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Magnetic relaxation in basic iron(III) carboxylate [Fe3O(O2CPh)6(H2O)3]ClO4�py.

The magnetic properties of the antiferromagnetic basic iron(III) carboxylate [Fe(3)O(O(2)CPh)(6)(H(2)O)(3)]ClO(4)�py are studied by magnetic susceptometry and electron paramagnetic resonance spectrocopy. Ac susceptometry under moderate external magnetic fields reveals magnetic relaxation at ...


2 on Web 10/08/2009r 2009 American Chemical Society Inorg. Chem. 2009, 48, 9971�9973 9971

Synthesisa a (a) (CHO)2, HCO2H, EtOH, 40 �C, 55%. (b) (CH2O)n, TMSCl, EtOAc, 70 �C, 51%. (c) LiOH 3 H2O, 3

E-print Network

EM Method for Yeast Cells 1. Prepare 5 OD units of cells in logarithmic growth (e.g., 10 mls of OD600 = 0.5). Spin at 2500

-closing, anticapillary forceps. Touch grid to filter paper to blot away ddH2O. 3. Submerge in freshly prepared Reynold forceps or filter paper). � To destain, submerge grid in 1-10% AcCOOH for 1 or more minute(s) at room

E-print Network

The first detection of photomodulation by both DC and in-phase AC susceptibility for organic/inorganic hybrid materials containing cyano-bridged Gd Cr complex and azobenzene

New organic/inorganic hybrid material containing a ferrimagnetic cyano-bridged binuclear complex, [Gd(DMF)4(H2O)3Cr(CN)6]�H2O (DMF=N,N?-dimethylformamide), and photochromic azobenzene in poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) cast films has been prepared. We characterized magnetic properties of bulk ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Triaqua-chlorido[3-dimethyl-amino-1-(2-pyrid-yl)prop-2-en-1-one-?N]manganese(II) chloride.

In the title compound, [MnCl(C(10)H(12)N(2)O)(H(2)O)(3)]Cl, the Mn(II) ion has a distorted octa-hedral coordination environment formed by one N and one O atom from the chelating 3-dimethyl-amino-1-(2-pyrid-yl)prop-2-en-1-one ligand, one chloride anion and three coordinated water mol-ecules. Inter-molecular O-H?O ...


First structural and magnetic studies of Ni clusters containing 2,6-diacetylpyridine-dioxime as a ligand.

In the present work, coordination possibilities of the system dapdoH(2)/Ni(2+), being dapdoH(2) = 2,6-diacetylpyridine dioxime, have been explored, offering as a result a number of unprecedented clusters with a variety of topologies and magnetic behaviors. Depending on the precursors and reaction conditions, several compounds named [Ni(2)(dapdo)(2)] (1), ...


Yttrium(III)-containing tungstoantimonate(III) stabilized by tetrahedral WO4(2-) capping unit, [{Y(?-SbW9O31(OH)2)(CH3COO)(H2O)}3(WO4)]17-.

The yttrium(III)-containing tungstoantimonate(III) [{Y(?-SbW(9)O(31)(OH)(2))(CH(3)COO)(H(2)O)}(3)(WO(4))](17-) (1) has been synthesized in a simple one-pot reaction of Y(3+) ions with [?-SbW(9)O(33)](9-) and WO(4)(2-) in a 3:3:1 molar ratio in 1 M LiOAc/AcOH buffer at pH 5.3. Polyanion 1 is ...


Ozone Production

Ozone Production. Ozone is created by. oxygen molecules and. energetic UV radiation. 3 " O. 2. + h� � 2 " O. 3. UV. �< 240 nm ...

NASA Website

Syntheses, structures and properties of 3D inorganic-organic hybrid frameworks constructed from lanthanide polymer and Keggin-type tungstosilicate

Inorganic-organic hybrid frameworks, namely [Ce(H2O)3(pdc)]4[SiW12O40]�6H2O 1, [M(H2O)4(pdc)]4[SiW12O40]�2H2O (M=Ce for 2a, La for 2b, Nd for 2c; H2pdc=pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid) were assembled through incorporation of Keggin-type heteropolyanion [SiW12O40]4? within the voids of lanthanides-pdc network as ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Organic Derivatives of Layered Group (4) Phosphates

... Finally, when the imines were prepared by a Mannich type reaction the phosphonate was of the type H2 O3 P-CH2 (NHCH2 CH2 ),-NH2 . ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Characterization of Nafion as a Permselective Membrane by ...

... High speed magic angle spinning fluorine-19 spectra can ... The high resolution fluorine NMR spectrum contains two ... 20 (H2O) 3.44 0.555 11.8 6.56 ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics simulations for an excited state of X-(H2O)3 (X=Cl,I) complexes

Upon excitation of Cl-(H2O)3 and I-(H2O)3 clusters, the electron transfers from the anionic precursor to the solvent, and then the excess electron is stabilized by polar solvent molecules. This process has been investigated using ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations of excited states of Cl-(H2O)3 and I-(H2O)3 clusters. The AIMD simulation results of Cl-(H2O)3 and I-(H2O)3 are compared, ...

Energy Citations Database

Study of Proton Coupled Electron Transfer in a Biomimetic Dimanganese Water Oxidation Catalyst with Terminal Water Ligands.

