand frame contains the text of that title of the code. You can scroll through the title on a section-by-section basis or you can use the chapter listing that appears in the left-hand frame. The left-hand frame contains a list of chapter numbers and contents for the selected title. To find a particular section or subject within that title, you can scroll through that title, use the left frame and scroll through a listing of chapters in that title, or do a search using Acrobat Search. Note that the search results are only for that title of the code.

To copy code: If you want to place text from the code into a word processing document: (1) select the text select button (the button with "abc" or "T" on it); (2) highlight the text you want to copy; and (3) select the copy button (the button with two pages on it). This will place the selected text on your clipboard for pasting into your word processing document.

1 General Provisions 22 Guaranty, Indemnity, and Suretyship 46 Printing Laws
2 Aeronautics 23 Health and Safety 47 Property
3 Agency 24 Highways, Bridges, and Ferries 48 Public Buildings
4 Agriculture 25 Mental and Physical Illness or Disability 49 Public Utilities
4.1 Agriculture 26 Insurance 50 Public Welfare
5 Alcoholic Beverages 26.1 Insurance 51 Sales and Exchanges
6 Banks and Banking 27 Judicial Branch of Government 52 Social Security
7 Building and Loan Associations 28 Judicial Procedure, Civil 53 Sports and Amusements
8 Carriage 29 Judicial Procedure, Criminal 54 State Government
9 Contracts and Obligations 30 Judicial Procedure, Probate 55 State Historical Society and State Parks
10 Corporations 30.1 Uniform Probate Code 56 Succession and Wills
11 Counties 31 Judicial Proof 57 Taxation
12 Corrections, Parole, and Probation 32 Judicial Remedies 58 Townships
12.1 Criminal Code 33 County Justice Court 59 Trusts
13 Debtor and Creditor Relationship 34 Labor and Employment 60 Warehousing and Deposits
14 Domestic Relations and Persons 35 Liens 61 Waters
15 Education 36 Livestock 62 Weapons
15.1 Elementary and Secondary Education 37 Military 62.1 Weapons
16 Elections 38 Mining and Gas and Oil Production 63 Weeds
16.1 Elections 39 Motor Vehicles 64 Weights, Measures, and Grades
17 Energy 40 Municipal Government 65 Workforce Safety and Insurance
18 Fires 41 Uniform Commercial Code Constitution of North Dakota
19 Foods, Drugs, Oils, and Compounds 42 Nuisances  
20 Game, Fish, and Predators 43 Occupations and Professions  
20.1 Game, Fish, Predators, and Boating 44 Offices and Officers  
21 Governmental Finance 45 Partnerships  

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