Measurement : Precipitation

All liquid or solid phase aqueous particles that originate in the atmosphere and fall to the earth's surface.

Atmospheric State


The above measurement is considered scientifically relevant for the following instruments. Refer to the datastream (netcdf) file headers of each instrument for a list of all available measurements, including those recorded for diagnostic or quality assurance purposes.

  • ARM Instruments
    • CO2FLX : Carbon Dioxide Flux Measurement Systems
    • DISDROMETER : Impact Disdrometer
    • LDIS : Laser Disdrometer
    • MWRHF : Microwave Radiometer - High Frequency
    • ORG : Optical Rain Gauge
    • PRECNET : Precipitation Network
    • RAIN : Rain Gauge
    • SWATS : Soil Water and Temperature System
    • MET : Surface Meteorological Instrumentation
    • SMET : Surface Meteorological Instruments for TWP
    • SMOS : Surface Meteorological Observation System Instruments for SGP
    • METTWR : Surface and Tower Meteorological Instrumentation at NSA
    • TPS : Total Precipitation Sensor
  • External Instruments
    • ECMWFDIAG : European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts Diagnostic Analyses
    • ECMWF : European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts Model Data
    • KSUMESO : Kansas State University Mesonet
    • MOLTS : Model Output Location Time Series
    • NOAACRN : NOAA Climate Reference Network
    • NCEPGFS : National Centers for Environment Prediction Global Forecast System
    • OKM : Oklahoma Mesonet
    • RUC : Rapid Update Cycle Model Data
    • TAO : Tropical Atmosphere Ocean from Buoys
    • WPDN : Wind Profiler Demo Network
  • Field Campaign Instruments
    • CO2FLX : Carbon Dioxide Flux Measurement Systems
    • VARANAL : Constrained Variational Analysis
    • ECMWFDIAG : European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts Diagnostic Analyses
    • ECMWF : European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts Model Data
    • DISDROMETER : Impact Disdrometer
    • MIRAI : JAMSTEC Research Vessel Mirai
    • NPOL : NASA N-POL Polarimetric Radar System
    • RONBROWN : NOAA Research Vessel Ron Brown
    • PARSL : PNNL's Atmospheric Remote Sensing Laboratory
    • PRECIPRET : Precipitation Retrievals
    • SOAR : Shipboard Oceanographic and Atmospheric Radiation
    • PRECIPISO : Stable Isotope from Precipitation
    • SFCFLUX : Surface Flux
    • MET : Surface Meteorological Instrumentation
    • WRF-CHEM : Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model Output

Value-Added Products

  • ARMBE : ARM Best Estimate Data Products (Process)
    • ARMBEATM : ARMBE: Atmospheric measurements
  • SSMI : Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (Process)
    • SSMI10 : Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I): Satellite 10
    • SSMI11 : Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I): Satellite 11
    • SSMI13 : Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I): Satellite 13
    • SSMI14 : Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I): Satellite 14
    • SSMI15 : Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I): Satellite 15
  • ABRFC : Arkansas-Red Basin River Forecast Center (Process)
    • ABRFCPRECIP : Arkansas-Red Basin River Forecast Center: estimated precipitation


