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[The last ear (author's transl)].

An operation of the last ear should not be rejected completely, neither from the clinical nor from the audiological point of view. The special pathology of the ear should be considered critically. Many factors can influence the success of the surgical intervention. An exact and adequate diagnosis taking into consideration all the risk ...


Modeling the Ear's Response to Intense Impulses and the ...

... Accession Number : ADA252365. Title : Modeling the Ear's Response to Intense Impulses and the Development of Improved Damage Risk Criteria. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

The Acoustic Impedance of the Ear - Summary by the Moderator.

The absolute impednace can be measured at the eardrum under normal conditions, with a pressure differential across the eardrum, or with contracted middle ear muscles. It is also possible to use impedance changes due to muscle reflexes or pressure changes ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Auditory Research.

Contents: Choice of the Guinea Pig for Otologic Research; Preliminary Examination of the Guinea Pig; Surgery and Anesthesia; The Behavioral Absolute Hearing Threshold; Middle Ear and Cochlear Mechanics; Histology; Labyrinthine Fluids and Biochemistry of t...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Acoustic Impedance of Pathological Ears.

The report reviews the clinical usefulness of acoustic impedance measurements at the eardrum as well as the currently used instrumentation and methods. The conclusion is reached that both absolute and relative impedance measurements can be made with the a...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Modeling of cell inactivation and carcinogenesis in the atomic bomb survivors with applications to the mortality from all solid, stomach and liver cancer.

The two-stage clonal expansion (TSCE) model of carcinogenesis has been applied to cancer mortality data from the atomic bomb survivors, to examine the possible influence of radiation-induced cell inactivation on excess relative risk (ERR) and excess absolute risk (EAR) estimates. Cell survival curve forms being ...


Lung cancer in Mayak workers.

The cohort of nuclear workers at the Mayak Production Association, located in the Russian Federation, is a unique resource for providing information on the health effects of exposure to plutonium as well as the effects of protracted external dose. Lung cancer mortality risks were evaluated in 21,790 Mayak workers, a much larger group than included in previous evaluations of ...


New Auditory Damage Risk Criteria and Standard for Impulse ...

... must be used when the ears are unprotected The ... The lack of middle ear function results in ... Disease Control, National Institute for Occupational ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Dimenhydrinate: MedlinePlus Drug Information

inner ear which causes extreme dizziness, loss of balance, ringing in the ears, and hearing loss) and other inner ear problems. Talk to your doctor about the risks of using this... Websites

I-131 dose response for incident thyroid cancers in ukraine related to the chornobyl accident.

Background: Current knowledge about Chornobyl-related thyroid cancer risks comes from ecological studies based on grouped doses, case-control studies, and studies of prevalent cancers.Objective: To address this limitation, we evaluated the dose-response relationship for incident thyroid cancers using measurement-based individual iodine-131 (I-131) thyroid dose estimates in a ...


Credibility Methods for Determining Payment Rates for Employer-at-Risk Groups.

The project involves the development of a rate-setting methodology to be applied to Employer-at-Risk (EAR) groups. The EAR concept consists of an employer group assuming risk for the benefits of Medicare beneficiaries who are affiliated with the employer....

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Risk Factor Monitoring & Methods - Absolute Cancer Risk Prediction Models

Absolute cancer risk is the probability that an individual with given risk factors and a given age will develop cancer over a defined period of time. In collaboration with investigators in the NCI's Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics (DCEG), staff of the Risk Factor Monitoring and Methods Branch (RFMMB) ...

Physical Characteristics of Normal and Abnormal Ears

Sensitivity Curves for Normal and Abnormal Ears.-Previous investigators have worked only with normal ears and their results are not as a rule corrected for the resonance properties of the diaphragms used. Lord Rayleigh's curves are more reliable but do not extend above 768 double vibrations. In the present work a telephone receiver was used with a natural ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Breast cancer after radiotherapy for skin hemangioma in infancy

Between 1920 and 1959, 9675 women were irradiated in infancy for skin hemangioma at Radiumhemmet, Stockholm. They were exposed to low to moderate doses of ionizing radiation. The mean age at first exposure was 6 months and the mean absorbed dose to the breast anlage was 0.39 Gy (range 50 years after exposure the ERR at 1 Gy was 2.25 (95% CI 0.59-5.62). The fitted excess ...

Energy Citations Database

The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke: A Report of the Surgeon

and children, secondhand smoke cause bronchitis and pneumonia, and increases the risk of ear infections

E-print Network

Industrial Hygiene - Right Makes Safe.

Describes dangers to ears, skin, eyes, and the respiratory system and shows preventive measures and equipment for elimination of risks.

