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Ophthalmoplegic migraine with reversible enhancement of intraparenchymal abducens nerve on MRI.

We describe a patient with ophthalmoplegic migraine and right abducens nerve palsy, in whom serial magnetic resonance imaging showed a transient, gadolinium-enhancing lesion in the right lower pons, during both headache and the headache-free period. The enhancing linear lesion was felt to represent intraparenchymal fibers of the affected ...


Isolated abducens nerve palsy in a patient with scrub typhus.

Abducens nerve palsies associated with infectious diseases are infrequent. Scrub typhus is an acute, febrile, infectious illness caused by Orientia tsutsugamushi (formerly Rickettsia tsutsugamushi), an obligate-intracellular gram-negative bacterium. The organism has been reported to be capable of entering the nervous system, causing meningitis and focal ...


A Case of Aberrant Abducens Nerve in a Cadaver and Review of Its Clinical Significance

The abducens nerve usually travels from the brainstem to the lateral rectus muscle as a single trunk. However, it has been reported that this nerve could split into branches occasionally. We attempted to show the aberrant course of abducens nerve in a specimen with unilateral duplicated ...

PubMed Central

Abducens nerve palsy associated with a clival epidural hematoma.

A clival epidural hematoma is a rare lesion that usually develops after a hyperflexion or hyperextension injury of the neck, often in a child. A 5-year-old girl presented after a motor vehicle accident with multiple cranial neuropathies, including bilateral abducens nerve pareses and right facial, glossopharyngeal, and hypoglossal cranial ...


Central Connection of the Optic, Oculomotor, Trochlear and Abducens Nerves in Medaka, Oryzias latipes

... were incubated for 3 hours in a 1% avidine-biotin complex (ABC: Streptavidin Biotin Complex Peroxidase kit, ... ...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure

Unilateral Abducens Nerve Palsy as an Early Feature of Multiple Mononeuropathy Associated with Anti-GQ1b Antibody.

Patients with anti-GQ1b antibody syndrome show various combinations of ophthalmoplegia, ataxia, areflexia, or altered sensorium as clinical features. We describe herein a unique case with unilateral abducens nerve palsy as an early feature of multiple mononeuropathy involving dysfunctions of the inferior dental plexus and the ulnar ...


Unilateral Abducens Nerve Palsy as an Early Feature of Multiple Mononeuropathy Associated with Anti-GQ1b Antibody

Patients with anti-GQ1b antibody syndrome show various combinations of ophthalmoplegia, ataxia, areflexia, or altered sensorium as clinical features. We describe herein a unique case with unilateral abducens nerve palsy as an early feature of multiple mononeuropathy involving dysfunctions of the inferior dental plexus and the ulnar ...

PubMed Central

Oral lichen planus: an unusual cause of facial and abducens nerve paralysis associated with conjunctival and oesophageal involvement.

Lichen planus (LP) is a T-cell-mediated disorder that may involve the skin, nails and mucosal surfaces. Conjunctival, laryngeal and oesophageal involvement were reported to be extremely rare manifestations of the disease. In this report, we present an oral LP case who complained of severe burning pain on his tongue and oral mucosa caused by ulcerative lesions and associated with conjunctival, ...


A transient third cranial nerve palsy as presenting sign of spontaneous intracranial hypotension.

Spontaneous intracranial hypotension is an uncommon cause of sudden and persistent headache: associated symptoms are common, among which there are cranial nerve palsies, especially of the abducens nerve. We report a case of a 21-year-old man with a transient and isolated third nerve palsy due to spontaneous ...


Acquired infantile abducens palsy associated with anti-GM2 antibodies.

Anti-ganglioside antibodies have been associated with acquired neuropathies, including Guillain-Barr� syndrome. We describe a case of acute abducens nerve palsy acquired 2 weeks after symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection and rash in a 6-month-old. Elevated anti-GM2 ganglioside immunoglobulin M antibodies were detected in the serum. The palsy ...


Normal - Cranial Nerves Exam - Oculomotor, Trochlear, Abducens (CN III, IV, VI) Nerves Sub-exam

This video depicts a 'normal' cranial nerves exam. Patient is a female with no known neurological health problems who volunteered to act as a simulated patient in order to demonstrate 'normal' responses to exam techniques. Viewing the video requires installation of the free QuickTime Plug-in.