  • RAIN : Rain Gauge Datastreams
  • TPS : Total Precipitation Sensor Datastreams
    • TPS : Total Precipitation Sensor
  • VDIS : Video Disdrometer Datastreams
    • VDIS : Video Disdrometer Drop Size Distribution
  • AOS : Aerosol Observing System Datastreams
    • AOSMET : AOS: aerosol-based meteorology data
  • METTWR : Surface and Tower Meteorological Instrumentation at NSA Datastreams
    • SNODEP : Snow depth
    • PWS : Present weather sensor, 1-min avg
    • METTWR2H : Meteorological tower with 2 sampling heights (2 and 5 m)
    • ORG : Optical Rain Gauge measurements: precipitation rate and accumulation
  • PRECNET : Precipitation Network Datastreams
    • PRECNET : Precip, hourly from gauges in hundredths of inches
  • DISDROMETER : Impact Disdrometer Datastreams
    • DISDROMETER : Disdrometer: measures rain drop size distribution
  • MWRHF : Microwave Radiometer - High Frequency Datastreams
    • MWRHF : Microwave Radiometer: High Frequency (MWRHF)
  • ORG : Optical Rain Gauge Datastreams
    • ORG : Optical Rain Gauge measurements: precipitation rate and accumulation
  • WPDN : Wind Profiler Demo Network Datastreams
    • 06FSLWPDNRASS : Wind Profiler Demo Network (WPDN): 6-min RASS data
    • 60FSLWPDNRASS : Wind Profiler Demo Network (WPDN): RASS data, 60-min
    • 60FSLWPDNMET : Wind Profiler Demo Network (WPDN): meteorology data, 60-min
    • 06FSLWPDNMET : Wind Profiler Demo Network (WPDN): 6-min meteorological data
    • 60WPDNSURF : Wind Profiler Demo Network (WPDN): surface meterology data, 60-min
  • MET : Surface Meteorological Instrumentation Datastreams
    • MET : ARM-standard Meteorological Instrumentation at Surface
  • RUC : Rapid Update Cycle Model Data Datastreams
    • FSLRUC60 : Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) model: FSL output, 60 km resolution
    • ALLRUC20HYBR : Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) model: hybrid analysis data, 20-km resolution
    • ALLRUC40HYBR : Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) model: hybrid analyisis data, 40 km resolution
    • RUC20HYBR : Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) model: daily hybrid analysis data, 20 km resolution
    • RUC20ISOB : Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) model: daily isobaric analysis data, 20 km resolution
    • ALLRUC20ISOB : Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) model: isobaric main analysis data, 20-km resolution
    • ALLRUC40ISOB : Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) model: isobaric main analysis data, 40-km resolution
    • SYNRUC20ISOB : Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) model: isobaric output, 20 km grid, averaged to 40 km
  • OKM : Oklahoma Mesonet Datastreams
    • 05OKM : Oklahoma Mesonet (OKM): 5-min averages, meteorological data from 111 stations
  • NCEPGFS : National Centers for Environment Prediction Global Forecast System Datastreams
  • NOAACRN : NOAA Climate Reference Network Datastreams
    • 60NOAACRN : NOAA Climate Reference Network data-precipitation and temperature
  • SWATS : Soil Water and Temperature System Datastreams
    • SWATSPCP : Soil Water and Temperature Profiling System Rain Gauges (SWATSPCP)
  • ECMWF : European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts Model Data Datastreams
    • ECMWFSUPP : ECMWF: supplemental data, entire coverage
    • ECMWFSURF : ECMWF: surface measurement, entire coverage
  • SMET : Surface Meteorological Instruments for TWP Datastreams
    • SMET60S : Surface Meteorology (SMET) station: 60-second meterological data
  • AOSMET : Meteorological Measurements associated with the Aerosol Observing System Datastreams
    • AOSMET : AOS: aerosol-based meteorology data
  • KSUMESO : Kansas State University Mesonet Datastreams
    • 60KSUMESO : Kansas Mesonet (High Plains Climate Center): surface met. & radiation data, 60-min
  • TAO : Tropical Atmosphere Ocean from Buoys Datastreams
    • 10TAOPRECIP165E0N : Tropical Atmosphere Ocean Buoys: precipitation data at 165 E, 0 N, 10-min avg
    • 10TAOPRECIP165E2N : Tropical Atmosphere Ocean Buoys: precipitation data at 165 E, 2 N, 10-min avg
    • 10TAOPRECIP165E2S : Tropical Atmosphere Ocean Buoys: precipitation data at 165 E, 2 S, 10-min avg
    • 10TAOPRECIP165E5N : Tropical Atmosphere Ocean Buoys: precipitation data at 165 E, 5 N, 10-min avg
    • 10TAOPRECIP165E5S : Tropical Atmosphere Ocean Buoys: precipitation data at 165 E, 5 S, 10-min avg
    • 10TAOPRECIP165E8N : Tropical Atmosphere Ocean Buoys: precipitation data at 165 E, 8 N, 10-min avg
    • 10TAOPRECIP165E8S : Tropical Atmosphere Ocean Buoys: precipitation data at 165 E, 8 S, 10-min avg
  • CO2FLX : Carbon Dioxide Flux Measurement Systems Datastreams
    • 30CO2FLX4MMET : Eddy Correlation CO2 Flux Data: 4 m samples, meteorological data, 30-min stats
  • SMOS : Surface Meteorological Observation System Instruments for SGP Datastreams
    • 30SMOS : Surface Meteorological Observation Station (SMOS): 30-min averaged data
    • 1SMOS : Surface Meteorological Observation Station (SMOS): 1-minute averaged data
    • 1440SMOS : Surface Met Observation Station (SMOS): daily minimum/maximum data, with times
  • MOLTS : Model Output Location Time Series Datastreams
    • MOLTSEDASSFCCLASS0 : Model Output Loc. Time Ser. (MOLTS): EDAS meteor. analy., basic surface, params, stations
    • MOLTSEDASSFCCLASS1 : Model Output Loc. Time Ser. (MOLTS): EDAS meteor. analy., enhanced surface, params, stations
  • ECMWFDIAG : European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts Diagnostic Analyses Datastreams
    • ECMWFSFC1L : ECMWF: surface variables and fluxes, single layer, 1-hr avg
    • ECMWFSFC : ECMWF: surface variables and fluxes, entire coverage, 1-hr avg