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New Measures of Complex Cognitive Abilities: Relating Memory Processes to Aviation Flight Situation Awareness Abilities.

The present research sought to develop new tests of cognitive abilities that would be related to later flight situation awareness (SA) performance, to relate the new measures to existing measures of cognitive ability, to examine the effects of pilot stres...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

A regular update on UniSA programs and events This time of the year can be very stressful for not only your year 12 students preparing for exams,

. The Difference. October Edition 2009 - UniSA Links 1 Inside this edition 4UniSA's Podiatry degree � a step in Australia and internationally. UniSA's Bachelor of Podiatry program is a four year degree and contains for understanding the practice of podiatry and gives members of the community the ability to ...

E-print Network

Situation Awareness for Cyber Defense.

Situation awareness (SA), or the ability to assess situations and prepare timely responses, has long been acknowledged as an important aspect of theater operations for defensive purposes. Likewise, SA is critical in the cyber world. The focus of this pape...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Assessment of Comprehensive Analysis Calculation of Airloads on ...

and SA 349/2 with the rolled-up wake. The calculated airloads differ significantly from the ... The ability to predict the rotor aerodynamic loading for these .... structural loads, vibration, and noise calculations. The formation of ..... and Performance Measurements of an SA349/2 Helicopter with an Advanced ...

NASA Website

Anti-endotoxic effects of syringic acid of Radix Isatidis.

The anti-endotoxic effect of syringic acid (SA) isolated from Radix Isatidis (Banlangen, BLG) was studied. SA was extracted and isolated from BLG and diluted into 1% solution. The content of SA-pretreated endotoxin (ET) was quantitatively determined using Limulus test. The ability of fever induction of ET ...


6 News Article: Strikes Degrade Libya's Defenses ...

... to include their ability to launch many of ... Moammar Gadhafi's regime has not launched aircraft, and the ... as well as thousands of shoulder-fired SA-7 ...

DefenseLINK Web Site

Int. J. Web Based Communities, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2006 183 Influence of spatial ability in navigation: using

Int. J. Web Based Communities, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2006 183 Influence of spatial ability in navigation visual mediators that improve navigation for people with lower Spatial Ability (SA) seems to have the opposite effect for other people. Results from our experiment indicate that spatial ability influenced

E-print Network

Different lepidopteran elicitors account for cross-talk in herbivory-induced phytohormone signaling.

Salicylic acid (SA), jasmonic acid (JA), ethylene (ET), and their interactions mediate plant responses to pathogen and herbivore attack. JA-SA and JA-ET cross-signaling are well studied, but little is known about SA-ET cross-signaling in plant-herbivore interactions. When the specialist herbivore tobacco hornworm (Manduca sexta) ...


A situation awareness model applied to multiple domains

Full Spectrum Dominance, or as defined by Joint Vision 2020, the ability to be persuasive in peace, decisive in war and preeminent in any form of conflict, cannot be accomplished without the ability to know what the adversary is currently doing as well as the capacity to correctly anticipate the adversary's future actions. A key component in the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Moniliophthora perniciosa produces hormones and alters endogenous auxin and salicylic acid in infected cocoa leaves.

Moniliophthora perniciosa is the causative agent of witches' broom disease in Theobroma cacao. Exogenously provided abscisic acid (ABA), indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), jasmonic acid (JA), and salicylic acid (SA) promoted mycelial growth, suggesting the ability of the pathogen to metabolize plant hormones. ABA, IAA, JA, and SA were found ...


Characterization of influenza virus sialic acid receptors in minor poultry species.

It is commonly accepted that avian influenza viruses (AIVs) bind to terminal ?2,3 sialic acid (SA) residues whereas human influenza viruses bind to ?2,6 SA residues. By a series of amino acid changes on the HA surface protein, AIVs can switch receptor specificity and recognize ?2,6 SA positive cells, including human respiratory ...


Characterization of influenza virus sialic acid receptors in minor poultry species

It is commonly accepted that avian influenza viruses (AIVs) bind to terminal ?2,3 sialic acid (SA) residues whereas human influenza viruses bind to ?2,6 SA residues. By a series of amino acid changes on the HA surface protein, AIVs can switch receptor specificity and recognize ?2,6 SA positive cells, including human respiratory ...