The oxomanganese complex [H(2)O(terpy)Mn(III)(?-O)(2)Mn(IV)(terpy)H(2)O](3+) (1, terpy = 2,2':6-2?-terpyridine) is a biomimetic model of the oxygen evolving complex of photosystem II with terminal water ligands. When bound to TiO(2) surfaces, 1 is activated by primary oxidants (e.g., Ce(4+)(aq), or oxone in acetate ...


Water Network-Dependent Charge Translocation in the NO^+ \\cdot (H_2O)_3 Clusters: AN Old Riddle of the Ionosphere Brings a Microscopic Grotthuss Mechanism Down to Earth

The dominant ions in the D-region of the ionosphere are proton hydrates, H^+ \\cdot (H_2O)_n, which are formed through a complex mechanism involving clustering, and a water network-mediated reaction, NO^+ \\cdot (H_2O)_3 + H_2O ⟶ H^+ \\cdot ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Binding of higher alcohols onto Mn(12) single-molecule magnets (SMMs): access to the highest barrier Mn(12) SMM.

Two new members of the Mn(12) family of single-molecule magnets (SMMs), [Mn(12)O(12)(O(2)CCH(2)Bu(t))(16)(Bu(t)OH)(H(2)O)(3)].2Bu(t)OH (3.2Bu(t)OH) and [Mn(12)O(12)(O(2)CCH(2)Bu(t))(16)(C(5)H(11)OH)(4)] (4) (C(5)H(11)OH is 1-pentanol), are reported. They were synthesized from ...


Structure and Stability of Glycine�(H 2O) 3 Cluster and Anion: Zwitterion vs. Canonical Glycine

? ABSTRACT: Calculations are presented for the glycine�(H2O) 3 cluster anion, with glycine in canonical or zwitterionic form. The zwitterionic anions are predicted to be considerably lower in energy than the canonical anions, and the latter forms are found to be prone to isomerization to the zwitterionic anions. Therefore, we predict that the zwitterionic anions would be observed predominantly ...

E-print Network

Synthetic entry into polynuclear bismuth-manganese chemistry: high oxidation state Bi(III)2Mn(IV)6 and Bi(III)Mn(III)10 complexes.

The first high nuclearity, mixed-metal Bi(III)/Mn(IV) and Bi(III)/Mn(III) complexes are reported. The former complexes are [Bi(2)Mn(IV)(6)O(9)(O(2)CEt)(9)(HO(2)CEt)(NO(3))(3)] (1) and [Bi(2)Mn(IV)(6)O(9)(O(2)CPh)(9)(HO(2)CPh)(NO(3))(3)] (2) and were obtained from the comproportionation reaction between Mn(O(2)CR)(2) and MnO(4)(-) in a 10:3 ratio in the presence of Bi(NO(3))(3) (3 equiv) in either ...


Intramolecular ferro- and antiferromagnetic interactions in oxo-carboxylate bridged digadolinium(III) complexes.

Two new digadolinium(III) complexes with monocarboxylate ligands, [Gd2(pac)6(H2O)4] (1) and [Gd2(tpac)6(H2O)4] (2) (Hpac = pentanoic acid and Htpac = 3-thiopheneacetic acid), have been prepared and their structures determined by X-ray diffraction on single crystals. Their structures consist of neutral and isolated digadolinium(III) units, containing six monocarboxylate ligands and four coordinated ...


Water-assisted proton transfer in ferredoxin I.

The role of water molecules in assisting proton transfer (PT) is investigated for the proton-pumping protein ferredoxin I (FdI) from Azotobacter vinelandii. It was shown previously that individual water molecules can stabilize between Asp(15) and the buried [3Fe-4S](0) cluster and thus can potentially act as a proton relay in transferring H(+) from the protein to the ?(2) sulfur atom. Here, we ...


Synthesis, Kinetics, and Photochemistry of the Chromium(III) DicyanoaquoEDTA Complex.

The complex Cr(Y)(CN)2(H2O)(3-) resembles the various cyano-aquo and cyano-amine complexes of Cr(III) in that the thermal reaction is one of cyanide aquation, the rate increasing with decreasing pH. Unlike the other cases, however, there does not appear t...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

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Study of the Pentacyanonitrosyl Chromate Ion. Iii. Aquation.

Aquation of Cr(CN)5NO(3-) in mildly acidic solution yields Cr(CN)2(H2O)3NO which is inert to further aquation. In solutions of pH less than 2, further loss of CN(-) occurs. The Cr-NO grouping remains intact until loss of CN(-) is complete. The slow step i...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Renal Physiology 3 Tubular reabsorption

with Cl- Cl- � Water movement is secondary to Na+ transport ATP 1. Na+ K+ H2O 3a. osmolarity 3b. osmolarity 4. osmosis H2O 4. Bulk flow 2. Na+ Formation of urine 1. Dilute 2. Concentrated First, imagine H2O concentrated 1400 Urea trap also contributes to interstitial osmolarity � Urea is a byproduct

E-print Network

Re(CO)(3)(H(2)O)(3)(+) binding to lysozyme: structure and reactivity.

