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The evolution of Mexico City's abortion laws: from public morality to women's autonomy.

Before 2000, Mexico City's criminal laws prohibited induced abortion to maintain public morality. The Criminal Code considered abortion by accident or in cases of rape not criminal, and criminal but excusable-and therefore not punishable-in certain cases not endangering ...


CRIMINAL ABORTION�A Consideration of Ways to Reduce Incidence

The problem of criminal abortion in the United States is of enormous magnitude, both in terms of incidence and of resultant morbidity and mortality. Several studies suggest that one of every five pregnancies terminates in criminal abortion, or a total of more than one million abortions for ...

PubMed Central

International developments in abortion laws: 1977-88.

During the period between 1977 and the first quarter of 1988, 35 countries liberalized their abortion laws and four countries limited grounds for the procedure. Most legislation has extended abortion eligibility through traditional indications such as danger to maternal health or fetal handicap, but a number of other indications have been created such as ...

PubMed Central

Historical perspective on induced abortion through the ages and its links with maternal mortality.

Abortion is mentioned in ancient medical texts but the effectiveness of the methods described is doubtful. Attitudes varied from apparent disapproval by Hippocrates to open approval in Ancient Rome. In mediaeval times abortion was practised by women in secret and this continued during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Despite being illegal in England ...


Abortion rights down under.

State and federal governments in Australia fear actively trying to ensure access to abortion. No federal abortion law in Australia exists. Abortion is a state matter. The federal government's health care system does reimburse women for abortion services, however. State laws prohibit unlawful ...


Analysis of the Argumentative Eect of Evaluative Semantics in Natural Language

and interests behind the criminal abortion laws. The expression to color ones thinking and conclusions has the criminal abortion laws. #12; which provide ground for utilitarian evaluations from the point of view of sub- tion depend both on the correctness of the discourse as seen from the point of view of rhetoric ...

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HB982, the "Abortion Bill" passed by the Mississippi Legislature, goes into effect on July 1, 1991. The law deals with informed consent for abortion and proscribes a criminal penalty for a doctor's failure to obtain it. The bill requires doctors to inform women seeking abortion about: medical assistance benefits ...


Denied pregnancy.

Two cases of non-psychotic denied pregnancy are presented and discussed. Following obstetric expertise, the forensic-criminal evaluation should investigate the reported crimes of denied pregnancy associated infanticide or criminal abortion as well as the potential involvement of other persons in these crimes. All this would require ...


CMA abortion survey.

Responses to the question as to whether abortions should be performed at the woman's request during the first trimester of pregnancy were evenly divided. There was support for abortion on socioeconomic grounds, during the first trimester, from 61.5% of the respondents. Termination of pregnancy beyond the first trimester was supported by a majority of the ...

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[Abortion in Korea since 1945].

Since prehistorical era, the human has desired to control reproduction artificially. However, abortion, one of the productive methods has been prohibited to a certain degree by law in some countries, but the operation of abortion has been done in practice. Also, controversial arguments on legitimacy of abortion have been raised. In ...


Debate on the legalization of abortion in Zimbabwe.

In Zimbabwe, where over 70,000 illegal abortions are performed each year and complications from clandestine abortion are a leading cause of maternal mortality, the abortion law debate has been re-opened. Under the present law, abortion is legal only to save the life of the mother and women who undergo illegal ...


Walking the abortion tightrope.

The abortion controversy in England was partially resolved on February 23, 1971, when Sir Keith Joseph, Secretary of State for Social Services, announced that an inquiry into the 1967 Abortion Act would be established, but one which would be concerned with the way the Act was working rather than the principles underlying it. Regional inequalities exist ...


Achieving transparency in implementing abortion laws.

National and international courts and tribunals are increasingly ruling that although states may aim to deter unlawful abortion by criminal penalties, they bear a parallel duty to inform physicians and patients of when abortion is lawful. The fear is that women are unjustly denied safe medical procedures to which they are legally ...


[The illegal market for gender-related drugs as portrayed in the Brazilian news media: the case of misoprostol and women].

This article analyzes how the Brazilian news media covers the illegal market for misoprostol, the main drug used to induce abortion. A total of 1,429 news stories were retrieved from 220 print and electronic media channels from 2004 to 2009. The analysis included 524 stories from 62 regional and national newspapers. Misoprostol appeared repeatedly in the news, but was usually ...


[Abortion and rights. Legal thinking about abortion].

Analysis of abortion in Mexico from a juridical perspective requires recognition that Mexico as a national community participates in a double system of values. Politically it is defined as a liberal, democratic, and secular state, but culturally the Judeo-Christian ideology is dominant in all social strata. This duality complicates all juridical-penal decisions ...