NSDL National Science Digital Library

Intrinsic properties guide proximal abducens and oculomotor nerve outgrowth in avian embryos.

Proper movement of the vertebrate eye requires the formation of precisely patterned axonal connections linking cranial somatic motoneurons, located at defined positions in the ventral midbrain and hindbrain, with extraocular muscles. The aim of this research was to assess the relative contributions of intrinsic, population-specific properties and extrinsic, outgrowth site-specific cues during the ...


Nuclear and infranuclear disorders.

Lesions of the brain stem can either affect the nuclei or the fascicles of the third, fourth or sixth cranial nerves and thus produce ocular motor disorders. Lesions of the oculomotor nuclear complex differ from lesions of the third nerve, since the motoneurones in the nucleus are specifically grouped. Similarly, a lesion of the sixth ...


� 1999 Macmillan Magazines Ltd letters to nature

.2 mutant embryos using anti-neuro�lament 2H3 antibody6 revealed that the hypo- glossal motor nerve (XII) and vagus (X) and spinal accessory (XI) nerves are present (data not shown). The position of origin, transcription factor pro�le, and migratory pattern of facial/glossopharyngeal, abducens, trochlear and oculomo

E-print Network

Primary superior oblique muscle-levator muscle synkinesis.

Congenital ocular aberrant innervations can involve oculomotor, trigeminal, abducens, facial, and glossopharyngeal nerves.(1) Involvement of the trochlear nerve is considered rare or nonexistent.(1) In this report we present a case of upper eyelid retraction while looking in the field of action of the superior oblique muscle, ...


Extramedullary plasmacytoma masquerading as Tolosa�Hunt syndrome: a case report

Painful ophthalmoplegia due to extramedullary plasmacytoma is a rare initial manifestation of multiple myeloma. The present report describes a 48-year-old man who suffered an acute onset of retro-orbital pain, left abducens palsy and left facial hypoesthesia. In addition, he exhibited an elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate and partial responsiveness to corticosteroid ...

PubMed Central

Nasopharyngeal inflammatory pseudotumor showing abducens nerve palsy.

Inflammatory pseudotumor (IPT) originated from the nasopharynx is very rare. To the authors' best knowledge, nasopharyngeal pseudotumor accompanied by abducens nerve palsy due to cavernous sinus invasion has not been reported previously. A 28-year-old male presented with abrupt-onset diplopia and right side severe headache. Physical examination revealed a ...


Moebius syndrome and holoprosencephaly following exposure to misoprostol.

Moebius syndrome is a rare disease characterized by congenital facial paralysis and abducens palsy. Involvement of other cranial nerves, orofacial dysmorphism, and limb abnormalities are frequently associated. Reported here is the case of a 10-month-old child born with Moebius syndrome and presenting with holoprosencephaly, following exposure in utero to ...


Abducens Nerve Palsy after Lumbar Spinal Fusion Surgery with Inadvertent Dural Tearing

Abducens nerve palsy associated with spinal surgery is extremely rare. We report an extremely rare case of abducens nerve palsy after lumbar spinal fusion surgery with inadvertent dural tearing, which resolved spontaneously and completely. A 61-year-old previous healthy man presented with chronic lower back pain of ...

PubMed Central

Rathke's cleft cyst presenting as bilateral abducens nerve palsy.

We present a patient with a Rathke's cleft cyst who presented with rapidly progressive bilateral 6th nerve palsy. A 20-year-old woman with a history of cleft palate, hypertension, and hydronephrotic kidneys presented with a one month history of headache, associated with dizziness and diplopia on horizontal gaze. Examination was significant for profound bilateral 6th ...


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Gradenigo's syndrome with lateral venous sinus thrombosis: successful conservative treatment.

Gradenigo's syndrome (GS) is a rare disease characterised by the triad otitis media, pain in the region innervated by the first and the second division of trigeminal nerve and abducens nerve palsy. Septic sinus thrombosis is one of the most frequent and relevant complication of GS; it is often due to persistent damage and late ...


M�bius syndrome with dental involvement: a case report and literature review.

The clinicopathological findings on a 17-year-old female with the M�bius/Moebius syndrome are reported. The signs and symptoms of this neuromuscular condition include congenital bilateral or unilateral palsies of the facial and abducens cranial nerves and a broad scope of multisystem abnormalities. A case of unilateral deficiencies of cranial ...