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Ears Looking at You (Videotape)

... vulnerability -- two conflicting qualities that indicate a need for solid risk management efforts when dealing with classified or proprietary information. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Methods for Estimation of Radiation Risk in Epidemiological Studies Accounting for Classical and Berkson Errors in Doses.

With a binary response Y, the dose-response model under consideration is logistic in flavor with pr(Y=1 | D) = R (1+R)(-1), R = ?(0) + EAR D, where ?(0) is the baseline incidence rate and EAR is the excess absolute risk per gray. The calculated thyroid dose of a person i is expressed as Dimes=fiQimes/Mimes. Here, ...


About Risk Prediction Models

The following risk prediction models (either absolute risk assessment or genetic susceptibility risk prediction models) are grouped by cancer site and whether their methodology and results have been peer-reviewed.

Measuring, and identifying predictors of, women's perceptions of three types of breast cancer risk: population risk, absolute risk and comparative risk

Although a key function of cancer genetics services is to provide risk information, to date there has been little consistency in the way in which breast cancer risk perception has been measured. The aims of the study were to measure estimates of (i) population risk, (ii) absolute risk and (iii) ...

PubMed Central

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Measuring, and identifying predictors of women's perceptions of three types of breast cancer risk: population risk, absolute risk and comparative risk.

Although a key function of cancer genetics services is to provide risk information, to date there has been little consistency in the way in which breast cancer risk perception has been measured. The aims of the study were to measure estimates of (i) population risk, (ii) absolute risk and (iii) ...


[Porous polyethylene implants for ear reconstruction of middle to high-grade ear defects].

The incidence of middle to high-grade ear malformations in Germany is approximately 150 per year. For many years autologous rib cartilage has been used for ear reconstruction as a framework material. In spite of a good biocompatibility of autologous rib cartilage there are potential risks of framework deformity as well as donor site ...


Cancer incidence in atomic bomb survivors. Part III: Leukemia, lymphoma and multiple myeloma, 1950-1987

This paper presents an analysis of data on the incidence of leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma in the Life Span Study cohort of atomic bomb survivors during the period from late 1950 through the end of 1987 (93,696 survivors accounting for 2,778,000 person-years). These analyses add 9 additional years of follow-up for leukemia and 12 for myeloma to that in the last comprehensive reports on these ...

Energy Citations Database

Loudness Perception in Listeners with

suffering from a cochlear hearing loss show different performance than normal in several different auditory consequences of cochlear hearing loss with respect to loudness perception are raised absolute threshold (``compression loss''). The second component accounts for the reduced sensitivity of the inner ear, causing

E-print Network

European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics ECCOMAS CFD 2006

, the brain is adaptable, and needs to be moulded and shaped. Perhaps the aims of education for adolescents and creative and yet have absolutely no ear for music. On the other hand, a single module can survive while

E-print Network

Confidential Scan Date MRI Screening Questionnaire

. ABSOLUTE Contraindications: If you have any of the following items attached or implanted within your body pacemaker (potential malfunction) Yes No __ __ Cochlear implant in ear (possibly dislodged) Yes or ventricular) Yes No __ __ Dental work done in eastern Europe Yes No __ __ Neurostimulator (Tens unit) Yes

E-print Network

Health Tip: Reduce Infection Risk After Ear Piercing

... Tools ESPA�OL Health Tip: Reduce Infection Risk After Ear Piercing And help speed healing (*this news item ... Page Piercing and Tattoos (HealthDay News) -- Newly pierced ears can be prime candidates for infection, but proper ...


Submucous Cleft Palate

... the individual is at risk for speech problems, middle ear disease, and swallowing difficulties. However, there are some individuals ... abnormal nasal speech. Other symptoms may include persistent middle ear disease and feeding/swallowing difficulties. A submucous cleft palate ...


Advice for Patients with Cochlear Implants: New Information on Meningitis Risk

... monitor children with cochlear implants for signs of middle ear infection and meningitis. Children need to be ... place. Recommendations Continue close monitoring for meningitis and middle ear infections for all children with a cochlear ...


Cancer Risk: Understanding the Puzzle

The tools estimate a person's risk of developing a particular type of cancer over a certain period of time, for example the next 5 years. Doctors call this type of estimate a person's absolute risk.

Risk of second primary thyroid cancer after radiotherapy for a childhood cancer in a large cohort study: an update from the childhood cancer survivor study.

Previous studies have indicated that thyroid cancer risk after a first childhood malignancy is curvilinear with radiation dose, increasing at low to moderate doses and decreasing at high doses. Understanding factors that modify the radiation dose response over the entire therapeutic dose range is challenging and requires large numbers of subjects. We quantified the long-term ...