The reaction of Re(CO)(3)(H(2)O)(3)(+) with hen egg white lysozyme in aqueous solution results in a single covalent adduct. Both NMR spectroscopy and single crystal X-ray diffraction show that the rhenium tricarbonyl cation binds to His15 via replacement of one of the coordinated water molecules. The formation of this adduct does not greatly affect the structure of the protein. PMID:21805003


Physical and Chemical Properties of Squarate Complexes. I. Spectral, Magnetic, and Thermal Behavior of Dimeric Iron(III) Squarate.

The magnetic susceptibility behavior of an iron(III) squarate complex with empirical formula Fe(C404)(OH)(H2O)3 was studied in the range 20-300K. Presence of both terminally-coordinated bidentate squarate dianion and bridging hydroxy groups is supported b...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)


This document is part of Subvolume A9 `Structure Types. Part 9: Space Groups (148) R-3 - (141) I41' of Volume 43 `Crystal Structures of Inorganic Compounds' of Landolt-B�rnstein - Group III `Condensed Matter'.

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)


This document is part of Subvolume A7 �Structure Types. Part 7: Space Groups (160) R-3m - (156) P3m1� of Volume 43 �Crystal Structures of Inorganic Compounds� of Landolt-B�rnstein - Group III �Condensed Matter�.

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)


This document is part of Subvolume A7 �Structure Types. Part 7: Space Groups (160) R-3m - (156) P3m1� of Volume 43 �Crystal Structures of Inorganic Compounds� of Landolt-B�rnstein - Group III �Condensed Matter�.

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

A family of 13 tetranuclear zinc(ii)-lanthanide(iii) complexes of a [3 + 3] Schiff-base macrocycle derived from 1,4-diformyl-2,3-dihydroxybenzene.

A family of thirteen tetranuclear heterometallic zinc(ii)-lanthanide(iii) complexes of the hexa-imine macrocycle (L(Pr))(6-), with general formula Zn(II)(3)Ln(III)(L(Pr))(NO(3))(3)�xsolvents (Ln = La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm or Yb), were prepared in a one-pot synthesis using a 3?:?1?:?3?:?3 reaction of zinc(ii) acetate, the appropriate lanthanide(iii) nitrate, the dialdehyde ...


[Ba6(C2H3O2)12(H2O)3.5], a new hydrate of barium acetate.

A new barium acetate phase, di-mu(5)-acetato-tri-mu(4)-acetato-tri-mu(3)-acetato-tri-mu(2)-acetato-mu(2)-acetato-triaquahemiaquahexabarium(II), of analytical formula [Ba(6)(C(2)H(3)O(2))(12)(H(2)O)(3.5)], is described. The asymmetric unit contains six independent Ba centres with coordination numbers varying from 7 ...


First Observation of Photoinduced Magnetization for the Cyano-Bridged 3d 4f Heterobimetallic Assembly Nd(DMF)4(H2O)3(?-CN)Fe(CN)5?H2O (DMF=N,N-Dimethylformamide)

Photoinduced magnetization of the cyano-bridged 3d 4f hetero-bimetallic assembly Nd (DMF)4(H2O)3(?-CN)Fe(CN)5?H2O (1) (DMF=N,N-dimethylformamide) is described in this paper. The ?M T values are enhanced by about 45% after UV light illumination in the temperature range of 5 50 K. We propose that UV light ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Aqueous fluoride and the preparation of [99mTc(CO)3(OH2)3]+ and 99mTc-carborane complexes.

A method for the preparation of eta5-metallocarborane complexes of technetium-99m in water was developed. The key to the procedure is the use of aqueous sodium or potassium fluoride, which prevents premature degradation of the Tc(I) starting material used to prepare the carborane complexes. Solid-phase extraction was used to purify Tc-metallocarboranes derived from both ortho and meta isomers, ...



The reaction of cis-[Pt(NO(3))(2)(NH(3))(2)] and sodium glycolate yielded the title compound, [Pt(C(2)H(2)O(3))(NH(3))(2)]. The Pt(II) atom, coordinated by two N atoms of ammine and two O atoms of the carboxyl-ate and oxido groups of the glycolate ligand, is in a square-planar environment. In the crystal structure, ...


What can meteorites tell us about comets?

Cometary and meteoritic matter, though originally interstellar, was reprocessed to varying degrees in the early solar system. The history of cometary matter can be inferred from various clues; specifically, the following questions are considered in this paper: (1) Anhydrous, Fe2+-bearing silicates: when and where did they form? (2) Hydrated silicates: if present, were they made by gaseous or ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Visible light-induced magnetization change of the cyano-bridged 3d-4f heterobimetallic

A visible light-induced magnetization change of the 3d-4f heterometallic, [Nd(DMF)4(H2O)3(?-NC)Co(CN)5].H2O (DMF=N,N-dimethylformamide), is observed and described. The plots of ?MT versus T of the complex showed that the ?MT values, after visible light illumination, were enhanced by about 25% as compared to before ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

The generation of a novel polyoxometalate-based 3D framework following picolinate-chelation of tungsten and potassium centres.

A new polyoxometalate-based 3D framework K(5)Na[K(2){Dy(H(2)O)(3)}(2){As(2)W(19)O(68)}{WO(2)(pic)}(2)] (1) (pic = 2-picolinate), composed of picolinate-functionalised dysprosium-containing tungstoarsenates and distorted potassium-picolinate cubane units, has been synthesised from the polyoxometalate precursor ...