MRSA with progression from otitis media and sphenoid sinusitis to clival osteomyelitis, pachymeningitis and abducens nerve palsy in an immunocompetent 10-year-old patient.

A previously healthy 10-year-old patient with headache, otalgia, and hearing loss was diagnosed with pachymeningitis and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus otitis media and bacteremia. Despite antimicrobial therapy, intracranial extension progressed, including clival osteomyelitis, sphenoid sinusitis, cavernous sinus inflammation and cranial nerve palsies, until the ...


A family with hereditary congenital facial paresis and a brief review of the literature.

Hereditary congenital facial paresis is a rare syndrome of isolated facial nerve palsy causing facial asymmetry and ptosis. Most described cases follow an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance. It differs from Moebius syndrome, which is usually sporadic and associated with the involvement of other cranial nerves, commonly the ...


The effects of gracilis muscle transplantation on speech in children with Moebius syndrome.

Speech and communication are major problems for children with Moebius syndrome, a congenital anomaly that includes facial and abducens nerve paralysis and, often, other cranial nerve deficits. In addition, these children frequently have severe functional problems such as drooling as well as poor self-esteem. The purpose of this study ...


Ophthalmoplegia associated with transorbital penetrating brainstem injury by broken fishing pole

We report our findings in a case of ophthalmoplegia caused by a transorbital penetrating brainstem injury. An 8-year-old boy was accidentally injured by a broken fishing fiberglass pole which penetrated through the right orbit and entered the brainstem. Magnetic resonance imaging showed a linear wound that entered and passed through the pons obliquely and reached the fourth cerebral ventricle and ...

PubMed Central

Isolated sphenoid sinusitis presenting with unilateral VIth nerve palsy.

Isolated sphenoid sinusitis is a rare disorder. There are some difficulties in its diagnosis and the first presentation of this disorder might be with complications. These complications are essentially due to the anatomical location of the sinus and its proximity to the intra-cranial and orbital contents, to which infection may easily spread. In this paper, we report a case of isolated sphenoid ...


Branches of the intracavernous internal carotid artery and the blood supply of the intracavernous cranial nerves.

With the increasing frequency of surgical operations to the cavernous sinus greater knowledge of the microanatomy of the cavernous sinus has become necessary. The most frequently seen complications during cavernous sinus surgery involve impairment of cranial nerves. This can occur due to direct damage or ischemia. For these reasons, it is important to know the arterial ...


Electrical and chemical stimulation of the nucleus raphe magnus inhibits induction of retching by afferent vagal fibers.

Like pain sensation, vomiting is induced by C afferent fibers of the vagus nerve. Therefore, it can be assumed to be suppressed by the descending inhibitory system (DIS) of pain. In this study we examined this possibility in immobilized decerebrated dogs. Fictive retching was induced by the stimulation of abdominal afferent vagal fibers (stim-abdVAs) and identified by activity ...


Effects of eperisone applied by microiontophoresis on neurons in the medial and lateral vestibular nuclei.

Electrophysiological studies were performed to elucidate the mechanism underlying the antivertigo action of eperisone, an antispastic drug, using cats anesthetized with alpha-chloralose. Iontophoretic application of eperisone up to 100 nA produced a dose-dependent inhibition of spike generation upon vestibular nerve stimulation in monosynaptic and polysynaptic neurons of the ...


Self-inflicted oral trauma in a baby with Moebius syndrome.

Moebius syndrome (MS) is a rare disorder mainly characterized by bi- or unilateral palsy of the facial and abducens nerves. Among the various orofacial characteristics related to this syndrome, the following are pointed out, difficulty with sucking, tongue malformation, mandibular hypoplasia, saliva drooling, arched palate and micrognathia. In spite of the ...


Primary clival mucocele: case report.

A 40-year-old man presented with a history of diplopia due to left abducens nerve palsy persisting for a few days. Neuroimaging examinations revealed a cystic mass in the clivus and erosion of its posterior wall. Drainage of the lesion was accomplished through a small bone defect in the anterior wall of the clivus using the endoscopic endonasal ...


Internuclear ophthalmoplegia of abduction: clinical and electrophysiological data on the existence of an abduction paresis of prenuclear origin.