The effects of absolute risks, relative risks, frequencies, and probabilities on decision quality.

It is important to understand how the quality of people's decision making may be affected by the format used to present treatment benefits. Two experiments compared the accuracy of presenting the benefits of cancer screening tests or vaccines using either absolute or relative risk formats that included baseline risk information. ...


Association of drug treatments in pregnant women with the risk of external ear congenital abnormalities in their offspring: A population-based case-control study.

The objective of this study was to evaluate the possible association of drug treatments in pregnant women with a higher risk of congenital abnormalities of the external ear, particularly microtia/anotia, in their children. The frequency of drug treatments was compared in the mothers of cases with isolated or multiple (syndromic) ear ...


Subsequent Neoplasms in 5-Year Survivors of Childhood Cancer: The Childhood Cancer Survivor Study

BackgroundThe occurrence of subsequent neoplasms has direct impact on the quantity and quality of life in cancer survivors. We have expanded our analysis of these events in the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study (CCSS) to better understand the occurrence of these events as the survivor population ages.MethodsThe incidence of and risk for subsequent neoplasms occurring 5 years or ...

PubMed Central

Designs for Developing and Evaluating Models of Absolute Risk

Absolute Risk of Breast Cancer age 40 mother had breast cancer nulliparous no biopsies menarche age 14 What is the chance that she will be diagnosed with breast cancer between ages 40 and 70?

Thyroid cancer after exposure to external radiation: A pooled analysis of seven studies

The thyroid gland of children is especially vulnerable to the carcinogenic action of ionizing radiation. To provide insights into various modifying influences on risk, seven major studies with organ doses to individual subjects were evaluated. Five cohort studies (atomic bomb survivors, children treated for tinea capitis, two studies of children irradiated for enlarged ...

Energy Citations Database

Hearing in the parakeet (Melopsittacus undulatus): absolute thresholds, critical ratios, frequency difference limens, and vocalizations.

Avoidance conditioning and the method of limits were used to measure absolute auditory thresholds, masked thresholds, and critical ratios in 4 parakeets. The same procedure was then used to study frequency difference limens in 6 additional animals. The power spectrum and "constancy of intonation" of the parakeet call were also measured and related to the ...


Variability of Serial Absolute and Percent CD4+ Lymphocyte ...


DTIC Science & Technology

Planetary Protection Issues and Future Mars Missions

interpretation of terms such as "absolute liability" and "minimize risk" that exist in documents like the. Charter of the United Nations, ...

NASA Website

Current Impact Risks

the asteroid relative to the Earth, assuming a massless Earth. H Absolute Magnitude is an intrinsic measure of brightness. It is the apparent magnitude of the object when it is 1... Websites

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Smoking during Pregnancy

... Are more likely to die from SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) Are at greater risk for asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, ear infections , respiratory symptoms May experience slow lung ...


CDC - Seasonal Influenza (Flu) People at High Risk of Developing...

that result in being hospitalized and occasionally result in death. Pneumonia, bronchitis, sinus infections and ear infections are examples of flu-related complications. The... Websites

Measurements of human middle ear forward and reverse acoustics: implications for otoacoustic emissions.

Middle and inner ears from human cadaver temporal bones were stimulated in the forward direction by an ear-canal sound source, and in the reverse direction by an inner-ear sound source. For each stimulus type, three variables were measured: (a) Pec--ear-canal pressure with a probe-tube microphone within 3 mm of the ...


Analysis of solid cancer mortality in the techa river cohort using the two-step clonal expansion model.

In this study the solid cancer mortality data in the Techa River Cohort in the Southern Urals region of Russia was analyzed. The cohort received protracted exposure in the 1950s due to the releases of radioactive materials from the Mayak plutonium complex. The Extended Techa River Cohort includes 29,849 people who resided along the Techa River between 1950 and 1960 and were followed from January ...


Temporal integration and compression near absolute threshold in normal and impaired ears.

The decrease in absolute threshold with increasing stimulus duration (often referred to as "temporal integration") is greater for listeners with normal hearing than for listeners with sensorineural hearing loss. It has been suggested that the difference is related to reduced basilar-membrane (BM) compression in the impaired group. The present experiment tested this hypothesis ...


Pneumococcal meningitis threshold model: a potential tool to assess infectious risk of new or existing inner ear surgical interventions

HypothesisA minimal threshold of S. pneumoniae is required to induce meningitis in healthy animals for intraperitoneal (hematogenous), middle ear and inner ear inoculations and this threshold may be altered by recent inner ear surgery.BackgroundThere has been an increase in the number of reported cases of cochlear implant-related ...

PubMed Central

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