PubMed Central

A streptavidin linker layer that functions after drying.

The ability of streptavidin (SA) to simultaneously bind four biotins is often used in linker layers, where a biotinylated molecule is linked to a biotin-functionalized surface via SA. For biosensor and array applications, it is desirable that the SA linker layer be stable to drying and rehydration. In this study it ...


Perceptions of clients and veterinarians on what attributes constitute 'a good vet'.

The perceptions of veterinarians and small animal (SA) clients on what attributes constitute 'a good veterinarian' were examined by a questionnaire survey. The respondents were asked to record how important they considered 20 attributes for a veterinary surgeon to have on a five-point scale from 'not at all important' to 'very important'. In addition, they were asked to list ...


Down Regulation of Virulence Factors of Pseudomonas aeruginosa by Salicylic Acid Attenuates Its Virulence on Arabidopsis thaliana and Caenorhabditis elegans

Salicylic acid (SA) is a phenolic metabolite produced by plants and is known to play an important role in several physiological processes, such as the induction of plant defense responses against pathogen attack. Here, using the Arabidopsis thaliana-Pseudomonas aeruginosa pathosystem, we provide evidence that SA acts directly on the pathogen, down ...

PubMed Central

SA-CIRCA: Self-Adaptive Control for Mission-Critical Systems.

The goal of this effort was to begin extending the Cooperative Intelligent Real-Time Control Architecture (CIRCA) with abilities to automatically monitor its own performance and adapt in real-time, forming Self- Adaptive CIRCA (SA-CIRCA). CIRCA is a coars...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Supporting Railroad Roadway Worker Communications with a Wireless Handheld Computer. Volume 1: Usability for the Roadway Worker.

Communications in current railroad operations rely heavily on voice communications. Radio congestion impairs roadway workers' ability to communicate effectively with dispatchers at the Central Traffic Control Center and has adverse consequences for the sa...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Decomposition of Various Cellulose Substrates by Cellulase Preparations (Rasshcheplenie Razlichnykh Tsellyuloznykh Substratov Treparatami Tsellyulazy).

Cellulase preparations from various sources such as the fungi trichoderma viride, aspergillus sp. and the cochlea helix pomatia were compared in their ability to decompose cotton fiber, crystalline cellulose (hydrocellulose), amorphic cellulose, the Na-sa...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

E1a regions of the human adenoviruses and of the highly oncogenic simian adenovirus 7 are closely related.

Simian adenovirus 7 (SA7) is a highly oncogenic virus, capable of causing tumors in hamsters upon the direct injection of viral DNA. We determined the transcriptional organization of the transforming region and compared it with that of the human adenoviruses. This analysis demonstrated that there are two independently promoted transcription units similar to the E1a and E1b ...

PubMed Central

The inhibition abilities of multifunctional polyelectrolytes for silica scale formation in cooling water systems: role of the nonionic functional group.

The abilities of multifunctional polyelectrolytes to enhance aluminum hydroxide dispersion and inhibit silica scale formation were examined in a pilot cooling water system. The following multifunctional polyelectrolytes were studied: a terpolymer of acrylic acid (AA), 2-acrylamide-2-methyl propane sulfonic acid (SA) and N-vinylpyrrolidone (NVP) ...


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Increased SA in NPR1-silenced plants antagonizes JA and JA-dependent direct and indirect defenses in herbivore-attacked Nicotiana attenuata in nature.

The phytohormone jasmonic acid (JA) is known to mediate herbivore resistance, while salicylic acid (SA) and non-expressor of PR-1 (NPR1) mediate pathogen resistance in many plants. Herbivore attack on Nicotiana attenuata elicits increases in JA and JA-mediated defenses, but also increases SA levels and Na-NPR1 transcripts from the plant's single genomic ...


Sialic acid as a potential approach for the protection and targeting of nanocarriers.

INTRODUCTION: Nanocarriers are considered to be one of the most innovative drug delivery systems, owing to their high potential in drug protection, delivery and targeting to the diseased site. Unfortunately, their applicability is hampered mainly by their uptake, due to macrophagic recognition and lack of specificity, if not properly engineered. AREAS COVERED: Sialic acid (SA) ...