Awareness and views of the law on termination of pregnancy and reasons for resorting to an abortion among a group of women attending a clinic in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

In Sri Lanka, induced abortion is a criminal offence except to save the life of the mother. This study determined the awareness and views of the law on abortion among women seeking an abortion. Three hundred and thirteen women were interviewed. The characteristics of the study group are discussed. 65.8% of the ...


Complications of unsafe abortion in sub-Saharan Africa: a review.

The Commonwealth Regional Health Community Secretariat undertook a study in 1994 to document the magnitude of abortion complications in Commonwealth member countries. The results of the literature review component of that study, and research gaps identified as a result of the review, are presented in this article. The literature review findings indicate a significant public ...


A country divided: the German debate over abortion.

When the Berlin Wall crumbled on November 9, 1989, few Germans could foresee the coming dramatic changes. But by 1992 Germany faced deep internal divisions as it attempted to merge 2 very different societies. One such division was over abortion. In the West, women had access to abortion services only when they met very specific criteria. In the East, ...


Should therapeutic abortion be legal in Nicaragua: the response of Nicaraguan obstetrician-gynaecologists.

Abortion is legal in Nicaragua only to save the life of the woman. In 2002, amendments to the Penal Code to change the penalties for obtaining and providing illegal abortions and regulations on the authorization of legal abortions are due to be debated in the legislature. In a context of extensive media coverage and debate between ...


Late-term abortion.

Recent proposed federal legislation banning certain abortion procedures, particularly intact dilatation and extraction, would modify the US Criminal Code such that physicians performing these procedures would be liable for monetary and statutory damages. Clarification of medical procedures is important because some of the procedures used to induce ...


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given to the source. Further Evidence that Legalized Abortion Lowered Crime: A Reply to Joyce

Donohue and Levitt (2001) present a number of analyses that suggest a causal link between legalized abortion and reductions in crime almost two decades later when the cohorts exposed to legalized abortion reach their peak crime years. Joyce (2003) challenges that finding. In this paper, we demonstrate that Joyce's failure to uncover a negative relationship ...

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Prenatal management of anencephaly.

About a third of anencephalic fetuses are born alive, but they are not conscious or viable, and soon die. This neural tube defect can be limited by dietary consumption of foliates, and detected prenatally by ultrasound and other means. Many laws permit abortion, on this indication or on the effects of pregnancy and prospects of delivery on a woman's physical or mental health. ...


Despite majority support, prochoice riders' enactment clouded by veto threats.

Abortion-related votes are occurring with greater frequency than ever before in the US Congress. 2 bills that illustrate this point are the Department of Defense (DOD) authorization bill and the District of Columbia (DC) appropriations bill. The amendment to the DOD bill included a provision that would have allowed enlisted service-women stationed overseas to have ...


Canadian Doctors: Victims of the Abortion Laws

Present Canadian abortion laws are victimizing the medical profession by insisting that doctors make moral decisions while society and the legislators opt out of their responsibility in this regard. The laws are so vague as to be uninterpretable, dealing with undefined concepts such as �endanger� and �health�. The doctor-patient relationship is utterly devastated in a ...

PubMed Central

Abortion laws and medical developments: a medico-legal anomaly in Queensland.

In October 2010 the District Court sitting in Cairns, Queensland, found Tegan Leach not guilty of attempting to procure her own abortion and Sergie Brennan not guilty of supplying Leach with the drugs Mifepristone and Misoprostol to procure an abortion. Brennan obtained the drugs from his sister in the Ukraine through the regular postal system. R v Brennan ...


Abortion clinics win legal battle. Blockaders subject to anti-rackets law.

On January 24, 1994, the US Supreme Court ruled that abortion clinics may utilize anti-racketeering law in suits against anti-abortion blockaders. The 1970 anti-rackets law permits triple damages in cases of criminal activity that fits a pattern. The Court has not yet defined the First Amendment free-speech rights of ...


"The Civil Rights Movement of the 1990s?": The anti-abortion movement and the struggle for racial justice.

In 1964, Claude and Jeanne Nolen, who were white, joined an interracial NAACP team intent on desegregating local restaurants in Austin, Texas as a test of the recently passed Civil Rights ACt. Twenty-five years later, the Nolens pleaded "no contest" in a courtroom for their continued social activism. This time the issue was not racial segregation, but rather criminal ...


Beyond Roe, after Casey: the present and future of a "fundamental" right.

Although the US Supreme Court recently reaffirmed a woman's right to end a pregnancy before viability, many women remain unable to exercise that right because their access to abortion is limited. 83% of the counties in the nation have no abortion providers, and many women must travel hundreds of miles to obtain an abortion. In its ...


Supreme Court issues limited ruling in challenge to Utah abortion ban.

A law passed in Utah in 1991 which prohibited abortion except in cases of life endangerment, rape, incest, risk of grave damage to a woman's medical health, or grave fetal defects. The exceptions for women who had been sexually abused were eliminated after 20 weeks gestation. In December 1992, US District Court Judge J. Thomas Greene found the ban unconstitutional as applied ...