Three patients showed unilateral and five bilateral abduction paresis. Five had associated adduction nystagmus of the contralateral eye. Electrophysiological testing of masseter and blink reflexes indicated an ipsilateral rostral pontine or mesencephalic lesion, and excluded a lesion of the infranuclear portion of the abducens nerve. Abduction paresis was ...


Abducens ocular neuromyotonia in a patient with nasopharyngeal carcinoma following concurrent chemoradiotherapy.

We describe a case of ocular neuromyotonia (ONM) following concurrent chemoradiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). During an episode of neuromyotonia, the patient developed involuntary contraction of the left lateral rectus muscle and globe retraction with down-shoot movement in the left eye. In the quiescent period, ocular motor examination revealed a partial left sixth ...


Cranial nerve fasciculation and Schwann cell migration are impaired after loss of Npn-1.

Interaction of the axon guidance receptor Neuropilin-1 (Npn-1) with its repulsive ligand Semaphorin 3A (Sema3A) is crucial for guidance decisions, fasciculation, timing of growth and axon-axon interactions of sensory and motor projections in the embryonic limb. At cranial levels, Npn-1 is expressed in motor neurons and sensory ganglia and loss of Sema3A-Npn-1 signaling leads to defasciculation of ...


Symptomatic inferior cavernous sinus artery aneurysm associated with cerebral arteriovenous malformation.

A 50-year-old man presented with a symptomatic aneurysm arising from the right inferior cavernous sinus artery (ICSA) associated with a cerebral arteriovenous malformation (AVM) manifesting as a 3-month history of progressive right abducens nerve palsy. Cerebral angiography demonstrated a high-flow AVM and a saccular aneurysm arising from the right ICSA ...


Neurobrucellosis with thalamic infarction: a case report.

Brucellosis is prevalent in North and East Africa, the Middle East, South and Central Asia, South and Central America and the Mediterranean countries of Europe. In 5% of cases it may lead to central nervous system manifestation presenting most often as a meningitis or meningoencephalitis. Here we report and discuss a case of neurobrucellosis with meningitis with cranial nerves ...


Acute VI nerve palsy in a 4 year-old girl with Chiari I malformation and pontomedullary extension of syringomyelia: case report and review of the literature.

We report the case of a previously healthy 4 year-old African American female who presented to the emergency department with acute onset of unilateral abducens nerve palsy and torticollis. Within 12 h of presentation, the patient's symptoms progressed to include ipsilateral facial nerve palsy and gait ataxia. On exam, the patient ...


Anatomical and Physiological Characteristics of the Ferret ...

... penetrations into the abducens nucleus of the monkey: eye movement recordings and histopathological evaluation of the nuclei and lateral rectus ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Spontaneous thrombosis of intracavernous internal carotid artery aneurysm and parent artery occlusion in patients with positive balloon test occlusion--two case reports.

Two patients with giant intracavernous internal carotid artery (ICA) aneurysms were intolerant to balloon test occlusion of the ICA, and later developed spontaneous thrombosis of the aneurysm and the parent ICA without ischemic sequelae. Case 1: A 60-year-old female with a giant right intracavernous ICA aneurysm presented with right abducens nerve paresis. ...


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[Understanding refraction disorders and oculomotor problems during pregnancy].

During pregnancy, hormonal and hemodynamic modifications can generate a number of organic consequences, specifically ocular, more or less regressive in systemic disease. Refraction disorders are marked by myopization, often not very significant and always regressive within six weeks after the childbirth. Pregnancy could cause a thickening of the cornea and a modification of its curvature. ...


[Case of sarcoidosis with myelodysplastic syndrome in an elderly woman].

An 85-year-old woman, who had been given a diagnosis of myelodysplastic syndrome with refractory anemia 2 years previously and required blood transfusion once a month, was admitted with complaints of fever, general fatigue, and dry cough. A chest X-ray film showed multiple small nodules in bilateral lung fields which were not observed 1 month previously. Although smear and culture tests for ...


Facial animation in patients with Moebius and Moebius-like syndromes.

Moebius syndrome, a rare congenital disorder of varying severity, involves multiple cranial nerves and is characterised predominantly by bilateral or unilateral paralysis of the facial and abducens nerves. Facial paralysis causes inability to smile and bilabial incompetence with speech difficulties, oral incompetence, problems with ...


Anatomical variation of the vertebral artery clinically mimicking myasthenia gravis.