The Canadian Mineralogist Vol. 41, pp. 687-706 (2003)

GROUP PETER C. BURNS�, KATHRYN M. DEELY AND LESLIE A. HAYDEN Department of Civil Engineering.461(1)�, V 4421.0(5) �3, R1 6.88%, Dc 4.517 g/cm3. The structure of magnesium-zippeite, Mg(H2O)3.5[(UO2)2(SO4-zippeite, magnesium-zippeite, and zinc-zippeite. They also synthesized NH4-substi- tuted zippeite, which is ...

E-print Network

Surprising coordination for plutonium in the first plutonium(III) borate.

The first plutonium(III) borate, Pu(2)[B(12)O(18)(OH)(4)Br(2)(H(2)O)(3)]�0.5H(2)O, has been prepared by reacting plutonium(III) with molten boric acid under strictly anaerobic conditions. This compound contains a three-dimensional polyborate network with triangular holes that house the plutonium(III) sites. The ...


Solutes typical of deeper or less oxic groundwater

sulfide: H2S HS- S2- Troilite FeS sulfide minerals: atmospheric dimethyl sulfide: (CH3)2S sulfosalt-dissolved selenate: Se0 Native selenium Se Se2- and Se0 Ferroselite FeSe2 selenide minerals: dissolved selenide: H2Se HSe- Se2- M�kinenite NiSe selenide minerals: Ferrihydrite FexO x- y(OH)ynH2O3 2 1 2 Goethite

E-print Network

Partial Oxidation of Light Alkanes in Transition-Metal Ion Containing Zeolites: (Quarterly Report for the Period September 15, 1988--December 15, 1988).

Preliminary ab-initio calculations of the electronic structure of transition-metal ions in zeolites are reported. The planar trigonal (Cu(H2O)3) (sup 2+) and (Fe(H2O)3) (sup 2+) clusters were calculated using basis sets of the types STO-3G and STO3-21G. T...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Oxidation state of marine manganese nodules

Analyses of the bulk oxidation state of marine manganese nodules indicates that more than 98% of the Mn in deep ocean nodules is present as Mn(IV). The samples were collected from three quite different areas: the hemipelagic environment of the Guatemala Basin, the pelagic area of the North Pacific, and seamounts in the central Pacific. Results of the study suggest that todorokite in marine nodules ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

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This document is part of Subvolume A7 �Structure Types. Part 7: Space Groups (160) R-3m - (156) P3m1� of Volume 43 �Crystal Structures of Inorganic Compounds� of Landolt-B�rnstein - Group III �Condensed Matter�.

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)


This document is part of Subvolume A7 �Structure Types. Part 7: Space Groups (160) R-3m - (156) P3m1� of Volume 43 �Crystal Structures of Inorganic Compounds� of Landolt-B�rnstein - Group III �Condensed Matter�.

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Less Acres and Variable Yield Mark Ohio's Crops

and loses 1.5 H2O molecules at 128 C, and the remaining H2O at 163 C. Epsom salts (MgSO4�7H2O) loses six H2O3+ + 6Fe3+ + 7H2O [2] In case of salt affected soils, Cl- ion reacts with dichromate producing- drated salts (Schulte and Hopkins, 1996 and Ben-Dor and Banin, 1989). While some hygroscopic water

E-print Network

Cu and Au metal-organic frameworks bridge the gap between homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts for alkene cyclopropanation reactions.

The copper and gold metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) [Cu(3)(BTC)(2)(H(2)O)(3)](n), [Cu(3)(BTC)(2)] (BTC=benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxylate), and IRMOF-3-SI-Au are active and reusable solid catalysts for the cyclopropanation of alkenes with high chemo- and diastereoselectivities. This type of material gives better results ...


A SHH-independent regulation of Gli3 is a significant determinant of anteroposterior patterning of the limb bud.

The family of GLI proteins (GLI1-3) comprises the intracellular mediators of the hedgehog pathway, which regulates a myriad of developmental processes, one of which is limb development. Whereas GLI1 and GLI2 seem to be dispensable during limb development, GLI3 is especially crucial since all GLI3-associated human ...


Vibrational distributions of the CO(v) products of the C2H2 + O(3P) and HCCO + O(3P) reactions studied by FTIR emission.

The C2H2 + O(3P) and HCCO + O(3P) reactions are investigated using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) emission spectroscopy. The O(3P) radicals are produced by 193 nm photolysis of an SO2 precursor or microwave discharge in O2. The HCCO radical is either formed in the first step of the C2H2 + O(3P) reaction or by 193 nm photodissociation of ethyl ethynyl ether. Vibrationally excited CO and CO2 ...


Two series of novel rare earth complexes with dicyanamide [Ln(dca)2(phen)2(H2O)3][dca].(phen), (Ln = Pr, Gd, and Sm) and [Ln(dca)3(2,2'-bipy)2(H2O)]n, (Ln = Gd, Sm, and La): syntheses, crystal structures, and magnetic properties.

Two series of novel complexes, [Ln(dca)(2)(Phen)(2)(H(2)O)(3)](dca).(phen) (Ln = Pr (1), Gd (2), and Sm (3), dca = N(CN)(-), phen = 1,10-phenanthroline) and [Ln(dca)(3)(2,2'-bipy)(2)(H(2)O)](n), (Ln = Gd (4), Sm (5), and La (6), 2,2'-bipy = 2,2'-bipydine), have been synthesized and structurally characterized by ...


