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Weed Control Authority

Welcome from the Superintendent

Almost every ownership parcel outside of developed residential lots has or had one or more kinds of noxious weeds present. The key to noxious weed control is not allowing the plants to seed. This requires persistence and follow-up. Most of the public and private landowners understand this and are keeping their noxious weeds under control. It is the job of noxious weed control authority staff to assist landowners in the job of controlling noxious weeds. Many landowners are accomplishing control without any assistance or contact from the authority. The authority carries out a strong information and awareness program along with an extensive inspection program to encourage voluntary compliance of the Nebraska Noxious Weed Control Act.

The authority has also provided the inspection and administration of the City of Lincoln's weed abatement program since entering into an interlocal agreement with the City in 1996. The County Commissioners serve as the Lancaster County Noxious Weed Control Authority. Brent Meyer serves as the superintendent and supervises a seasonal staff of six weed inspectors with the assistance of Chief Inspector Barb Frazier and Julie Manske, Account Clerk.

Brent Meyer, Weed Control Superintendent

Weed Authority Logo

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Mailing and Physical Address:
444 Cherrycreek Rd, Bldg B
Lincoln, Nebraska 68528
Phone: (402) 441-7817

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