Cranial nerve palsy, most commonly trigeminal, abducens, or facial, caused by compression of an ectatic or elongated intracranial artery is a well-known phenomenon. Symptoms of brain stem compression by an abnormal artery have rarely been reported (Tomasello et al. Neurosurgery 56(suppl 1):117-124, 2005). The authors present a 59-year-old woman with ...


Long-term outcome of surgical treatment of intracavernous giant aneurysms.

A number of approaches have been proposed for the treatment of intracavernous giant aneurysms. In the present study, we have analyzed long-term surgical outcome of 27 consecutive cases of our experience. All the cases were unruptured and symptomatic, showing symptoms such as extraocular movement disorder or visual disturbances. Thirteen cases were male and 14 cases were female. The age of the ...


Preservation of facial, cochlear, and other nerve functions in acoustic neuroma treatment.

Between March 1966 and September 1992, 1400 acoustic neuromas were treated in Paris, France, by surgical excision. The findings over the last 7 years are presented. The translabyrinthine approach has been used in more than 85% of cases. Where hearing preservation is attempted, the middle fossa approach has been adapted for intracanilicular tumors and the retrosigmoid approach for small tumors ...


Activity of Reticulo-MLF Neurons during Eye Movements.

Oculomotor control neurons in awake, intact cats, with neurons identified through antidromic excitation is studied. Abducens motoneurons, abducens interneuron, tonic eye-position neurons, onmidirectional pause neurons, and miscellaneous types were identif...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Innervation features of the extraocular muscles.

Several transcranial surgical approaches such as frontoorbital, lateral, medial, central, inferolateral, and transmaxillary orbitotomy have been used for exposure of lesions within the orbit. During surgical approaches, detailed anatomic knowledge regarding neural, muscular, and neighboring structures for preservation of the neurovascular structures is important in avoiding traumatic retraction of ...


Development and organization of the ocular motor nuclei in the larval sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus L.: an HRP study.

Retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) after its application into the orbit was used to investigate the development of the different ocular motor nuclei in larvae of the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) and to identify their regions of origin. In the smallest larvae studied (10-19 mm in length), the oculomotor and abducens neurons were ipsilateral to the site of ...


A Physiological Neural Network for Saccadic Eye Movement ...

... neurons in the paramedian pontine reticular formation, the vestibular nucleus, abducens nucleus, oculomotor nucleus, cerebellum, substantia nigra ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Expansion of the CHN1 Strabismus Phenotype.

Purpose. Hyperactivating CHN1 mutations have been described in individuals with Duane retraction syndrome with or without vertical gaze abnormalities. This was a study of five family members with distinctive ocular dysmotility patterns that co-segregated with a novel hyperactivating CHN1 mutation. Methods. Participating members of a family segregating pleomorphic incomitant strabismus underwent ...


A case of corticotroph carcinoma that caused multiple cranial nerve palsies, destructive petrosal bone invasion, and liver metastasis.

A 52-year-old woman experienced sudden onset of double vision due to a right abducens nerve palsy and was diagnosed as having a pituitary macroadenoma that invaded into the right cavernous sinus. Otherwise, she was asymptomatic despite marked elevation of ACTH (293�pg/ml) and cortisol (24.6�?g/dl) levels. The patient underwent transsphenoidal surgery ...


Two immigrants with tuberculosis of the ear, nose, and throat region with skull base and cranial nerve involvement.

We report two immigrants with tuberculosis of the skull base and a review of the literature. A Somalian man presented with bilateral otitis media, hearing loss, and facial and abducens palsy. Imaging showed involvement of both mastoid and petrous bones, extending via the skull base to the nasopharynx, suggesting tuberculosis which was confirmed by characteristic histology and ...


Two Immigrants with Tuberculosis of the Ear, Nose, and Throat Region with Skull Base and Cranial Nerve Involvement

We report two immigrants with tuberculosis of the skull base and a review of the literature. A Somalian man presented with bilateral otitis media, hearing loss, and facial and abducens palsy. Imaging showed involvement of both mastoid and petrous bones, extending via the skull base to the nasopharynx, suggesting tuberculosis which was confirmed by characteristic histology and ...

PubMed Central

Pituitary gland metastasis from renal cell carcinoma presented as a non-functioning macroadenoma.