SA1 and RA Afferent Responses to Static and Vibrating Gratings

SA1 and RA afferent fibers differ both in their ability to convey information about the fine spatial structure of tactile stimuli and in their frequency sensitivity profiles. In the present study, we investigated the extent to which the spatial resolution of the signal conveyed by SA1 and RA fibers depends on the temporal properties of ...

PubMed Central

Cognitive Discernible Factors between Schizophrenia and Schizoaffective Disorder

Background: Schizophrenia (SZ) and schizoaffective disorders (SA) are associated with cognitive deficits. Generally, a schizoaffective diagnosis is associated with better prognosis on the level of social integration. It is also well established that cognition is an important factor for good social outcome in schizophrenia. We hypothesized that, although patients suffering from ...

ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

Increasing the Efficiency of Simulated Annealing Search by ...

... "* P-SA: SA with cutoff criterion. "* B-SA: SA with cutoff and Maximum Cost Reduction Rate restart criteria. "* R-SA: SA with ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Sorbic acid improves growth performance and regulates insulin-like growth factor system gene expression in swine.

Sorbic acid (SA) is a PUFA with a conjugated double bond. The conjugated fatty acids, including CLA, are multifunctional bioactive fatty acids with the ability to improve growth performance. The effect of SA on pig growth performance was examined to determine its mechanism of action. The ADG, ADFI, and serum IGF-I concentration were ...


Different Lepidopteran Elicitors Account for Cross-Talk in Herbivory-Induced Phytohormone Signaling1[W][OA

Salicylic acid (SA), jasmonic acid (JA), ethylene (ET), and their interactions mediate plant responses to pathogen and herbivore attack. JA-SA and JA-ET cross-signaling are well studied, but little is known about SA-ET cross-signaling in plant-herbivore interactions. When the specialist herbivore tobacco hornworm (Manduca sexta) ...

PubMed Central

Internalization of novel non-viral vector TAT-streptavidin into human cells

BackgroundThe cell-penetrating peptide derived from the Human immunodeficiency virus-1 transactivator protein Tat possesses the capacity to promote the effective uptake of various cargo molecules across the plasma membrane in vitro and in vivo. The objective of this study was to characterize the uptake and delivery mechanisms of a novel streptavidin fusion construct, ...

PubMed Central

Widespread Scleredema Associated with Paraproteinemia and Generalized Osteoarthritis in an HLA-B39 Positive Patient.

Scleredema adultorum (SA) is a rare sclerotic disorder characterized by non-pitting induration of the neck with acral progression, sparing hands and feet. We report on a 57-year-old male with severe SA associated with paraproteinemia, treated with methotrexate. Such widespread skin thickening followed by severe movement restriction and inability to ...


Successful aging shows linkage to chromosomes 6, 7, and 14 in the Amish.

Successful aging (SA) is a multidimensional phenotype involving preservation of cognitive ability, physical function, and social engagement throughout life. Multiple components of SA are heritable, supporting a genetic component. The Amish are genetically and socially isolated with homogeneous lifestyles, making them a suitable ...


Sialic acid surface decoration enhances cellular uptake and apoptosis-inducing activity of selenium nanoparticles.

A simple method for fabrication of sialic acid surface-decorated selenium nanoparticles (SA-Se-NPs) with enhanced cancer-targeting and cell-penetrating abilities has been demonstrated in the present study. Monodisperse and homogeneous spherical SA-Se-NPs with striking stability were prepared under the optimized conditions. ...


Effects of DICER-like proteins 2, 3 and 4 on cucumber mosaic virus and tobacco mosaic virus infections in salicylic acid-treated plants.

Salicylic acid (SA)-mediated resistance and RNA silencing are both important plant antiviral defence mechanisms. To investigate overlap between these resistance phenomena, we examined the ability of mutant Arabidopsis thaliana plants lacking DICER-like (DCL) endoribonucleases 2, 3 and 4 to exhibit SA-induced defence. We found that in ...


Characterization of the conformational epitope of Guy's 13, a monoclonal antibody that prevents Streptococcus mutans colonization in humans.

