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Human Behaviour Representation in Constructive Modelling ...

... Le HFM-143/RSM « Représentation du comportement humain dans des modélisations créatives » a été amorcé au sein du RTG-128 comme partie ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Th�se pr�par�e au sein du laboratoire CRI Inserm/UJF U823, Institut Albert Bonniot, dans l'Ecole Doctorale Chimie et Sciences du Vivant

). Histone demethylase JMJD3 contributes to epigenetic control of INK4a/ARF by oncogenic RAS. Genes Dev. 23

E-print Network

Modelling the eutrophication of the Seine Bight (France) under historical, present and future riverine nutrient loading

Because of the occurrence of episodic blooms of toxic dinoflagellates, eutrophication of the Seine Bight is a subject of growing concern. In order to better understand the relationships between these processes and human activity in the Seine watershed, two models have been used in connection:A model describing nutrient (N, P, Si) transfer processes at the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

H.E.S.S. d�couvre une radiogalaxie �mettant dans le domaine gamma

Une �quipe internationale d'astrophysiciens, regroupant des chercheurs fran�ais du CNRS et du CEA, a observ� pour la premi�re fois le rayonnement gamma de tr�s hautes �nergie en provenance du plus proche "noyau actif de galaxie radio-bruyant", au sein de la radiogalaxie Centaurus A. Le faible flux a ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

templates rpm deb aider � la diffusion de plates -formes de travail c ollaboratif au sein de Configuration engine Host + Hyperviseur + Virtual networkVirtual machines Architecture du g�n�rateur de plate-forme d'un interpr�teur de sp�cifications formelles de plates-formes collaboratives d'un repository

E-print Network


, docteur, Silvaco Data Systems Invit�e : Mme. Pierrette Rivallin, Ing�nieur R&D, LETI Laboratoire PHASE UPR soci�et�e SILVACO DATA SYSTEMS. Je remercie le Pr�esident Mr Ivan Pesic de m'avoir accueilli au sein de CNRS/PHASE, du CEA/LETI et de SILVACO DATA SYSTEMS que j'ai c^otoy�e au cours de ces ann�ees. Enfin, ma

E-print Network

Sekretariat der St�ndigen Konferenz der Kultusminister der L�nder

des "International Baccalaureate Diploma/Di- pl�me du Baccalaur�at International" (IB) m�ssen folgende nach der Terminolo- gie des IB bezeichnete F�cher sein: - zwei Sprachen (davon mindestens eine verbindliche Fach kann au�er den genannten F�chern eines der nach- folgenden nach der Terminologie des IB

E-print Network

M�moire de th�se pr�sent� our l'obtention du titre de DOCTEUR DE L'�COLE NATIONALE DES PONTS ET CHAUSS�ES

........................................................................................................................................... 115 Chapitre 3 - Nitrogen behaviour and nitrous oxide emission in the tidal Seine River estuary ........................................................................................................................................... 137 ...

E-print Network

Deployment: The JOnAS Case Study

Echirolles Cedex R�SUM�. La sp�cification J2EE (Java 2 platform Enterprise Edition) d�finit une architecture de serveur d'application Java. Jusqu'� J2EE 1.3, seuls les aspects deAS (Java Open Application Server) est une plate-forme J2EE d�velopp�e au sein du consortium ObjectWeb. Les

E-print Network

Das interaktionistische ModellDas interaktionistische Modell des Sozialen Lernensdes Sozialen Lernens

Verhaltenserwartungen: Ich erwarte etwas von Dir = Ich schreibe Dir den Text vor, den Du sagen sollst und die Haltungen Alltag m�ssen RollenIm Alltag m�ssen Rollen erschlossen werdenerschlossen werden Was, glaube ich, erwartet der Andere von mir ? (Soll ich Romeo sein oder Julia oder jemand, etwas ganz anderes?) Was, glaubt

E-print Network

Brief Ludwig Alexander an seine Gro�mutter Anna Pinner, mit Nachbrief von seiner Mutter Elfriede Alexander- Pinner.

) entschlossen hat, heute um 9 ins Bett zu gehen, so will ich ihr den Bericht �ber den Zustand Deiner vielge- liebten Wohnung abnehmen. (Nebenbei passe ich auf den Weck auf) Also: In Deiner Woh- nung ist sicherlich mein Lesestoff, wie meine an- dere Ferienunterhaltung interessieren. Ich vermute ja stark, dass Du

E-print Network

Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (13th, Paris, France, July 9-13, 1989), Volume 1.

This proceedings of the annual conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME) includes the following papers: "Transformations Accelerees de l'Education Scientifique Pendant la Revolution Francaise" (Jean Dhombres); "Building on the Knowledge of Students and Teachers" (Thomas P. Carpenter & Elizabeth Fennema); "Hardiesse et Raison ...

ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

Syst�mes multi-�chelles, Mod�lisation et simulation

Syst�mes multi-�chelles est une introduction � la probl�matique des syst�mes multi-�chelles du point de vue du math�maticien appliqu�. Il se compose d'une mosaique d'exemples dont le seul lien est d'appartenir � la tr�s grande famille des probl�mes issus de la physique au sens large qui pr�sentent pour leur mod�lisation et leur ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Nutrient dynamics and control of eutrophication in the Marne River system: modelling the role of exchangeable phosphorus

The Marne River (12,762 km2) is one of the main tributaries of the Seine river, upstream from the City of Paris. Its population counts 2 million inhabitants of which 70% are concentrated in the downstream part of the basin. It has a high industrial activity and an intensive agriculture. The Marne River water supplies drinking water production to a large number of Parisians. A ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Impact of water overstock on groundwater quality of the Bassee plain area (France)

The project, inspired by the structural flood plain management measures of the Rhine River, consists in the temporal removal of a maximum amount of water from the Seine River in order to leave priority to the water from the River Yonne. Yonne River and the Seine are presenting their maximum water flow usually at a same time. The space located between ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Study of the Feasibility and Application of Danish Seining to the Massachusetts Fishing Industry.

The project investigated Scottish seining as an alternative to otter trawling in Massachusetts waters. Canadian experience was considered and a consultant retained. The small otter trawler 'Mildred and Myra' was converted for Scottish seining. Results of ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

SEINE BIGHT - The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth

ISS028, E, 22508, BELIZE, CARIBBEAN S., SEINE BIGHT, MAYA MTS., AGR. 16.7, -88.4 , 20110806. ISS028, E, 22509, BELIZE, CARIBBEAN S., SEINE BIGHT, MAYA MTS., ...

NASA Website

Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences Juvenile Striped Bass Seine Survey

... in the Chesapeake Bay. The Virginia Institute of Marine Science initiated the juvenile striped bass seine survey in ... ...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure

NOAA Photo Library

Fig. 1. Diagram showing the different sections of a purse-seine Fig. 2. Diagram showing the form of a purse-seine when spread in the water Drawing by Capt. J. W. Collins

NOAA Photo Library

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CA Pelagic Longline Fishery

... trawl, purse seine, pot, handline/pole and line, liners not elsewhere identified, and multipurpose vessels Current category: ... trawl, purse seine, pot, handline/pole...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure

Assessment of Nearshore Fish around Unalaska Using Beach Seines During July 1999. Martin Robards

... Nearshore Fish around Unalaska Using Beach Seines During July 1999. by Martin Robards December 1999

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure

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