Abortion, church and politics in Poland.

In early 1991 the abortion debate in Poland entered its new stage. The prolife and prochoice options had already clashed in the early 1930s over a new penal code and backstreet abortions. According to the code of 1932, induced abortion was allowed in cases of rape, incest, or for medical indications. Abortion ...


Early medical abortion: legal and medical developments in Australia.

Mifepristone is a safe, effective and relatively cheap drug that plays an important role in women's health care and is widely used for early medical abortion in many countries. The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) can authorise mifepristone to be imported into and marketed in Australia. To date, no pharmaceutical company has applied to register mifepristone in Australia. ...


Unwanted Fertility, Contraceptive Technology and Crime: Exploiting a Natural Experiment in Access to The Pill

Donohue and Levitt (2001) claim to explain over 50 % of the recent decline in U.S. crime rates with the legalization of abortion undertaken in the early 70s. While the validity of these �ndings remains heavily debated, they point to unwanted fertility as a potentially important determinant of a cohort�s criminality. In that spirit, I exploit a natural

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An individual dying in Maryland as a result of a homicide, poisoning, suicide, criminal abortion, rape, drowning, or dying in a suspicious or unusual manner, or a death of an apparently healthy individual or a case which is dead on arrival at the hospital shall be examined by the medical examiner in the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Baltimore, or ...

Vatican is lone opponent of world conference's compromises on abortion.

Three years in the making, the draft program of action of the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development sets nonbinding policy guidelines to contain the world's population at 7.27 billion in 2015. Although the Vatican was pleased to see Pakistan put forward a compromise formula developed to appease Catholic and Muslim objectors of abortion, the Church was ...


Polemics in perinatology: the abortion thing.

This article discusses the debate over abortion in a vary informal and literary style. While is may have a grand image, do not think it is lacking in substance for all the important arguments and positions are considered. It is admitted early on in the essay that this issue is partially over fundamental differences in view points. This is reflected in the choice of words ...


Abortion and women's rights in Poland, 1994.

In 1993, a restrictive abortion law was enacted in Poland. The law allows abortion in public hospitals when 3 physicians certify that the life or health of the woman is at stake, the fetus has a serious and irreversible malformation (supported by prenatal tests in cases of known history of genetic conditions), or a public prosecutor formally proves that a ...


Abortion providers seek to use RICO law as redress for clinic violence.

Abortion rights groups pursue multiple avenues for redress against abortion protesters at clinics around the US. The Supreme Court opinion in January 1993 in Bray vs. Alexandria Women's Health Clinic states that the Ku Klux Klan Act may not be used to protect clinics. A federal appeals court opinion states that a provision of the act does provide some ...


[Readers' position against induced abortion].

Replies to the request by the Journal of Nursing on readers' positions against induced abortion indicate there is a definite personal position against induced abortion and the assistance in this procedure. Some writers expressed an emotional "no" against induced abortion. Many quoted arguments from the literature, such as a medical ...


Clamping down on clinic violence.

The editorial remarked that anti abortion groups using violence must be stopped through legislation currently under consideration by the House and Senate of the US Congress. An important distinction is made between expressing freedom of speech on a deeply held belief and intimidation and violence that directly impacts on the rights of others. Women's health clinics where ...


[Late-term abortions--a legislative problem].

Based on the coalition agreement of 2005 aimed at improving the situation regarding late-term abortions, the author examines to what extent the current legislation on abortion requires amendment. In an historical overview, he explores the long tradition of the step-wise protection of life commensurate with the gradual "animation" of the fetus, the ...


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STR typing of formalin-fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) aborted foetal tissue in criminal paternity cases.

Sexual assault or rape cases occasionally result in unwanted pregnancies. In almost all such cases the foetus is aborted. A forensic laboratory may receive the foetus, the placenta, or paraffin embedded abortion material for paternity testing. Obtaining a foetal profile DNA from a foetus or placenta may not be successful due to the age or condition of the ...


Polish family planning in crisis: the Roman Catholic influence.

Poland is a country that, according to official sources, is 95% Catholic. The Catholic Church (CC) has a great deal of political power for 3 main reasons: 1) a strong Catholic tradition among Polish families, 2) the role of the Polish CC as the main supporter of the political opposition during the communist dictatorship, 3) the Polish Pope serves as an important authority for many Polish people. ...


Conflicting duties over confidentiality in Argentina and Peru.

The medical duty of confidentiality represents a key element for the provision of reproductive and sexual health services. In some Latin American countries, such as Argentina and Peru, the legal systems impose�or are interpreted as imposing�on health professionals the duty of confidentiality, but also the duty to report the commission of a public order offense that they know about owing to the ...


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