Guy's 13 is a mouse monoclonal antibody which recognizes streptococcal antigen I/II (SA I/II), a major cell surface glycoprotein of Streptococcus mutans. In a number of clinical trials, this antibody has been shown to prevent colonization in the human oral cavity. The aim of this study was to identify the SA I/II epitope recognized by Guy's 13. The data ...


Introduction and Initial Exploration of "Situated Attainment": Differences in Ranked IQs and In-Class Attainment.

Situated Attainment (SA) is a within-class concept that allows the exploration of why teachers award some students higher or lower grades than their intelligence might warrant. A student's SA is operationally defined as the difference in ranks between the grade awarded by the teacher and the student's intelligence quotient (IQ). For this initial ...

ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

Belief network-based situation assessment for air operations centers

In dynamic environments (e.g. an Air Operations Center (AOC)), effective real-time monitoring of mission execution is highly dependent on situation awareness (SA). But whereas an individual's perception of mission progress is biased by his or her immediate tasks and environment, the combined perspectives of key individuals provides an effects-based assessment of the mission ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

A novel multimeric form of FasL modulates the ability of diabetogenic T cells to mediate type 1 diabetes in an adoptive transfer model

Activation induced cell death (AICD) via Fas/FasL is the primary homeostatic molecular mechanism employed by the immune system to control activated T-cell responses and promote tolerance to self-antigens. We herein investigated the ability of a novel multimeric form of FasL chimeric with streptavidin (SA-FasL) having potent apoptotic activity to induce ...

PubMed Central

Beyond Our Glorious Past: Some Cultural Barriers to ...

... Command Node Command Node Action Node Action Node SA SA SA SA SA Linear Chain of Command Non-Linear Chain of Command ...

DTIC Science & Technology

A Formal Method for Developing Provably Correct Fault ...

... A state machine A is a triple (SA,�A,�A), where SA is a nonempty set of states, �A � SA is a nonempty set of initial states, and �A � SASA is a ...

DTIC Science & Technology

The mechanism of potentiation of the glutamate-induced neurotoxicity by serum albumin. A possible role of nitric oxide.

Potentiation of the delayed (Glu)-induced neurotoxicity by serum albumin (SA) was studied in experiments with cultured cerebellar granule cells. The delayed neuronal death (DND) was evaluated by counting neurons containing or excluding Trypan Blue 4 h after treatment with Glu. Cytoplasmic Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) was measured in individual Fura-2-loaded neurons. It was shown that a ...


Variation in Interferon Sensitivity and Induction among Strains of Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus

Eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV) causes human encephalitis in North America (NA), but in South America (SA) it has rarely been associated with human disease, suggesting that SA strains are less virulent. To evaluate the hypothesis that this virulence difference is due to a greater ability of NA strains to evade innate immunity, ...

PubMed Central

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Team situation awareness and the anticipation of patient progress during ICU rounds.

Background The ability of medical teams to develop and maintain team situation awareness (team SA) is crucial for patient safety. Limited research has investigated team SA within clinical environments. This study reports the development of a method for investigating team SA during the intensive care unit (ICU) ...


Salicylate-mediated suppression of jasmonate-responsive gene expression in Arabidopsis is targeted downstream of the jasmonate biosynthesis pathway.

Jasmonates (JAs) and salicylic acid (SA) are plant hormones that play pivotal roles in the regulation of induced defenses against microbial pathogens and insect herbivores. Their signaling pathways cross-communicate providing the plant with a regulatory potential to finely tune its defense response to the attacker(s) encountered. In Arabidopsis thaliana, ...


Salicylate-mediated suppression of jasmonate-responsive gene expression in Arabidopsis is targeted downstream of the jasmonate biosynthesis pathway

Jasmonates (JAs) and salicylic acid (SA) are plant hormones that play pivotal roles in the regulation of induced defenses against microbial pathogens and insect herbivores. Their signaling pathways cross-communicate providing the plant with a regulatory potential to finely tune its defense response to the attacker(s) encountered. In Arabidopsis thaliana, ...

PubMed Central

Influences of major nutrient elements on Pb accumulation of two crops from a Pb-contaminated soil.