The first 3-dimensional assemblies of organotin-functionalized polyanions.

Reaction of the (CH(3))(2)Sn(2+) electrophile toward trilacunary [A-alpha-XW(9)O(34)](n-) Keggin polytungstates (X = P(V), As(V), Si(IV)) with guanidinium as templating-cation resulted in the isostructural compounds Na[C(NH(2))(3)](2)[{(CH(3))(2)Sn(H(2)O)}(3)(A-alpha-PW(9)O(34))] x 9 H(2)O (1), ...


The construction of open Gd(III) metal-organic frameworks based on methanetriacetic acid: new objects with an old ligand.

The preparation, X-ray crystallography and magnetic investigation of the first examples of methanetriacetate (mta)-containing lanthanide(III) complexes of formulae [Gd(mta)(H(2)O)(3)](n)4 n H(2)O (1) [Gd(mta)(H(2)O)(3)](n)2 n H(2)O ...


Synthesis, crystal structures and characterization of four coordination polymers based on 5-amino-2,4,6-triiodoisophthalic acid

One homochiral 1D coordination polymer [Cu(ATIBDC)(2,2?-bipy)]�3H2O�CH3OH (1) and three achiral 1D coordination polymers: [Cd(ATIBDC)(2,2?-bipy)(H2O)]�3H2O (2), [Cd(ATIBDC)(phen)(H2O)]�4H2O (3), and ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Aggregation-induced chemical reactions: acid dissociation in growing water clusters.

Understanding chemical reactivity at ultracold conditions, thus enabling molecular syntheses via interstellar and atmospheric processes, is a key issue in cryochemistry. In particular, acid dissociation and proton transfer reactions are ubiquitous in aqueous microsolvation environments. Here, the full dissociation of a HCl molecule upon stepwise solvation by a small number of water molecules at ...


Redox chemistry of the acetato-bridged clusters [M3(mu3-O)n(mu-O2CCH3)6(H2O)3]2+ (M = Mo, W, n = 1, 2): reversible redox between mono-micro3-oxo d8 M(III)2M(IV) and d9 M(III)3 forms.

A cyclic voltammogram of aqueous 0.1 mol dm(-3) triflic acid solutions of the d6 bioxo-capped M-M bonded cluster [Mo3(mu3-O)2(O2CCH3)6(H2O)3]2+ at a glassy carbon electrode at 25 degrees C gives rise to an irreversible 3e- cathodic wave to a d9 Mo(III)3 species at -0.8 V vs. SCE which on the return scan gives rise ...


The Shh-independent activator function of the full-length Gli3 protein and its role in vertebrate limb digit patterning.

Anterior-posterior (A/P) limb patterning in vertebrates is determined by the counteraction between the Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) and the Gli3 transcription factor. Shh exerts its effect on Gli3 by regulating the full-length Gli3 protein processing to generate a Gli3 repressor gradient along the A/P axis of the limb. However, it is not clear whether the ...


The Shh-independent activator function of the full-length Gli3 protein and its role in vertebrate limb digit patterning

Anterior-posterior (A/P) limb patterning in vertebrates is determined by the counteraction between the Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) and the Gli3 transcription factor. Shh exerts its effect on Gli3 by regulating the full-length Gli3 protein processing to generate a Gli3 repressor gradient along the A/P axis of the limb. However, it is not clear whether the ...

PubMed Central

The molecular basis of Pallister Hall associated polydactyly.

Mutations in GLI3 manifest in several distinct clinical phenotypes including Greig cephalopolysyndactyly syndrome and Pallister-Hall syndrome (PHS). GLI3 belongs to the GLI family of transcription factors that mediates extracellular Sonic hedgehog (SHH) signals. In the absence of SHH signals, GLI3 is processed to ...


Human intronic enhancers control distinct sub-domains of Gli3 expression during mouse CNS and limb development

BackgroundThe zinc-finger transcription factor GLI3 is an important mediator of Sonic hedgehog signaling and crucial for patterning of many aspects of the vertebrate body plan. In vertebrates, the mechanism of SHH signal transduction and its action on target genes by means of activating or repressing forms of GLI3 have been studied most extensively during ...

PubMed Central

GLI3 mutations in human disorders mimic Drosophila Cubitus interruptus protein functions and localization

Truncation mutations of the GLI3 zinc finger transcription factor can cause Greig cephalopolysyndactyly syndrome (GCPS), Pallister�Hall syndrome (PHS), and postaxial polydactyly type A (PAP-A). GLI3 is homologous to Drosophila Cubitus interruptus (Ci), which regulates the patched (ptc), gooseberry (gsb), and decapentaplegic (dpp) genes. Ci is sequestered ...

PubMed Central

Synthesis and characterization of high nuclearity iron(III) phosphonate molecular clusters.

Three new phosphonic acid ligands (4- (t)butylphenyl phosphonic acid, 3,5-dimethylphenyl phosphonic acid, and diphenylmethylphosphonic acid) have been synthesized and employed in search of high molecularity iron(III) clusters. The cluster compounds are characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction and magnetic measurements. The solvothermal reaction of FeCl 3.6H 2O with diphenylacetic acid and ...


catena-Poly[[diaqua-cadmium(II)]-?-(methyl morpholino dichloro-methylene-diphospho-nato)-?O,O':O''-[tetra-aqua-cadmium(II)]-?-(methyl morpholino dichloro-methyl-enediphospho-nato)-?O:O',O''].