Metastatic tumors involving the pituitary gland are an uncommon finding and occur in up to 1% of all pituitary tumor resections. A 74-year-old man had progressive vision deterioration, over the 30 days prior to consultation. He did not complain of headache or polyuria, but referred to intestinal constipation. Five years ago, he underwent a right radical nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma, ...


Neuroendoscopic management of symptomatic septum pellucidum cavum vergae cyst using a high-definition flexible endoscopic system.

A 24-year-old man, who had an asymptomatic septum pellucidum cyst incidentally found one year previously, presented with severe headache and right abducens nerve palsy caused by expansion of the midline cyst. Preoperative magnetic resonance (MR) imaging revealed obstructive hydrocephalus due to the enlarged midline cyst. Neuroendoscopic fenestration of the ...


Eosinophilic meningitis and radiculomyelitis in Thailand, caused by CNS invasion of Gnathostoma spinigerum and Angiostrongylus cantonensis.

During the 6 year period from January 1980 to December 1985 44 patients with infection of the central nervous system by Gnathostoma spinigerum or Angiostrongylus cantonensis were admitted to the Division of Neurology, Ramathibodi Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand. In 16 patients the diagnosis could be confirmed serologically by means of ELISA techniques. In gnathostomiasis encephalitis, myelitis, ...

PubMed Central

Pain in Ischemic Ocular Motor Cranial Nerve Palsies

BackgroundPain is a common feature of microvascular ischemic ocular motor cranial nerve palsies (MP). The natural history of pain in this condition has not been studied. The purpose of this report is to define the spectrum of pain in isolated MP, with special reference to diabetics versus nondiabetics.Design and methodsRetrospective and prospective chart review was performed ...

PubMed Central

Evidence that the extraocular motor nuclei innervate monkey palisade endings.

Palisade endings are found in the extraocular muscles (EOMs) of almost every mammalian species, including primates. These nerve specializations surrounding the muscle fiber insertion have been postulated to be the proprioceptors of the EOMs. However, it was recently demonstrated that palisade endings have a cholinergic nature, which reopened the question of whether palisade ...


Evidence that the extraocular motor nuclei innervate monkey palisade endings

Palisade endings are found in the extraocular muscles (EOMs) of almost every mammalian species, including primates. These nerve specializations surrounding the muscle fiber insertion have been postulated to be the proprioceptors of the EOMs. However, it was recently demonstrated that palisade endings have a cholinergic nature, which reopened the question of whether palisade ...

PubMed Central

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A-, T-, and H-type Currents Shape Intrinsic Firing of Developing Rat Abducens Motoneurons

During postnatal development, profound changes take place in the excitability of nerve cells, including modification in the distribution and properties of receptor-operated channels and changes in the density and nature of voltage-gated channels. We studied here the firing properties of abducens motoneurons (aMns) in transverse brainstem slices from ...

PubMed Central

Transsynaptic EphB/Ephrin-B signaling regulates growth of presynaptic boutons required for classical conditioning.

Learning-related presynaptic remodeling has been documented in only a few systems, and its molecular mechanisms are largely unknown. Here we describe a role for the bidirectional EphB/ephrin-B signaling system in structural plasticity of presynaptic nerve terminals using an in vitro model of classical conditioning. Conditioning or BDNF application induced significant growth of ...


The adult central nervous cholinergic system of a neurogenetic model animal, the zebrafish Danio rerio.

The central nervous cholinergic system of the zebrafish (Danio rerio), a model animal for neurogenetics, is documented here using immunohistochemical methods for visualizing choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), the acetylcholine synthesizing enzyme. Neuronal cell bodies containing ChAT are present in the telencephalon (lateral nucleus of ventral telencephalic area), preoptic region ...


Neurobrucellosis with transient ischemic attack, vasculopathic changes, intracerebral granulomas and basal ganglia infarction: a case report

IntroductionCentral nervous system involvement is a rare but serious manifestation of brucellosis. We present an unusual case of neurobrucellosis with transient ischemic attack, intracerebral vasculopathy granulomas, seizures, and paralysis of sixth and seventh cranial nerves.Case presentationA 17-year-old Caucasian man presented with nausea and vomiting, headache, double ...