To know about the effect of major nutrient elements on various forms of Pb and metal extraction, a greenhouse experiment was conducted to assess the effects of various major nutrient elements on Pb accumulation in two crops (Spinacia oleracea, SO and Sonchus arvensis, SA) in Changchun, China. Results indicated that, for SO, the Pb concentrations in both shoots and roots had no ...


Descriptive and Criterion-Referenced Self-Assessment with L2 Readers

Brantmeier [Brantmeier, C., 2006. "Advanced L2 learners and reading placement: self-assessment, computer-based testing, and subsequent performance." 'System 34" (1), 15-35] found that self-assessment (SA) of second language (L2) reading ability is not an accurate predictor for computer-based testing or subsequent classroom performance. With 359 advanced L2 ...

ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

Alert-QSAR. Implications for Electrophilic Theory of Chemical Carcinogenesis

Given the modeling and predictive abilities of quantitative structure activity relationships (QSARs) for genotoxic carcinogens or mutagens that directly affect DNA, the present research investigates structural alert (SA) intermediate-predicted correlations ASA of electrophilic molecular structures with observed ...

PubMed Central

Substituted amylose matrices for oral drug delivery

High amylose corn starch was used to obtain substituted amylose (SA) polymers by chemically modifying hydroxyl groups by an etherification process using 1,2-epoxypropanol. Tablets for drug-controlled release were prepared by direct compression and their release properties assessed by an in vitro dissolution test (USP XXIII no 2). The polymer swelling was characterized by ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Science Achievement and Students' Self-Confidence and Interest in Science: A Taiwanese Representative Sample Study

The interrelationship between senior high school students' science achievement (SA) and their self-confidence and interest in science (SCIS) was explored with a representative sample of approximately 1,044 11th-grade students from 30 classes attending four high schools throughout Taiwan. Statistical analyses indicated that a statistically significant correlation existed ...

ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

Intelligibility of speech produced during simultaneous communication.

This study investigated the overall intelligibility of speech produced during simultaneous communication (SC). Four hearing, experienced sign language users were recorded under SC and speech alone (SA) conditions speaking Boothroyd's (1985) forced-choice phonetic contrast material designed for measurement of speech intelligibility. Twelve hearing-impaired listeners ...


A twin study of spatial and non-spatial delayed response performance in middle age.

Delayed alternation and object alternation are classic spatial and non-spatial delayed response tasks. We tested 632 middle-aged male veteran twins on variants of these tasks in order to compare test difficulty, measure their inter-correlation, test order effects, and estimate heritabilities (proportion of observed variance due to genetic influences). Non-spatial alternation (NSA), which may ...


A Twin Study of Spatial and Non-Spatial Delayed Response Performance in Middle Age

Delayed alternation and object alternation are classic spatial and non-spatial delayed response tasks. We tested 632 middle-aged male veteran twins on variants of these tasks in order to compare test difficulty, measure their inter-correlation, test order effects, and estimate heritabilities (proportion of observed variance due to genetic influences). Non-spatial alternation (NSA), which may ...

ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

Heterogeneous vancomycin-intermediate susceptibility in a community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus epidemic clone, in a case of Infective Endocarditis in Argentina

BackgroundCommunity-Associated Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) has traditionally been related to skin and soft tissue infections in healthy young patients. However, it has now emerged as responsible for severe infections worldwide, for which vancomycin is one of the mainstays of treatment. Infective endocarditis (IE) due to CA-MRSA with heterogeneous vancomycin-intermediate ...

PubMed Central

Face image modeling by multilinear subspace analysis with missing values.

Multilinear subspace analysis (MSA) is a promising methodology for pattern-recognition problems due to its ability in decomposing the data formed from the interaction of multiple factors. The MSA requires a large training set, which is well organized in a single tensor, which consists of data samples with all possible combinations of the contributory factors. However, such a ...


Developing Argumentation Ability as a Way to Promote Technological Literacy

The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of three instructional methods on students' technological literacy (TL) and argumentation ability. Participants were 285 seventh grade Israeli boys and girls (12-13-year-old) who studied in 18 technology classes in four junior high schools. The three teaching methods were: (a) teaching technology by exposing students ...

ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

Interactive effects of ambient acidity and salinity on thyroid function during acidic and post-acidic acclimation of air-breathing fish (Anabas testudineus Bloch).

The interactive effects of ambient acidity and salinity on thyroid function are less understood in fish particularly in air-breathing fish. We, therefore, examined the thyroid function particularly the osmotic and metabolic competences of freshwater (FW) and salinity-adapted (SA; 20ppt) air-breathing fish (Anabas testudineus) during acidic and post-acidic acclimation, i.e., ...


Differences in influenza virus receptors in chickens and ducks: Implications for interspecies transmission

Avian influenza viruses are considered to be key contributors to the emergence of human influenza pandemics. A major determinant of infection is the presence of virus receptors on susceptible cells to which the viral haemagglutinin is able to bind. Avian viruses preferentially bind to sialic acid ?2,3-galactose (SA?2,3-Gal) linked receptors, whereas human strains bind to ...

PubMed Central

Comparison of tests for spatial heterogeneity on data with global clustering patterns and outliers

BackgroundThe ability to evaluate geographic heterogeneity of cancer incidence and mortality is important in cancer surveillance. Many statistical methods for evaluating global clustering and local cluster patterns are developed and have been examined by many simulation studies. However, the performance of these methods on two extreme cases (global clustering evaluation and ...

PubMed Central

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 96, pp. 5049�5054, April 1999

-stranded RNA specifically disrupts gene expression during planarian regeneration ALEJANDRO SA�NCHEZ ALVARADO that introduction of double-stranded RNA selectively abrogates gene function in planarians, a classic model of regeneration. The ability to eliminate gene function in a regenerating organism such as the planarian overcomes

E-print Network

Performance of a Continuous Flow Passenger Oxygen Mask at an Altitude of 40,000 Feet.

A redesigned continuous flow passenger oxygen mask was tested for its ability to deliver an adequate supply of oxygen at an altitude of 40,000 feet above sea level. Four male subjects participated in the study. Blood oxygen saturation (SaO2) baseline leve...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Performance Improvements of a Cross-Flow Fan.

The cross-flow fan has an inherent ability to provide thrust to an airfoil as well as provide boundary layer control. The thrust can be easily vectored and usually the cross-flow fan is fully embedded within the airfoil, making its operation relatively sa...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

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Getting something for nothing: Regeneration of peptide signals from apparently exhausted MALDI samples by -waterboarding"

An often cited advantage of MALDI-MS is the ability to archive and reuse sample plates after the initial analysis is complete. However, experience demonstrates that the peptide ion signals decay rapidly as the number of laser shots becomes large. Thus, the signal level obtainable from an archived sa...

Technology Transfer Automated Retrieval System (TEKTRAN)

EM Visualization of Printed Circuit Board Assemblies. A Phase 1 SBIR on behalf of USAF; SA-ALC/LDAE.

Presently, the ability to rapidly collect reliable information about the detailed condition of a functionally suspect printed circuit board assembly (PCBA) is marginal. This data is necessary, to assure rapid and reliable PCBA repair, thereby maximizing u...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Domain Rearrangements in Protein Evolution A� sa K. Bjo�rklund, Diana Ekman, Sara Light, Johannes Frey-Sko�tt and

protein families, non-receptor tyrosine kinases and RhoGEFs. q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved containing protein tyrosine kinases) and the Rho- GEFs (Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factors). Evolution pathways for its ability to bind phos- phorylated tyrosine residues, and is found in proteins of highly

E-print Network

'Schlechteberg' Ebersbach/Sa.

This dataset holds the observations recorded during the GEO Biodiversity Day ''Schlechteberg' Ebersbach/Sa.' in Ebersbach/Sa....

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure

Arabidopsis signal transduction mutant defective in chemically and biologically induced disease resistance.

Plants possess multiple resistance mechanisms that guard against pathogen attack. Among these are inducible systems such as systemic acquired resistance (SAR). SAR is activated by pathogen exposure and leads to an increase in salicylic acid (SA), high-level expression of SAR-related genes, and resistance to a spectrum of pathogens. To identify components of the signal ...

PubMed Central

APRIL 1964 ISSUE NO. 1 - NASA Technical Reports Server


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