The asymmetric unit of the title compound, [Cd(C(6)H(11)Cl(2)NO(6)P(2))(H(2)O)(3)](n), contains two octahedrally coordinated Cd atoms located in special positions, one on a twofold rotation axis and the other on a centre of symmetry. The metal atoms are connected by methyl morpholino ...


catena-Poly[[aqua-(ethyl anilinophospho-nato-?O)sodium(I)]-di-?-aqua].

In the title compound, [Na(C(8)H(11)NO(3)P)(H(2)O)(3)](n), the sodium cation is octa-hedrally coordinated by five water mol-ecules and one O-bonded ethyl anilinophospho-nate anion. Four of the water mol-ecules bridge to adjacent sodium ions, resulting in an infinite chain of edge-sharing NaO(6) polyhedra. A network ...


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Towards understanding the poor thermal stability of V5+ electrolyte solution in Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries

The V5+ electrolyte solution from vanadium redox flow batteries was studied by variable temperature 17O and 51V Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and DFT based computational modeling. It was found that the V5+ species exist as hydrated penta co-ordinated vanadate ion, i.e. [VO2(H2O)3]1+. This hydrated ...

Energy Citations Database

Structure and thermal decomposition of poly[[triaqua(mu4-oxydiacetato)lanthanum(III)] nitrate].

In the title lanthanum complex, {[La(C(4)H(4)O(5))(H(2)O)(3)]NO3}n, the lanthanum cation is immersed in a nine-coordinate environment provided by a tridentate oxydiacetate (oda) ligand (through two carboxylate and one ether O atoms), three carboxylate O atoms from neighbouring oda ligands and three aqua ligands. ...


Stratospheric positive ion composition measurements between 22 and 45 km - An updated analysis

A set of results about the positive ion composition of the stratosphere, consisting of some recently obtained as well as some previously reported data, is presented and analyzed. It is compared with model calculations described in a companion paper. A review of the abundances of proton hydrates and nonproton hydrates shows that the latter most probably result from the presence of acetonitrile ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Spectroscopic investigations of new metallic complexes with leucine as ligand

The [Cu(L)2] � H2O (1), [Co(L)2] � 2H2O (2) and [Zn(L)2] � H2O (3) complexes with leucine (L) as ligand, were synthesized in water solution and analyzed by physical-chemical and spectroscopic means (UV-VIS, FT-IR, ESR). The comparative analysis of the IR spectra for the ligand and the complexes indicate the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Quasi-Classical Trajectory Calculations of Reaction Stereodynamics of H+OH(v = 0, j = 0) ? H2+O(3P)

In order to study the vector properties, especially the correlation between the reagents and the products, of the title reaction, the quasi-classical trajectory calculations on the 3A' and 3A? potential energy surfaces (PESs) have been performed. The results indicate that the product rotational angular momentum j' is aligned and oriented perpendicular to the scattering plane on both PESs. The ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Poly[[triaqua-(?(3)-4-oxidopyridine-2,6-dicarboxyl-ato)terbium(III)] monohydrate].

In the title coordination polymer, {[Tb(C(7)H(2)NO(5))(H(2)O)(3)]�H(2)O}(n), the Tb(III) atom is eight-coordinated by a tridentate 4-oxidopyridine-2,6-dicarboxyl-ate trianion, two adjacent monodentate anions and three water mol-ecules, forming a distorted bicapped trigonal-prismatic TbNO(7) coordination ...


Poly[[triaqua-(?(3)-4-oxidopyridine-2,6-dicarboxyl-ato)holmium(III)] mono-hydrate].

In the title coordination polymer, {[Ho(C(7)H(2)NO(5))(H(2)O)(3)]�H(2)O}(n), the Ho(III) atom is eight-coordinated by a tridentate 4-oxidopyridine-2,6-dicarboxyl-ate trianion, two monodentate anions and three water mol-ecules, forming a distorted bicapped trigonal-prismatic HoNO(7) coordination geometry. The ...


Nonlinear Raman studies on intermolecular vibrations of weakly bound species

Mass-selected Ionization-detected stimulated Raman spectroscopy (IDSRS), one of nonlinear Raman technique, have been applied to the studies of the intermolecular vibrations for several weakly bound species including naphthalene trimer, benzene-argon, and benzene- (H2O)3,4. For each of the complexes, several ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Ion-Molecule Reactions in NO(+)--H2O System.

The following reaction sequence which occurs in ionized NO--H2O or air--H2O mixtures has been studied: NO(+) + H2O + M goes to NO(+)(H2O) + M, NO(+)(H2O) + H2O + M goes to NO(+)(H2O)2 + M, NO(+)(H2O)2 + H2O + M goes to NO(+)(H2O)3 + M, NO(+)(H2O)3 + H2O g...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Hydroxonium triaqua-bis(biuret-?O,O')dichloridolanthanum(III) dichloride dihydrate.