PubMed Central

Clinical features, acute complications, and outcome of Salmonella meningitis in children under one year of age in Taiwan

BackgroundSalmonella meningitis remains a threat to children below two years of age in both developing and developed countries. However, information on such infections has not been well characterized. We analyzed data related to twelve years of experience in order to clarify the comprehensive features of Salmonella meningitis in our patients, including admission characteristics, acute ...

PubMed Central

Evidence of an Asymmetrical Endophenotype in Congenital Fibrosis of Extraocular Muscles Type 3 Resulting from TUBB3 Mutations

Purpose.Orbital magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used to investigate the structural basis of motility abnormalities in congenital fibrosis of the extraocular muscles type 3 (CFEOM3), a disorder resulting from missense mutations in TUBB3, which encodes neuron-specific ?-tubulin isotype III.Methods.Ophthalmic examinations in 13 volunteers from four CFEOM3 pedigrees and normal control subjects, ...

PubMed Central

Nonaneurysmal Cranial Nerve Compression as Cause of Neuropathic Strabismus: Evidence From High-Resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

PURPOSE: To seek evidence of neurovascular compression of motor cranial nerves (CNs) in otherwise idiopathic neuropathic strabismus using high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). DESIGN: Prospective, observational case series. METHODS: High-resolution, surface coil orbital MRI was performed in 10 strabismic patients with idiopathic oculomotor (CN III) or ...




DTIC Science & Technology

Toward an implantable functional electrical stimulation device to correct strabismus

PURPOSETo investigate the feasibility of electrically stimulating the lateral rectus muscle to recover its physiologic abduction ability in cases of complete sixth cranial (abducens) nerve palsy.METHODSIn the feline lateral rectus muscle model, the effects of a charge-balanced, biphasic, current-controlled stimulus on the movement of the eye were ...

PubMed Central

Differential localization of gamma-aminobutyric acid type A and glycine receptor subunits and gephyrin in the human pons, medulla oblongata and uppermost cervical segment of the spinal cord: an immunohistochemical study.

Gephyrin is a multifunctional protein responsible for the clustering of glycine receptors (GlyR) and gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptors (GABA(A)R). GlyR and GABA(A)R are heteropentameric chloride ion channels that facilitate fast-response, inhibitory neurotransmission in the mammalian brain and spinal cord. We investigated the immunohistochemical distribution of gephyrin and the major ...


Compartmentalized Innervation of Primate Lateral Rectus Muscle

Purpose.Skeletal and craniofacial muscles are frequently composed of multiple neuromuscular compartments that serve different physiological functions. Evidence of possible regional selectivity in LR intramuscular innervation was sought in a study of the anatomic potential of lateral rectus (LR) muscle compartmentalization.Methods.Whole orbits of two humans and five macaque monkeys were serially ...

PubMed Central

Bobble-head doll syndrome: some atypical features with a new lesion and review of the literature.

Bobble-head doll syndrome is a rare and unique movement disorder encountered in children. It is characterized by continuous or episodic involuntary forward and backward and side to side movement of the head at the frequency of 2-3 Hz. Neuroimaging in most of the cases reveals third ventricular tumors, suprasellar arachnoid cysts, aqueductal stenosis and other lesions in the region of the third ...


Anatomy of the oculomotor system.

The sensory and motor control of eye muscles are considered in this chapter. Eye muscles differ from skeletal muscles in several ways. One is the absence of muscle spindles and Golgi tendon organs in the eye muscles of some species, and their poor development in others. Second, eye muscles have an inner 'global layer', and the outer 'orbital layer', each containing different types of muscle fiber. ...


Acute Spinal Epidural Hematoma and Cranial Interdural Hematoma Due to a Rupture of a Posterior Communicating Artery Aneurysm.

BACKGROUND AND IMPORTANCE:: We describe an unusual presentation of a ruptured aneurysm of the posterior communicating artery with an acute intracranial hematoma in between the dural layers associated with an acute spinal epidural hematoma descending to L1. CLINICAL PRESENTATION:: 35-year old woman, presenting 3 hours after ictus with a post-coital headache, neck stiffness and bilateral ...


[Vesalius and the nervous system].

Before we comment the subject of this lecture, we attract the reader's attention towards two remarks. We first want to point out that, although Vesalius is rightly considered as "the father of anatomy", in physiological matters--such as e.g. the physiology of the nervous system--he remained a faithful follower of Galen. A second preliminary remark explains why the books Vesalius devoted to the ...


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