What is Sudden Oak Death?

Sudden Oak Death is a tree disease caused by the plant pathogen Phytophthora ramorum. The disease kills some oak species and has had devastating effects on forests in California and Oregon. Read more about Sudden Oak Death.

Areas of Interest

P. ramorum in Wildlands The information in this section is geared toward land management, forestry and arboriculture professionals, including Best Management Practices.

P. ramorum in Nurseries This section addresses P. ramorum issues critical to nurseries, independent growers, and related plant-care/plant propagation industries, including Nursery Diagnostic Guides.

P. ramorum in the Urban Interface Look here for resources that address common homeowner questions, including diagnosing Sudden Oak Death and finding an arborist to work with.


2012 SOD Management Request For Proposals (RFP) from the Pacific Southwest Region, Forest Health Protection now available. Read more…

Trained Professionals list to be updated in January 2012 – be sure you’ve attended a training session in the last three years! Read more…

Read the entire current newsletter.

Help stop the spread of forest pests on firewood! Check out the website of the California Firewood Task Force.

“Can My Tree Catch the Flu?” – the Sudden Oak Death youth education program – is now an interactive animation. A full description and teacher materials are available here.

Upcoming Events

6/6 –6/8North Coast Forest Conservation Conference

6/18 – 6/22 – Sudden Oak Death Fifth Science Symposium

See the entire events calendar.