In the title compound, (H(3)O)[LaCl(2)(C(2)H(5)N(3)O(2))(2)(H(2)O)(3)]Cl(2)�2H(2)O, the La atom is bonded to seven O atoms (arising from two O,O'-bidentate biuret mol-ecules and three water mol-ecules) and two chloride ions in an irregular arrangement. A network of N-H?O, N-H?Cl, O-H?O and O-H?Cl hydrogen bonds ...


From chain to network: design and analysis of novel organic-inorganic assemblies from organically functionalized zinc-substituted polyoxovanadates and zinc organoamine subunits.

A series of novel organic-inorganic assemblies, [Zn(Meen)2]2[(4,4'-bipy)Zn2As8V12O40(H2O)] (1), [Zn(en)2(H2O)][Zn(en)2(4,4'-bipy)Zn2As8V12O40(H2O)].3H2O (2), [[Zn(en)3]2[Zn2As8V12O40(H2O)


Aqua-bis(5-methyl-pyrazine-2-carboxyl-ato)zinc(II) trihydrate.

In the title compound, [Zn(C(6)H(5)N(2)O(2))(2)(H(2)O)]�3H(2)O, the Zn(II) centre is five-coordinated by two O,N-bidentate Schiff base ligands and one O atom from a water mol-ecule in a slightly distorted square-pyramidal geometry. In the crystal, the complex and uncoordinated water mol-ecules are linked by ...


The output of Hedgehog signaling is controlled by the dynamic association between Suppressor of Fused and the Gli proteins.

The transcriptional program orchestrated by Hedgehog signaling depends on the Gli family of transcription factors. Gli proteins can be converted to either transcriptional activators or truncated transcriptional repressors. We show that the interaction between Gli3 and Suppressor of Fused (Sufu) regulates the formation of either repressor or activator forms ...


The output of Hedgehog signaling is controlled by the dynamic association between Suppressor of Fused and the Gli proteins

The transcriptional program orchestrated by Hedgehog signaling depends on the Gli family of transcription factors. Gli proteins can be converted to either transcriptional activators or truncated transcriptional repressors. We show that the interaction between Gli3 and Suppressor of Fused (Sufu) regulates the formation of either repressor or activator forms ...

PubMed Central

A novel Gli3 enhancer controls the Gli3 spatiotemporal expression pattern through a TALE homeodomain protein binding site.

The zinc finger transcription factor Gli3 is an essential mediator of hedgehog signaling. Gli3 has a dynamic expression pattern during embryonic development. In the neural tube, Gli3 transcripts are patterned along the anteroposterior and dorsoventral axes such that the ...


[Synthesis, characterization and fluorescence properties of rare earth complexes RE(TPTZ) Cl3].

The reaction of 2,4,6-tri(2-pyridyl)-1,3,5-triazine (TPTZ) with RECl3 in ethanol solution was studied. Seven solid coordination compounds of rare earth were synthesized. Their elemental analysis, rare earth complexometric titration, molar conduction, TG-DTA curve, IR spectra and UV spectra were studied. The results suggest that the composition of the complexes was RE(TPTZ)C13 x 3H2O(RE = Sm, Eu, ...


Sodium and potassium compounds of [(?(6)-benzenecarboxylate)Cr(CO)(3)] and [(?(6)-1,4-benzenedicarboxylate)Cr(CO)(3)].

Reactions of [{?(6)-C(6)H(5)COOH}Cr(CO)(3)] with sodium and potassium hydroxide resulted in the corresponding alkali metal derivatives [Na(H(2)O)(3){?(6)-C(6)H(5)COO}Cr(CO)(3)] and [K(2)(H(2)O)(CH(3)OH)(1.5)[{?(6)-C(6)H(5)COO}Cr(CO)(3)](2)]. Deprotonation of [{?(6)-p-C(6)H(4)(COOH)(2)}Cr(CO)(3)] with sodium and ...


Similar binding of the carcinostatic drugs cis-[Pt(NH3)2Cl2] and [Ru(NH3)5Cl] Cl2 to tRNAphe and a comparison with the binding of the inactive trans-[Pt(NH3)2Cl2] complex - reluctance in binding to Watson-Crick base pairs within double helix.

A comparative study of the binding of square planar cis- and trans-[Pt(NH3)2Cl2] complexes and the octahedral [Ru(NH3)5(H2O)]3+ complex to tRNAphe from yeast was carried out by X-ray crystallography. Both of the carcinostatic compounds, cis-[Pt(NH3)2Cl2] and [Ru(NH3)5(H2O)]3+ show similarities in their mode of ...

PubMed Central

Self-assembly of novel molecular complexes of 1,10-phenanthroline and 5-amino-1,10-phenanthroline and evaluation of their in vitro antitumour activity.

Novel molecular complexes of 1,10-phenanthroline (phen) and 5-amino-1,10-phenanthroline (5-NH2-phen) [(5-NH2-phen)2(phen) (H2O)3 (1), (phen)2(imidazole) (H+) (BF4-) (2), (phen)2(benzimidazole) (H+) (BF4-) (3), (5-NH2-phen)4(H2O)3 ...


Potential of a metal-organic framework as a new material for solid-phase extraction of pesticides from lettuce (Lactuca sativa), with analysis by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.

The metal-organic framework (?)[(La(0.9)Eu(0.1))(2)(DPA)(3)(H(2)O)(3)] was tested for extraction of pyrimicarb, procymidone, malathion, methyl parathion and ?- and ?-endosulfan from lettuce, with analysis using GC/MS in SIM mode. Experiments were carried out in triplicate at two fortification levels (0.1 and ...


