Sonoma Valley Watershed Council
Creek Restoration Program

Richard Dale, Director Sonoma Ecology Center- digging out the dreaded weed Arundo.

A program of the Sonoma Ecology Center

In 1994 the Sonoma Watershed Council received its first creek restoration grant from the Urban Stream Restoration Program of the Department of Water Resources. Staffed entirely by volunteers, the fledgling program seeks to plant the seed for continued growth of public stewardship of the Sonoma Valley's precious creeks and streams.

The Program's goal is to protect and enhance the Sonoma watershed's riparian ecosystems with the following activities:

Control invasive pest plants, including Giant Reed (Arundo donax) in the Sonoma Creek channel and its tributaries and waterways.
Reintroduce native plant species where needed for habitat and erosion control
Integrate other Sonoma Watershed Council programs, such as Adopt-A-Watershed and Sonoma Valley GIS.
Raise public awareness regarding stewardship of Sonoma Valley's stream resources.

February 14th Arundo Workshop Agenda

Watch our Progress! See the new Creek Resoration Program Photo Album! (Warning: high bandwidth users only)

Relevent Information on the World Wide Web:

Arundo donax Fact Sheet, Deanne DiPietro
Element Stewardship Abstract: Arundo donax, The Nature Conservancy
California Exotic Pest Plant Council
The California Native Plant Society

For more information, call the Sonoma Ecology Center at (707) 996-9744.

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