One Person Can Make A Difference and Every Person Should Try
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(410) 234-9885

(877) 842-8461
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National Day of Remembrance of Murder Victims

View the Announcement (pdf)

6th Annual Chocolate Affair

View the Announcement (pdf)

Survivor of Homicide Victims Services Survey

Ensuring Rights for Crime Victims in Maryland for More Than 25 Years

After their oldest daughter, Stephanie, was brutally murdered in 1982, her parents, Roberta and Vince Roper, learned they had few rights in the criminal justice system.

Roberta Roper speaks at a press conference for the Federal Crime Victims' Rights Amendment along with Sponsors Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ) and Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA)

Roberta Roper speaks at a press conference for the Federal Crime Victims’ Rights Amendment, with Senators Jon Kyl (R-AZ) and Dianne Feinstein (D-CA).

As a result they founded the agency that bore their daughter’s name, the Stephanie Roper Committee and Foundation, now known as the Maryland Crime Victims' Resource Center, Inc. (MCVRC)

Today, MCVRC is one of the most successful grassroots organizations in the history of Maryland. We have been instrumental in passing more than 70 pieces of state legislation. Read our latest Newsletters here.

We provide criminal justice information and education; support services; therapeutic individual, family and group counseling; and legal information, referrals, and representation. We also recently established a faith initiative to meet the spiritual needs of crime victims. In 2004, the Governor dedicated the Roper Victim Assistance Academy of Maryland in honor of Roberta and Vince's tireless efforts on behalf of crime victims.

As a non-profit organization, our services are free, but we rely on individual and community support to accomplish our mission: "To ensure that victims of crime receive justice and are treated with dignity and compassion through comprehensive victims' rights and services."

Common Reactions of Crime Victims Justice System  Roadmap Cases of Note for MCVRC and Crime Victims Volunteering To Help
2009 Legislative Priorities History of Victims'  Rights MCVRC in the Media Ordering Notecards to Benefit MCVRC

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MCVRC amicus helps crime victim recover compensation


MCVRC Executive Director asks Maryland Court of Appeals to hear from victim .


Court rules on rights of victims. Remedy sought for those not told about appeal.





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