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Hydroxopentaamminechromium(III) promoted phosphorylation of bovine serum albumin: its potential implications in understanding biotoxicity of chromium.

Evidence for chromium(III) induced phosphorylation of a biomarker protein bovine serum albumin (BSA) is presented. Radiolabelled adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) was reacted with BSA in the presence of various Cr(III) salts. While [Cr(NH3)5(H2O)]3+ brought about phosphorylation of BSA, several Cr(III) complexes, ...


Hydrothermal synthesis, structures, and luminescent properties of zinc(II) and cadmium(II) phosphonates with a 3D framework structure using terephthalate as second linkers.

By introduction of 1,4-benzenedicarboxylic acid as a second organic ligand, two new divalent metal(II) phosphonates with a 3D framework structure, namely, [Zn(HL1)(bdc)(0.5)] (1) and [Cd(1.5)(HL2)(bdc)(0.5)] (2) (H(2)L1 = H(2)O(3)PCH(NH(2))C(6)H(5), H(3)L2 = ...


Hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of a new 3D vanadium(III) phosphite (C4H8N2H4)0.5(C4H8N2H3)[V4(HPO3)7(H2O)3]1.5H2O

A new vanadium(III) phosphite, (C4H8N2H4)0.5(C4H8N2H3)[V4(HPO3)7(H2O)3]1.5H2O, has been synthesized hydrothermally by using V2O5, H3PO3 as reactants, piperazine as the structure-directing agent. The as-synthesized product was characterized by powder X-ray diffraction, IR spectroscopy, inductively coupled plasma ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Highly selective sorption of small unsaturated hydrocarbons by nonporous flexible framework with silver ion.

Ag2[Cr3O(OOCC2H5)6(H2O)3]2[alpha-SiW12O40] [1] is a nonporous flexible ionic crystal composed of 2D-layers of polyoxometalates ([alpha-SiW12O40](4-)) and macrocations ([Cr3O(OOCC2H5)6(H2O)3](+)) stacking along the b-axis. The silver ...


Excimer states in microhydrated adenine clusters.

We present femtosecond pump-probe mass and photoelectron spectra for adenine (A) and microhydrated A(m)(H(2)O)(n) clusters. Three distinct relaxation processes of photoexcited electronic states were distinguished: in unhydrated A, relaxation of the optically bright pipi* state occurred via the dark npi* state with respective lifetimes of <0.1 and 1.3 ps. In microhydrated clusters A(H(2)O)(n), ...


Distinguishing homogeneous from heterogeneous catalysis in electrode-driven water oxidation with molecular iridium complexes.

Molecular water-oxidation catalysts can deactivate by side reactions or decompose to secondary materials over time due to the harsh, oxidizing conditions required to drive oxygen evolution. Distinguishing electrode surface-bound heterogeneous catalysts (such as iridium oxide) from homogeneous molecular catalysts is often difficult. Using an electrochemical quartz crystal nanobalance (EQCN), we ...


Design of 1D and 2D molecule-based magnets with the ligand 4,5-dimethyl-1,2-phenylenebis(oxamato).

Three new bimetallic oxamato-based magnets with the proligand 4,5-dimethyl-1,2-phenylenebis(oxamato) (dmopba) were synthesized using water or dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) as solvents. Single crystal X-ray diffraction provided structures for two of them: [MnCu(dmopba)(H(2)O)(3)](n)�4nH(2)O (1) and ...


Complex formation between Ru(?(6)-p-cym)(H2O)3]2+ and (O,O) donor ligands with biological relevance in aqueous solution.

The interaction between [Ru(?(6)-p-cym)(H(2)O)(3)](2+) and (O,O) type chelators with different basicity of the donor atoms was studied using combined pH-potentiometric, (1)H-NMR and ESI-TOF-MS techniques. The studied nine ligands are building blocks of reported complexes with antitumor activity or may model (O,O) ...


A series of pure inorganic eight-connected self-catenated network based on Silverton-type polyoxometalate

In this paper, three pure inorganic eight-connected self-catenated networks based on the Silverton-type polyoxometalate [CeMo12O42]8? with lanthanide, transition metal and alkali metal cations as linkers: [Li(H2O)4]2Co(H2O)4Ce(H2O)3[CeMo12O42]�3H2O (1), ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

A sensitized mutagenesis screen identifies Gli3 as a modifier of Sox10 neurocristopathy.

Haploinsufficiency for the transcription factor SOX10 is associated with the pigmentary deficiencies of Waardenburg syndrome (WS) and is modeled in Sox10 haploinsufficient mice (Sox10(LacZ/+)). As genetic background affects WS severity in both humans and mice, we established an N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) mutagenesis screen to identify modifiers that increase the phenotypic severity of ...


A sensitized mutagenesis screen identifies Gli3 as a modifier of Sox10 neurocristopathy

Haploinsufficiency for the transcription factor SOX10 is associated with the pigmentary deficiencies of Waardenburg syndrome (WS) and is modeled in Sox10 haploinsufficient mice (Sox10LacZ/+). As genetic background affects WS severity in both humans and mice, we established an N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) mutagenesis screen to identify modifiers that ...

PubMed Central

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